how to do a different reload when no ammo

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how to do a different reload when no ammo

Post by schwipsy »

Hello, I'm using decorate for the first time and having some issues with it, I'm doing a shotgun that has to be manually pumped with altfire, the thing is, pump shotguns have to be pumped when you reload and have no ammo chambered, since it removes the spent shell and chambers the next one in. I'm having issues with it, right now it doesnt need to pump if it has already been pumped before the reload.

Code: Select all

actor InsertedShell : ammo
    Inventory.Amount 8
    Inventory.MaxAmount 8

actor PumpShot : inventory
	Inventory.Amount 0
	Inventory.MaxAmount 1

actor DukeShotgun : Shotgun
    Scale 0.5
    AttackSound "rrwm/weapons/shotgun/fire"

    Inventory.Icon "OSH2A0"
    Inventory.PickupSound "rrwm/weapons/shotgun/pickup"
    Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a Duke shotgun."

	Weapon.AmmoType "InsertedShell"
	Weapon.AmmoType2 "Shell"
    Weapon.AmmoUse 0
	Weapon.Ammouse2 0
    Weapon.AmmoGive 0
	Weapon.AmmoGive2 16
    Weapon.SlotNumber 3
	Weapon.Kickback 100

            OSH2 A -1

            OSHT A 1 A_Raise
            OSHT A 1 A_Lower
            OSHT A 1 A_WeaponReady(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD)
			OSHT B 0 A_jumpifinventory("PumpShot",1,"DryFire")
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jumpifinventory("InsertedShell",1,1)
			Goto DryFire
			TNT1 A 0 A_AlertMonsters
			OSHT B 2 BRIGHT A_FireBullets (9.6, 1, 7, 5, "BulletPuff")
			OSHT B 0 A_SetPitch(Random(pitch-4,pitch-6))
			OSHT B 0 A_Quake(5,5,0,50)
            OSHT B 2 BRIGHT A_TAKEINVENTORY("InsertedShell",1)
			OSHT A 1 Offset(0,60)
			OSHT A 1 Offset(0,45)
			OSHT A 1 Offset(0,36)
			OSHT A 1 A_giveinventory("PumpShot",1)
            Goto Ready
			TNT1 A 0 A_jumpifinventory("Pumpshot",1,1)
			Goto Ready
			OSHT E 2 A_StartSound("rrwm/weapons/shotgun/pump1", CHAN_WEAPON)
            OSHT F 4
            OSHT E 2 A_StartSound("rrwm/weapons/shotgun/pump2", CHAN_WEAPON)
            OSHT DC 2 
            OSHT A 3 A_TAKEINVENTORY("PumpShot",1)
			Goto Ready
            TNT1 A 2 A_Light1
            TNT1 A 2 A_Light2
            TNT1 A 0 A_Light0
			TNT1 A 0 A_AlertMonsters
            OSHT A 5 A_StartSound("rrwm/weapons/shotgun/dryfire", CHAN_WEAPON)
            Goto Ready
			TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("InsertedShell",8,"Ready")
			TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("Shell",1,1)
			goto Ready
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jumpifinventory("InsertedShell",1,1)
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jumpifinventory("InsertedShell",0,"ReloadPump")
            OSHT I 2 A_StartSound("rrwm/weapons/shotgun/reload", CHAN_WEAPON)
            OSHT I 1 A_giveinventory("InsertedShell",1)
            OSHT JK 4
            Goto Ready
			OSHT B 4 A_giveinventory("PumpShot",1)
            OSHT I 2 A_StartSound("rrwm/weapons/shotgun/reload", CHAN_WEAPON)
            OSHT I 1 A_giveinventory("InsertedShell",1)
            OSHT JK 4
			Goto Reload
What am I doing wrong?
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Re: how to do a different reload when no ammo

Post by Player701 »

Now that looks somewhat familiar, but without any integration of the reloading system it originally came with. The problem is with this line:
schwipsy wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 4:03 pm

Code: Select all

TNT1 A 0 A_Jumpifinventory("InsertedShell",0,"ReloadPump")
If you carefully read the documentation on A_JumpIfInventory, you might notice the following bit:
ZDoom Wiki wrote:Note that if amount is 0, the jump is only performed if the actor is carrying the maximum number of that item.
Might seem counter-intuitive, but that's how it is. The solution here is to invert your logic. Use A_JumpIfInventory("InsertedShell", 1, ...) to jump to normal reloading animation (no pumping), and put the pumping animation directly below the jump call.
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Re: how to do a different reload when no ammo

Post by schwipsy »

Thanks a lot! I should read the wiki a bit more haha

Yeah I was using your rrwm reloading system addon to get the basic stuff down but I realized I had to do it from scratch since I wanted to change the reload mechanics and the pump stuff, but the system made me understand a lot about decorate and states. Thanks!

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