LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod [Update 4.5 Hotfix] 7/12/2024

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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

later versions of Lexicon are not mod compatible for some reason
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by cosmos10040 »

Okay so a patch cannot be made? I will use an older version, maybe 133?
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Vyticoz »

I've been playing with Legion for a bit now and I'm really enjoying it. However one of the mods that I've been playing with alongside Legion will reward the player with money to buy upgrades and that money is rewarded on monster death but there's an issue with Legion where some of the monsters have a 0-tic total duration for XDeath states, emphasis on total, meaning that if I hit an enemy with a sufficiently powerful weapon and they go to their XDeath state, I don't get rewarded for that. If you could extend the XDeath state to a minimum of 1 tic total duration, it would solve that issue.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

huh, I thought I fixed that issue already but I guess I'll double check. Might have missed something.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Accensus »

Fixed it on my end. Did things in a better and more robust way.

That aside, I absolutely love this mod. Top fucking work, man. Only suggestion I have is to add tags to the variants cause in War Trophies I have like 6 different types of imps and all of them are called just Imp so it's impossible to tell which is which.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Accensus »

Having played with the mod for much longer now, I have several things to note:
  • Monster infighting kinda sucks (in general). I'm currently watching two cyberdemons try to blow each other up which completely trivializes any sort of challenge. I can probably set up a card tournament next to them and not get destroyed. Is it possible to set up an option to turn off infighting? Alternatively (and preferably) an option to force it off completely for an even more challenging experience, perhaps?
  • I don't know if it's because of infighting or not, but some monsters occasionally just pretend you're not there. I am currently staring at a CacoLich doing exactly that. Even if I shoot it and set myself as its target, it will still wander and ignore me until it gets pained.
  • So far it's happened only once and possibly related to the above: I've had specters stand completely still and go hide and seek world champion on me, not attacking me at all even as I walked past them back and forth. Only reason I found them was because I cheated and used the "monster" command to see their position.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

I don't see why I can't add some more tags, yeah. When I get back to modding I will do that.

As for the rest, lemme see here...

I can look into some infighting options sure, at the very least I can add some custom difficulties that turn off infighting.
Cacos just do that. I will look into making it more reliable that they actually aggro but they have a not insignificant chance to just be docile.
I'm not really sure about the specter thing. I've never had it happen at all and have no idea what might have caused it. I don't do anything at all to touch their aggro. It *might* be related to how they rez themselves but it should have died off naturally shortly after rezzing in that case.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Accensus »

Ah, I see. Thanks!

The custom difficulties (if we're talking about standard skill levels) won't work because NoInfighting completely ignores the +FORCEINFIGHTING flag some of the monsters have. This would have to be done in the code, like removing the flag and adding NOINFIGHTING instead in PostBeginPlay or whatever.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Centimanus »

How possible is the idea of NPC barons & revenants armed with weapons that emulate some of the player weapons from their respective HoD games?

The possibility of fighting barons armed with Azazel autocannons and up or even something as simple as revenants that shoot Grave bolts besides their missiles would be awesome, however short-lived. There are lots of baron-boss mods, but being able to face barons armed like The Baron would be awesome.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

Kept you waiting, huh?

So this is long overdue, but Update 3.5 is finally here! Why 3.5? Well, this update is a ton of changes, but it's no major additions or overhauls. At least, to gameplay. Lots of code has been refactored and slimmed down, but that's boring dev stuff you don't care about.

Anyway, you can see the full changelog here

Som highlights are...
  • Lots of updated visuals, sounds and tags
  • Baron Mage completely remade
  • Melee slowed down almost universally
  • New "boss", The Zombie Horde
  • Agony Elemental and LMG Faculty removed
  • Pain sound spam fixed
To explain some stuff, melee was slowed down significantly because getting close to a lot of enemies was nearly unavoidable damage, and one of the points of the mod is you are supposed to be able to avoid melee with high speed and fancy footwork. Previously, this was essentially impossible. It's still difficult, but should actually be doable, depending on your speed and mod combos.
The Baron Mage was just completely remade to be closer to what I had in mind for him from the beginning. He was rushed out, and it showed, but now hopefully he stands out as an actual unique threat.
Agony Elemental was removed mostly cause I didn't like them. They didn't really add anything, and Damned Souls being spawned en mass was causing some issues in difficulty I wasn't comfortable with.
Faculty LMGs were removed for much the same reason.
Finally, the Zombie Horde. Its the Faculty Boss! Instead of one monster, a very large number (between 5 and 100) Zombies spawn, and they are all woken up.

Have fun and let me know of any issues you may run into.

EDIT: Updated the OP with new monsters and info, and did some reorganization.
Last edited by Brohnesorge on Tue Oct 03, 2023 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3.5 10/3/23

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Awesome, I've been longing for a new update on this!
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3.5 10/3/23

Post by Brohnesorge »

Honestly, it was hella overdue. I sat on this one with some of these issues for way WAY longer than I would have liked, but it's been a very busy and stressful year. Marriage and all that.

Anyway, I'm back in the swing of things (for now at least) and I want to kinda go over what to actually expect for Update 4. Right away, no I don't know when its coming. I'm working on LEGION (and something else to keep an eye out for in the next few days) with gusto right now, but I don't know when that wind will suddenly break. My goal is by the end of the year, but I'm not gonna make any promises or set any time frames in stone.

The big thing I want to finish for coming update is a new boss, the Flame Succubus. I won't completely spoil what she does, but I will reveal she is the Pain Elemental boss so you can probably figure the theme. I'm also continuing my wave of VFX updates and lots and lots of code refactors. I'm going to be trying to catch and fix some inconsistencies as well (such as Update 3.5's fixing Baron of Flame having faster melee) and filling in missing special attacks. There likely won't be any new monsters, maybe there'll be a pistol Soldier, but I do want to refine and update some existing monsters behavior, like making Faculty, Soldiers and Commandos more unique from one another, instead of them just being the same thing with more HP and tighter spread.

And my eternal struggle that is the damn Codex.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod [Update 3.5] 10/3/23

Post by AliciaPendragon »

A damn good monster mod, one that I love pairing with Feet on the Ground. I'll have to try it with other monster mods

Though if I may make a suggestion... there are way WAY too many opponents that can self revive. The undead I get, Harvester was fine, if not annoying and it was funny to see a naked revenant run towards me to try and punch me before I put several in them, and the Cacolich... okay that one I barely dont have an issue with but only b/c its body can be a bit spongy to destroy. But the Arachnodrone? Way WAY too overpowered. It doesnt need to self revive, and if it does need to self revive, its body should not take so much damage to destroy. Same with the Pinkies. I should not have to be so paranoid that a pinky will revive and bite me in the ass, especially during an intense fight. Either reduce the chance to 5 or 2% or make their bodies destroyable.

Mentioning which, in the codex or whatever, you should put a hint to make sure to destroy the bodies of any undead you kill. I was confused on how they kept coming back at first before I realized I could destroy the corpses of undead foes.

Other than that, good shit.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod [Update 3.5] 10/3/23

Post by Brohnesorge »

Both the op and the codex (at the top) say undead corpses need to be destroyed...
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod [Update 3.5] 10/3/23

Post by AliciaPendragon »

Brohnesorge wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:20 pm Both the op and the codex (at the top) say undead corpses need to be destroyed...

Never mind I am fucking stupid.

As for everything else?

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