Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

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Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by ichxg0 »

I have a few mods, that while very cool, for some reason do not change weapons when empty. It boggles my mind as to why this is, but I figure it can be changed; is there an easy fix for this, and how would I go about changing it? I admit I know very little about decorate but I figure I could copy and paste some code okay.. assuming its that easy
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Re: Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by Player701 »

Most likely, this is due to the effects of the AMMO_OPTIONAL flag. This flag is often used for reloadable weapons because it is necessary for most reloading methods to work properly. I'm not aware of a DECORATE-only solution that avoids its usage. In case of ZScript, there are ways, but integrating any complex piece of code into an existing mod is not a trivial task.
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Re: Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by ichxg0 »

Player701 wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 2:31 pm Most likely, this is due to the effects of the AMMO_OPTIONAL flag. This flag is often used for reloadable weapons because it is necessary for most reloading methods to work properly. I'm not aware of a DECORATE-only solution that avoids its usage. In case of ZScript, there are ways, but integrating any complex piece of code into an existing mod is not a trivial task.
Hey, thanks for the reply. The mods do indeed use reloading.. And yes, Zscript is a little out of my depth, bummer there is no decorate method.

Would you happen to know if there is a simple way to add automatic reloading in DECORATE? (have a feeling it may not be for similar reasons, but who knows)
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Re: Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by Player701 »

ichxg0 wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:00 pm Would you happen to know if there is a simple way to add automatic reloading in DECORATE? (have a feeling it may not be for similar reasons, but who knows)
Not entirely sure what you meant by "automatic" here? If it's just playing some animation after firing a certain number of shots, then you can use A_CheckForReload in combination with A_ResetReloadCounter. See the linked wiki pages for details and examples.

A full-fledged reloading system, on the other hand, would be much more complex, and its implementation is going to depend on the exact set of features you want it to have. If that sounds too scary, you can also use my reloading system with DECORATE-based weapons - knowledge of ZScript is generally not required, but you should probably read the included manual before doing any coding yourself. If you still have questions, please post them in the linked thread instead of here.
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Re: Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by ichxg0 »

I meant specifically for mods that feature a reloading system - so that when it's empty and you try to fire another shot it will auto reload, rather than waiting for a press of a button.

But anyway, thanks again for the help! I'll take a look at your mod and see if I can't learn something from it more generally
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Re: Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by Player701 »

ichxg0 wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 3:56 pm I meant specifically for mods that feature a reloading system - so that when it's empty and you try to fire another shot it will auto reload, rather than waiting for a press of a button.
That would depend on the implementation details of a specific mod, but it should likely be doable with a few calls to A_JumpIfInventory in the beginning of the weapon's Fire state. Can't say much more without seeing the code, however.
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Re: Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by ichxg0 »

Well, now that I'm looking at it, it kinda looks like a headache. Here's an example of one of the weapons, but realistically I can live without the reloads (or just play mods that auto reload) I don't want to wear you out with all the requests --

Anyway.. If you still feel like it, have a look:

