[Resource] Horror Movie Rei's stuffs and crap

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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by YukesVonFaust »

HorrorMovieGuy wrote: Blood Cultist or some shit idk, basically edited to be the size of Doom's monsters
Glad to see that you're still kickin'.

Will you do the burning frames too (edited to be the size of doom's monsters also)?
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

I might in the future. Doom does need more burn animations other than the one borrowed from strife :p
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by TaporGaming »

Doom Eternal Monsters Sprites in future?
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by Tetzlaff »

I really like your Gothic Monsters pack! It works excellently with hell and horror themed wads.
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

Weaponless mancubus
Credits: All done by me. Arms are based on Quake's Shambler enemy

Credits: Based on the fodder zombies I made, but also uses the tank and throne pieces from Duke 3D and Rise of the Triad respectively. Also uses the quake zombie face made by Osjclatchford, and the mechanical arm taken from Realm 667's "Cyberimp" enemy, which lists LilWhiteMouse and Virtue as the artists.

Modern Doom zombies
Credits: Based on Dr.Pyspy's hellified soldier. I gave them the propper heads so they look more like the Doom Eternal version of the zombies. I also made the sprite for the shields (even threw the Marauder shield in there for good measure).

I would also like to take the oportunity to do something special here. I have recently decided that I will focus on finishing my mods Iron Bound and Bratwurst, and after that I'm gonna retire from this community. The problem is, I also have a lot of unfinished projects I made over the years that never got far enough into development to warrant a thread, or announcement of any kind, and I have made sprites and code for said projects that I think would benefit other modders. I think it would be a shame to just leave those archived on my computer forever and not do anything with them, so instead I'm gonna be posting them right here, right now! I hope the moderators are okay with this, since I am, as stated before, posting these here so people can plunder them for resources, and this is in no way a "release" worthy of a thread on the Gameplay Mods forum.

This was going to be a simple mod that allowed you to play as everyone's favorite orange brute, Abobo.

Useful things you can grab from this mod:

Code: Select all

-Abobo sprites (duh), both first and third person;
-a fully functional grappling script, that allows you to grab enemies and yeet them against the walls and each other;
-a fully coded Shun Goku Satsu move that kills all enemies around you and heavily damages bosses (uses code from ZombieKiller's third person camera).
A mod that would recreate the new enemies from Doom 2016 and Eternal in a classic Doom style. This mod uses several monster sprites made by Craneo, Amuscaria, DrPyspy, and Kinsie.

Useful things you can grab from this mod:

Code: Select all

-Enemy code based on the modern Doom games, including but not limited to:
-Summoner that can, well, summon monsters as it moves. There's very rudimentary checks performed for every summon to see if the monster would fit in that area, which works for the most part;
-Archvile that can also summon buffed enemies, and also put up shields and such like in Doom eternal. Archvile has a higher summon cap than the summoner;
-Shield Zombie that can spawn his trusty riot shield to block all attacks from the front. Said shield changes color based on health, and can be overloaded by plasma weapons (provided they have the proper damage types defined);
-Fully functioning Marauder, who can only be damaged during a specific opening during his mid-range attack, like in Doom Eternal, but also not as bad and annoying like in actual Doom Eternal;
-Pain elemental who can summon 3 lost souls to protect it. The code on this one "works" for the most part but is prone for bugs and shit I never got around to fixing;
-Various other neat lil things.
A mod where you have infinite ammo for your heavily nerfed rifle and shotgun (which you can change between with the reload key), but you also have a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher that can launch a variety of fun and wacky bombs. This mod includes a credits lump which lists all of the stuff I used.

Useful things you can grab from this mod:

Code: Select all

-Code for a shoulder-mounted weapon that can be fired alongside your main weapon;
-A variety of fun grenades, like a cerebral bore-esque sphere based on the movie Phantasm (or I guess it could work as a Turok refrerence if you're not cool like me  /j ), a Trioxin bomb that revives monsters as zombies who will fight for you, a bee grenade that releases deadly bees, among other things.
A dehacked TC that would be inspired by the Tetsuo the Iron Man movies.

Useful things you can grab from this mod:

Code: Select all

Various cool sprite edits, and dehacked monsters. I used several sprites as base, made by several modders such as Osjclatchford, Virtue, LilwhiteMouse, NMN, Mark Quinn, Vegeta, Xim, Ghastly_dragon, MagicWazard, Captain Toenail, CaptainJ, Vice, Vader and Skelegant. As well as stuff I nabbed from Duke 3D and Necrodome.
A horror mod, this predates the later Goth Skins pack I made, otherwise I would have used those as base instead of whatever I have going on here. Some good and ambitious ideas, but there's not a coherent vision. It turned out to be a mish mash of lukewarm ideas that were ultimatelly not executed that well. Credits are included in the pk3.

Useful things you can grab from this mod:

Code: Select all

-A rudimentary stealth system. Enemies have a 45 degree cone of vision, and coming close to them will make them suspicious. Stay long enough in this suspicion range, or come even closer still to them, and they will be alerted proper. Same thing for sounds, but sounds have a much farther area of effect. Enemies can also lose track of you if you break LOS, and they will eventually become dormant again;
-An ACS script that applies a fog to maps. Doesn't work all that well, but it's moody and spooky when it does work.
Boy, am I sad I'll never get to finish this. But anyhow, this was going to be a Rise of the Triad gameplay mod, bringing in all of the mechanics from that game and trying my best to balance them so they work on Doom's enemy/item spawns. I had plans on frankenspriting completely new enemies to suplement the Triad ranks, such as a smaller and weaker looking Oscuro called "Oscurito" to spawn in the Archvile spot, more robot enemies, and some other type of guard with a shotgun I think? I forgot. The whole premise of the mod would be that the bad ending from ROTT is cannon, and a single Oscuro Larva was left behind during the HUNT's first confrontation. So 30 years later that Larva becomes the new El Oscuro and attacks the world again, and it up to you to stop him.

