HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R14 (1 Jun 2023)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

UTNerd24 wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:51 am I strayed from this mod for quite some time, and now that I've finally tried it, I regret not doing so sooner. It's fantastic! My only gripe is that disintegrated/burned enemies don't drop anything making energy weapons almost redundant in my eyes. But that's just my opinion. Fantastic work!
Hehe, as the saying goes, better late than never... :tongue:

And yes, it's done that way on purpose so that the player does not get too attached to the most powerful weapons, so he must use other weapon types in case he wants to increase his inventory or wealth. However, this does not apply to all enemies; especially the big bosses, which always release their special reward in the form of a Mystery Box. :wink:
mike3k wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:18 pm Are there any plans to make weapons drop able? Its quickly become tough to switch weapons to the one you want...
I'm afraid not, sorry... In fact, I decided to disable that feature (or better said, exploit) long time ago so that the player couldn't refill his ammo reserves by repeatedly dropping and picking up weapons.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R14 (1 Jun 2023)

Post by mike3k »

What about other options like disabling some weapons from appearing - like in brutal doom/project brutality? Some other way to make it more reasonable to cycle through weapons - wheel to cycle trough PB have it for weapons mods: silencer,auto etc?
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R14 (1 Jun 2023)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Regarding the first, I have considered implementing that possible feature, but I'm afraid it's actually a too complicated task and it really gets beyond my capabilities... So I doubt it.

About the second, I remember that there was an addon that allowed you to cycle through the game weapons in a roulette shape, it was called PyWeaponWheel.

The bad thing is that it hasn't been updated for a while, and I don't know if it currently has full compatibility with H-Project mod... :?:
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R14 (1 Jun 2023)

Post by stainedofmind »

A more up to date solution to PyWeaponWheel would be Gearbox: viewtopic.php?t=71086.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R14 (1 Jun 2023)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

stainedofmind wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:41 pm A more up to date solution to PyWeaponWheel would be Gearbox: viewtopic.php?t=71086.
Yup, true... I forgot that one somehow. Thanks for the info man! :thumb:
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R14 (1 Jun 2023)

Post by stainedofmind »

No problem! Thanks for the awesome mods!
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15 (1 Apr 2024)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hello everyone Doomguys! B-)

Huh, it's been a while since I last wrote here, right? And also no updates to the mod have been posted since then... Well, to be honest, I needed to take a good rest after so much editing work and testing with my Doom and Heretic mods, apart from that I must confess that it is increasingly more and more difficult to improve them and introduce new interesting features, because I consider that after having dedicated a lot of time, both mods have reached a good point of consolidation...

For this reason, it is quite likely that from now on, the mods will receive updates less frequently than before, because as I said, there comes a time when it is not easy to continue introducing improvements, since I can no longer think of how to do it. IMHO, I think it's better for both mods to stay mostly in their current state rather than make some wrong moves and screw them up somehow... As it's usually said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Of course, and thanks to many of your suggestions my friends, surely the H-Project mod would not have been what it is currently now, so with all my heart I wish you to continue having a good time playing and enjoying it, which is precisely with the purpose for which I created it in its day, quite some time ago... :thumb:

Having said all this (and let it be clear that it is NOT related to April 1st fool jokes at all), I bring you the most recent update of the mod in shape of Revision 15, which is mostly a maintenance update, although it does include a few graphical and gameplay improvements, apart from the relevant fixes and optimizations that have been usual in each published version.

Here you can read the latest list of changes included in R15:
  • - Updated the Opti-Maser Ballista pickup sprite with a more polished and size-reduced one, since the previous sprite (apart from clashing with other pickup sprites in comparison) could cause some random-spawning problems due to its too large original pixel size, although it had been given a smaller scale in Decorate code.

    - The friendly Heaven Angel (you know, that little holy creature who saves quickly your current game when you press the One-Key-Savegame action button) has now a completely new look, much prettier and sexier than before. [Thanks to CherubCorps for providing his/her nice-looking sprite resources!] :)

    - All the text labels that appear above the spawned Trade Shop Droids, Ticket Barter Droids and Special Combat Droids have been graphically renovated with simpler but more legible characters, and most of them now use two text lines instead of just one, thus being somewhat a bit more practical for the player than the previous ones. (At least, that was my intention...) :P

    - Improved a bit the graphic effects of the spawned black holes created by the Black Hole Maker weapon; now from the moment they are temporarily generated, some additional particles are shown that more clearly warn of the absorption effect of the black hole, while the latter shows a slight bobbing movement until it disappears.

    - Some other minor bugfixes, tweaks and code optimizations.