Code: Select all

ACTOR ProphetPistol : Weapon replaces Pistol
   Scale 0.25
   Weapon.SelectionOrder 500
   Inventory.PickupSound "weapons/prophetreload3"
   Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the 'Prophet' high-caliber handgun!"
   Weapon.AmmoType "Clip"
   Weapon.AmmoGive 32
   Weapon.AmmoUse 1
   Weapon.Kickback 150
   Weapon.AmmoType2 "ProphetInClip"
   AttackSound "weapons/prophetfire"
   //Weapon.UpSound "weapons/susanclose"
   Obituary "%o bowed down to %k's prophecy of lead."
      VUPP A -1
      VUPX LK 1 
      VUPX J 1 A_PlayWeaponSound("weapons/susanclose")
      VUPG A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("LaserSightSpawner", 0, 0, 0, 4) 
      //VUPG A 0 A_FireBullets(0, -1, 1, 0, "ProphetLasersight", 0)
      VUPG A 1 A_WeaponReady
      Goto Ready+12
      TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/holster")
      VUPD ABCDE 1 
      VUPG A 1 A_Lower
      TNT1 A 0 SetPlayerProperty(0,1,2) //Instant Weapon Switch
      TNT1 A 0 ACS_Execute(882,0,2,0,0) //Current Weapon Indicator
      VUPG A 1 A_Raise
      VUPG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ProphetInClip", 1, 2)
      VUPG A 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/dryfire")
      goto Ready+12
   //True Fire:
      VUPG A 0 A_GunFlash
      VUPG A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("CheapAlert",0,0,0,0) //Alert Monsters
      VUPG A 0 A_TakeInventory("ProphetInClip",1)
      VUPF A 1 BRIGHT A_FireBullets(0,0,1,15,"Puff2",0)
      VUPG E 1 A_FireCustomMissile("ProphetCasingSpawner", -3, 0, 0, 0)
      goto Ready+12
      //Reloading Sequence
      VUPG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ProphetInClip", 0, 2)
      VUPG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("Clip", 1, 2)
      VUPG A 0 
      goto Ready+12
      VUPG A 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/prophetreload1")
      VUPG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ProphetInClip", 1, 3)
      VUPG B 1 A_FireCustomMissile("SpentClip1", 3, 0, 5, 0)
      VUPG A 0 A_Jump(256, 2)
      VUPF B 1 A_FireCustomMissile("SpentClip1", 3, 0, 5, 0)
      VUPG CDE 1
      VUPG E 12
      VUPG F 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/prophetreload2")
      VUPG GH 1
      VUPR ABCD 1
      VUPR N 0 A_TakeInventory("Clip",1)
      VUPR N 0 A_GiveInventory("ProphetInClip",1)
      VUPR N 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ProphetInClip",0,2)
      VUPR N 0 A_JumpIfInventory("Clip",1,2)
      VUPR N 0 
      Goto AltFire+25
      VUPR N 0 
      Goto AltFire+19
      VUPR E 7 A_PlaySound("weapons/prophetreload3")
      goto Ready+12
      TNT1 A 0 BRIGHT A_FireCustomMissile("PistolSmokeSpawner",0,0,8,6)
      TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("LaserSightSpawner", 0, 0, random(-4,4), random(-4,4)) 
      TNT1 A 1 BRIGHT A_Light2
      TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("LaserSightSpawner", 0, 0, random(-3,3), random(-3,3)) 
      TNT1 A 1 BRIGHT A_Light1
      TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("LaserSightSpawner", 0, 0, random(-2,2), random(-2,2)) 
      TNT1 A 1 BRIGHT A_Light0
      TNT1 A 1 A_FireCustomMissile("LaserSightSpawner", 0, 0, random(-1,1), random(-1,1))
      TNT1 AAAA 1 A_FireCustomMissile("LaserSightSpawner",0, 0, 0, 4)

ACTOR ProphetInClip : Ammo
   Inventory.MaxAmount 8
   Inventory.Icon NULLA0
      TNT1 A 4
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Re: Is there a way to add automatic weapon switching with decorate?

Post by Player701 »

Ah, I remember that one :P
ichxg0 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:16 amit kinda looks like a headache
Exactly. This code seems to be written back when custom state labels weren't supported, but I have to assume that your GZDoom version is not as ancient as the mod itself is.

Here, the reloading sequence is implemented in place of a secondary attack (alt-fire), so we will jump directly there - provided the player has enough ammo, of course.

Find these lines:

Code: Select all

    VUPG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ProphetInClip", 1, 2)
    VUPG A 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/dryfire")
    goto Ready+12
//True Fire:
and change them to the following:

Code: Select all

    VUPG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ProphetInClip", 1, "TrueFire")
    VUPG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("Clip", 1, "AltFire")
    VUPG A 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/dryfire")
    goto Ready+12
Not tested, but I think it should work. All these numeric offsets make the code extremely volatile - just one line in the wrong place, and everything might fall apart... :-?

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