Useful things you can grab from this mod:

Code: Select all

-Fully functional lives system like in ROTT! After you get a certain amount of "score" points from the life coins, or you grab one of the extra life powerups, you gain an extra life! If you die with one of these in your inventory you are teleported to the beginning of the map;
-A number of ROTT weapons fully coded, and even a Doom stick weapon, based on the ROTT 2013 weapon of the same name. It pushes enemies back, and has a decent amount of ammo for a ROTT weapon. Sprite used for it is the centered Shadow Warrior riot gun made by Mike12, with minor edits by me;
-Wacky ROTT powerups! You can become a god and smite down your enemies, or a dog and bark at them to death. There's also functional healing basins, and key tables;
-A frankensprite of a Triad riding a hover turret. It looks really funny and is based partly on the Arachnophyte enemy sprited by Xaser and Quasar.
A mod that lets you use the cool weapons from Doom eternal, but in a very simplified manner. No weapon mods, no fancy animations, no upgrades, just basic. Only advanced feature it has is the resource gathering from DE. You have a chainsaw you could use for ammo (never got around to coding the ammo pinata drops, but the chainsaw works otherwise), a flame belnch that lets you extract armor shards from enemies, and I would have created a glory kill script for it if I had more time. It uses several sprites made by TypicalSF for the guns, and some stuff from D4T and Xaser's Argent for the pickups.

Useful things you can grab from this mod:

Code: Select all

-Chainsaw script that recharges a single pip if you have none. Also takes into account monster health to define how many pips you need in order to use it. Enemies with 100 hp and under require 1 pip, enemies with less than 500 hp, but more than 100 require two pips. Enemies with over 500 hp but less than 1000 require 3 pips. Enemies with over 1000 hp, or enemies with the BOSS flag are considered Super Heavy, and are thus immune to the chainsaw;
-Flame belch script that sets enemies on fire, and makes it so they drop ammo shards when damaged, and a small shower of armor shards when killed;
-BFG that works closer to how it is on Doom Eternal. It is actually the same code I used for the Fission Cannon in my other mod Iron Bound. I was going to change it around a little so it works more like it does in Doom eternal but I never got around to it.
If you wanna extract resources from these, or hell even if you wanna finish the mods proper, you don't need my permission. I just ask that you credit me and the people I mentioned above, and above all else, have fun!
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Sad to read such thing. But hey, i wish you the best, maybe one day you might come back with fresh new ideas or concepts, maybe even helping newcomers, maybe just as a player.

Thanks for all the partnership and i am eager to see what these unused concepts might spawn in the future.

Best regards.
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by luigiman0640 »

Damn, it's sad to see you go, but you've left us with so many good mods and resources. I know I'll definitely get some great use out of these resources you've dropped here. Best of luck in your future endeavors, my guy!
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Guy's stuffs and crap

Post by Nightsentinel »

Hey guys!

Can anyone repost the spritesheet (or send it to me by PM) of the Chaingunner with helmet? I have tried to load the image many times but the image won't load. Perhaps because it has something to do with the IMGUR website.

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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Rei's stuffs and crap

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

While I still stand by what I said before, as I don't have as much free time as I used to have, I have decided to still post here my Doom-related spriteworks. (and probably small unambitious projects)

Today I bring this large Toad-creature that was at one point, many years ago, considered as a possible replacement for the Freedoom cyberdemon. The original concept for the beast was made by Fredrik, over on the Doomworld forums. I was always fascinated with this design, for the simple reason that I think it looks neat!

However, it still looks a bit too similar to the Cyberdemon conceptually, so it will not be going into the Freedoom project, so I am posting it here for the community to enjoy!

I made this sprite completely from scratch, using only a few explosion sprites from Freedoom in the death animation. As such it is free for anyone to use, even in commercial projects.

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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Rei's stuffs and crap

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

And here's a Tyrant I was toying aroudn with:

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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Rei's stuffs and crap

Post by Nightsentinel »

HorrorMovieRei wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:17 pm And here's a Tyrant I was toying aroudn with:


Hey, is there a chance that you can include in the Tyrant WAD the tracer of the Blade attack and the Targeted Rockets mark on the ground?
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Rei's stuffs and crap

Post by DoomKrakken »

Nightsentinel wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:09 am
HorrorMovieRei wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:17 pm And here's a Tyrant I was toying aroudn with:


Hey, is there a chance that you can include in the Tyrant WAD the tracer of the Blade attack and the Targeted Rockets mark on the ground?
If it already has those animations in place, it should be quite simple to put those attacks into action.
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Re: [Resource] Horror Movie Rei's stuffs and crap

Post by Nightsentinel »

DoomKrakken wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 4:10 pm
Nightsentinel wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:09 am
HorrorMovieRei wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:17 pm And here's a Tyrant I was toying aroudn with:


Hey, is there a chance that you can include in the Tyrant WAD the tracer of the Blade attack and the Targeted Rockets mark on the ground?
If it already has those animations in place, it should be quite simple to put those attacks into action.
Yup. What I really meant was that it'd be great if he not only included the tyrant sprites but also the sprites of the Blade attack and the Targeted Rockets mark on the ground that were shown in the tyrant showcase video.

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