Screenshots, sorry but it HAS to be a zip file because the image requirements here are complete BS ...
Few other screenshots

dead signal playthrough by thelamp from doomworld, go check him out when you can
video of a presumably old version by yours truly! ... pe_video:7
What is it?
Dead signal is a game that a lonely autistic bloke living down under with internet access decided to conjure up in his own free time that aims to create an atmosphere somewhat inspired by the likes of callisto protocol, resident evil, and the BIGGEST inspiration of all: dead space, I've only JUST started working on this so things may feel rushed or unfinished, don't worry dear engineer because this is a game that's actively being worked on so things will be rectified in later updates. Such things include:
1. reloadable weapons with limited ammo
2. new enemies
3. dismemberment and limb detection (THE MOST VITAL THING)
It runs on the latest version of gzdoom with a modified version of freedoom to prevent string conflicts between the data file and freedoom.
Map format: UDMF
Approximate playtime: about half an hour to an hour
Known bugs:
The weapon you currently have has infinite ammo
Vanilla doom strings appearing in-game
And maybe a bunch of other things too that I may or may not be aware of
regular vanilla weapons, the player's movement relies on a dedicated weapon base and any weapon that DOES NOT inherit the dead signal's weapon base will freeze the player to the spot such as the vanilla pistol or shotgun, the player's weapon is on slot 0 so switching to that is the only viable way of combatting the issue
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug where the shotgun pickup in the maintenance room stopped players progressing any further by replacing it with a null actor. @thelamp
If there are any other bugs, please let me know either in this thread or by PM so I can get on it when I can
I have tried my best to credits the sources of any resources used in this mod, sounds in particular.. If I missed anything in particular, please let me know either in this thread or by PM so I can rectify the issue
Feel free to give advice ^_^ ...
Again, this is a prototype, and is being actively worked on which means things will change over time as development continues, it's literally just me working on this and I unfortunately won't be able to work on this 24/7 if that makes sense. In the mean time, you can help by providing feedback for this project, and don't be afraid to suggest possible things in the future. Take care and stay safe.