ZDoom project ideas you have

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I'm looking for a small team of Doom modders to hire for this project I have in mind.

Post by Divided2 »

[!] I know this thread is badly written, but this forum just seems really confusing to me, I'm struggling to navigate my through this site lmfao.

Already figured out how to use DoomWorld though so I'd read this thread on there instead:
https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... nt-2819805


So I have this idea for a Doom modding program for other Doom modders, it's a pretty big idea but I bet everyone will love it.


https://static.doomworld.com/monthly_20 ... 08f0a2.png


DoomCompileDemon is a Doom modding program that allows modders to easily bundle there Doom mods into executables with a chosen source port, etc..

Oh and this program will allow you to bundle your mod into either an: EXE, APP, whatever tf Linux uses, but maybe in the future DCD can support other platforms too.

DoomCompileDemon will allow you to do the following:

https://static.doomworld.com/monthly_20 ... c1b8ed.png
https://static.doomworld.com/monthly_20 ... a59248.png

One small problem however.. I haven't made it

That's exactly why.. I'm leaving this to you and the community to create this program that every single soul that Doomguy killed wants, once this side mission is complete I will give the main contributer to this an amazing prize, trust me it's amazing..

Or..... I can just pay a small team of modders interested some cash or something idk

Please make sure to contact me via Discord, Telegram, or even ZDoom forums, my username is "Divided099" for both my Discord and Telegram.

Thanks for reading, this masterpiece thread founded by Divided, signing out!
Last edited by Caligari87 on Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moved to the "Cool Project Ideas" thread
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Re: ZDoom project ideas you have

Post by AdriKriptok »

I've been wanting to make a Doom mod with dinosaurs for a while now. Better said: a Jurassic Park mod specifically, for a few reasons:

1. Since most of the dinosaurs would have the same behavior (melee attacks), the spitter Dilophosaurus would provide variety. But that characteristic is strictly a thing from Jurassic Park.

2. Besides Jurassic Park for SNES or the PC/Amiga version, there aren't any dinosaur-based FPS sprites around. And that's why I thought it would be cool to rip the sprites from the Jurassic Park arcade (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXZOw0lwnKI).

I've been asking modders if they think it is possible to apply them to Doom without having to go the total conversion route (since most of the sprites are just facing forward, so there wouldn't be any infighting, for example, and the T-rex is built from multiple stacked sprites, so I don't know how Doom would manage that), but I never got a definitive answer.

I tried to learn Doom modding by myself, but I clearly lack the time and patience to do it. So I started coding my own retro FPS engine and working on this idea. That way, I could code the behavior of the animals around the sprites I had from the games, instead of trying to match the sprites within Doom "rules."

That way, the spitter jumps around you in a zigzag pattern while spitting in your face, the raptors attack from the sides and have three different melee attacks, etc. I even started tweaking the SNES raptor sprite to make it a "compi." That way, I can include it even if it didn't match the other sprites' style since it is going to be rendered pretty small.

In my head, it is like Trespasser + Doom. Taking the ambience of Trespasser (large open areas in silence to explore, with gentle dinosaurs) and the fast combat from Doom, with both open and enclosed levels. You can see my progress here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... tqO8lGMdZl (In v0.1, I used sprites from SNES and DOS Jurassic Park games since I hadn't found a way to rip the sprites from the arcade yet.)

As you can imagine, coding the whole engine (graphics, collisions, etc.) kind of got me pretty burnt out. So far, I can say I've finished just two levels and have two more in progress, but I just don't have the time to work on it.

That doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to PLAY a cool dinosaur Doom mod. This is kind of a "dream project" for me, and I'm pretty sure other people would understand and appreciate what I'm trying to do. I just can't manage to make it.

Recently, I started thinking about making it into a Doom mod again, and I found this thread that looks like a good place to find help. And if not, it's OK too. Maybe it was never a great idea anyway.
Last edited by AdriKriptok on Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ZDoom project ideas you have

Post by Jareth247 »

There's Dino Rampage and Carnivore Disaster. I don't know if that's what you're looking for but they're both dinosaur themed and might be worth a look.

Also, I've had a few ideas I'd like to see brought to life but have yet to find anything like it yet. If I didn't work two jobs, I'd probably figure out how to do these myself.

One is for a roguelike mod inspired by Dead Cells, featuring a similar weapons system, randomized levels and progression across runs. I know there are TONS of similar mods that offer roguelike experiences but I was wondering how one would go about literally turning the roguelike metroidvania Dead Cells into essentially the same game in a first-person style.

And speaking of mod ideas that make heavy use of melee weapons over guns, how well would Dead Island's weapon system translate to Doom? Even if the myriad of melee weapons would be asking too much, what about the ability to heavily mod weapons to do different types of damage (fire, corrosive, shock, impact, etc) and different attributes?

I think a similar mod could be used in a Borderlands TC if one were to take out the crafting and modding mechanics and apply randomized stats and damage types to different kinds of weapons. If possible, perhaps add a variation on the keyword system Borderlands uses, with the gun's name determining it's stats and attributes.
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Re: ZDoom project ideas you have

Post by Shatter-Thought[V-4] »

I have an idea for a LOB style mod but more universal, called "Flesh Elemental Infestation" (WIP), this would spawn nasty flesh elemental creations from more smaller bitey creatures to large flesh golems that would relentlessly march towards you while throwing chunks of their own explosive flesh.

Since MANY monster packs have organic creatures, this would work well with a large number of them potentially.

For those enemies that klink and klank, well, it may just bring in some creepy questions that change the context of that particular battle.

If you are interested, I can work out a prototype flesh elemental sprite, though my sprite work is not great, but I would be glad to draw out some basic ideas.
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GZDoom Ultimate Vanilla+ Pack: Community Hits (SUBMISSIONS)

Post by Nuze »

I'm thinking of making a QoL modpack, with the twist being that YOU get to choose the mods that are included! Basically think of this as a "Community Hits" pack.

The goal is to create the ultimate Vanilla+ experience. This is a GZDoom modpack.

You can submit your own mods or ones you like (as long as the author is okay with their mod being in a modpack).

The rules for selection are simple, compatibility and the author's wishes. Try to keep mods compatible with each other (Yeah this should be obvious but I know somebody is gonna try to submit an incompatible mod if I don't state this, it's probably gonna happen anyways but oh well). Also please don't submit mods where the authors have clearly stated that they don't want their works in a modpack.

You're more than welcome to remain anonymous if you don't want credit for the submission.

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