So then, dear Doom mates, that is all for now... But don't forget the mod is still open to possible future updates and corrections, even if it is not with the regularity of past times... As I said, I hope you continue having fun and enjoying the mod, since after all, that's what really matters... =:)

Cheerio, and of course as usual... Have a nice Doomsday, everyone! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15 (1 Apr 2024)

Post by TolgaKerem07 »

Can you bring auto reload for ssg? It's a bit annoying to have to press R or left click after every shot.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15 (1 Apr 2024)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

TolgaKerem07 wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:14 pm Can you bring auto reload for ssg? It's a bit annoying to have to press R or left click after every shot.
You know, that is something that I have been trying to improve for a very long time, but unfortunately I have not achieved the expected results, even after several tests before and now... (Not only for the SSG/Coach Gun, but for the rest of the weapons in the mod that use magazines).

So I'm sorry, but for now you'll have to settle for manual reloading...
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15a (7 May 2024)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Revision 15a is up! This is a very minor update, so downloading is completely optional but equally recommended... :wink:

In this release (apart from lesser bugfixes) the main change made is that the Scourge Demon and the Scourge Spectre enemies are now capable of attacking at long range by spitting energy balls, making them slightly more dangerous monsters than before. Be careful and roast them before they roast you! :grr:

That was all for the moment... Keep enjoying and having fun as usual, and have a nice Doomsday! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Well, a minor update of the mod is up... Again. :shucks:

In this Revision 15b, the chiming sound effect that could be heard some seconds after picking up a Regeneration Potion has been removed. Aside from not really being too necessary, seems that this sound effect was clashing badly with other item pickup sounds while the Potion's powerup effect remained active; and since GZDoom/LZDoom does not allow switching to another sound channel since this option is actually hard-coded, finally I have chosen to fix somehow this issue taking out the aforementioned sound effect, at least for the moment...

Nothing more for now, dear comrades. Just keep having fun, as usual... Cheerio! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

Post by Sighbernot »

I absolutely adore your mod and have been playing it religiously as of late, but while doing so, I came across a bit of an issue. It seems that if a WAD contains custom decorations, they will always be overwritten by the ones added in the mod. This is especially noticeable with WADs such as Lost Civilization, where the custom decorations add a lot to the experience. I tried loading the mods first to see if that would help, but it only made some of the custom decorations show up while the rest were still randomized. If you know of a fix for this or if you could make a version of your mod without the decoration elements, that would be greatly appreciated. If not, that's totally fine; I'll keep playing regardless!
Last edited by Sighbernot on Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

Post by dawnbreez »

Loaded this up with GZDoom 4.12.2, and I've been getting the following error on occasion when certain imp projectiles hit things:

Code: Select all

VM execution aborted: Invalid class FreezerImpBall in function call to Weapon.A_WeaponReady. Weapon expected
Called from state Shotgun.0 in FreezerImpBall
I'm not sure what the deal is exactly here, and I don't really feel up for doing a deep dive. My first guess would be that the FreezerImpBall's death animation doesn't contain a stop instruction, so it just keeps going into some other thing's state definitions.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

dawnbreez wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:54 am Loaded this up with GZDoom 4.12.2, and I've been getting the following error on occasion when certain imp projectiles hit things:

Code: Select all

VM execution aborted: Invalid class FreezerImpBall in function call to Weapon.A_WeaponReady. Weapon expected
Called from state Shotgun.0 in FreezerImpBall
I'm not sure what the deal is exactly here, and I don't really feel up for doing a deep dive. My first guess would be that the FreezerImpBall's death animation doesn't contain a stop instruction, so it just keeps going into some other thing's state definitions.
I have tried to reproduce the issue with the latest version of GZDoom (currently 4.13.0) and it does not seem to produce any console errors at all related to FreezerImpBall actor...

So then, please update your GZDoom copy and try again.
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Re: HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

Post by akinata »

this is one of my favourite mods for gzdoom. when i dont know what to play i boot up this one. i like how each games are unique with the degree of randomness and sheer amount of content this has. i love the HUD too.
my only complains are:
the amount of HP and armor when you lvl up alot makes you a bit too strong which makes the game easier,
you don't know what a merchant has to offer after the first encounter. hitting action key again would often tries to buy instead of telling you what it has to sell again,
the crosshair is not well aligned with the projectiles. the projectiles hit a bit too low. a slightly upped offset to be closer to the crosshair would be greatly appreciated!

edit: i forgot to mention how blinding is the railgun flash. it is as if i get hit by a flash grenade each time i fire it. it's not very healthy for player with sensitive eyes like me.
edit2: some powerups effect stacking really turn the screen too red which can makes seeing what is going on a bit difficult to see at times.

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