Ashes Afterglow TC - closing the vault

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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by Captain J »

Ihavequestions wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:24 pmHere's what his savegame's info.json looks like:
Perhaps this helps.
It did help me learn what kind of GZDoom version zeem uses but alas, they use Linux version apparently so loading this file on my Windows PC is out of the question. Unless there's a way to convert it.

However, they replied;
Zeem wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:43 pmI'm playing on Linux, version should be the 4.9.0a I got from the .deb package.
After a couple more attempts I managed to kill the boss, I just needed to land the final shot before it falls to the ground with a Junker Driver instead of the Service Rifle's altfire. I think it may have something to do with gibbing, as the problems happened when the last attack during the fight was an explosion, and the Junker Driver kill (which allowed me to finish the boss off) had an audible gibbing sound when it fell to the ground.
Funny because i looked back at my older playthroughs and i did finish her off with my fully charged Junker Driver with max upgrade. Gibbing sound(and also gibs spawned, if i recall?) played and the screen turned red after that. Did it again, but this time with Service Rifle's primary fire. The glitch did not happen.

Seeing that we both witnessed the exact same problems, it might be because of her somewhat linked to a gibbing state where it never nullifies the insta-kill script upon death. Thanks for the further explanation!
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by Ash_Scav »

Hi there scavers,
fourth time playing and I recently found Larry.
Makes so much fun playing even if you discover new things while you thougt you have them all.

This definitly needs continuing......

So much potential.

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Re: (Enriched Update) Ashes Afterglow TC

Post by harperfan7 »

eppiox wrote: Fri Nov 05, 2021 5:06 am Spoilers about 'Smiley' - maybe a bug?
I freed Smiley but made him wait a bit- if I chat to him he will say 'to get his stash from the lake up north'. My journey says "Free Smiley or not 'Talk to guard'" ... but I have already freed him and the guards don't do anything.
I have the same problem right now. Could you explain to me how you did what you did to resolve it?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by Vostyok »

If the Smiley quest seems absolutely stuck, open up the console and type Puke 32. That should close down the quest or at least allow you to move the rock, which should then do the same thing. I'll have a look at what is causing this but I think I've already added this to the list of fixed things for a future update.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by harperfan7 »

Vostyok wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 6:05 pm If the Smiley quest seems absolutely stuck, open up the console and type Puke 32. That should close down the quest or at least allow you to move the rock, which should then do the same thing. I'll have a look at what is causing this but I think I've already added this to the list of fixed things for a future update.
Nice, thank you!
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by harperfan7 »

I was just introduced to Ashes a couple weeks ago, just finished afterglow and am thoroughly impressed.

"Though in the future I am veering toward having scripted reinforcements spawn in when the story invites players returning to cleared out areas."

Having a knife is a nice mechanic, but I never found myself using it, except to bust trash or barriers.
Crowbar is solid.
Revolver is good; ended up using it more as a shorter sniper rifle than as a close-range option. Nice for early 1hkos.
The glock is a great weapon, but once I got the mac10 I basically stopped using it to conserve ammo for the mac10.
Pumpshotty is 10/10, solid from early to endgame.
Sawed off shotty is alright; good for popping around a corner and really fucking somebody, especially slower tougher enemies; barely used it though because the mac10 does it better. Basically only used the altfire.
Mac10 is the mvp; use it on the toughest enemies and when Im up against big groups at shorter ranges. Stunlocking fullauto is fantastic. Also the best weapon with the lantern.
Flamethrower is alright; I used it against big groups who were further away, especially if they didnt have fast ranged attacks. The altfire is too slow and too short range to be very useful; I have better options. Did use it against the spiders though. The altfire is nice if you were using the flamethrower anyway and somebody gets close; there is that.
Pipebomb tripwires are great; used those all the time when I suspected ambushes or as a fallback option, and were my main way of handling riot shield guys. As a thrown weapon I used it only a few times; found it difficult to aim and time and usually blew myself up with it.
Junker musket is solid; as a long range weapon and as a power weapon, especially with the charge-up.
The m16 is probably the objectively best weapon, but its almost endgame-only. Basically it was my mid-long range mac10.
The PIG is fantastic in the big closerange endgame battles and too expensive elsewhere; never did make use of the altfire.
I never used the laser pistol, though I did have it at the end.

Used my leather bandoleers on 9mm and slugs.
Only used NV for like 5 seconds before the last level (in the tunnels under prosperity with the musket vs a riot shield guy) and on the last level in that dark section against the human soldiers. I saw you say you didnt want to do tough fights in the dark, but I wish you would, maybe on the harder difficulties anyway.
I never used brute; sounded like a melee buff and I almost never used melee. Only found out later on that it helps you reload faster.
Never used regen in combat; only once or twice when I was at very low health to get to 100 without using other consummables. There were a couple times where I probably should have used it, but switching items in that slot is a pain in combat. Didnt know what titan actually did but I used it against the witch boss.
Only used purge twice; once at the nuclear plant, and one time I probably didn't need to in the sub.
Never bought food or water; wasnt even positive what they did respectively.

The arrangement of the weapons was annoying; I wish they were grouped more by type than the order in which you got them, though I realized too late that I could rebind them.
It felt like there were a few too many weapons. I played on apocalypse and I never got low on ammo overall. Anytime I was close to maxing out with a weapon, I'd start using it just so I wouldn't leave ammo behind. I probably should have went with survival but I thought apoc would be harder. Actually, I played episode 1 on arcade, DMW on survival, and afterglow on apoc, and DMW was probably the hardest, especially that last gunfight (though I held back a bit because I expected an actual boss fight; didnt want to blow all my best resources).

Lvl 1, the metro tunnels, and westside were all solid and fun in their own ways. Flooded district is maybe my favorite level. The gap was ugly and too open and not so detailed, but it was fun to avoid radiation and I enjoyed the harder fights. Actually I should say the most fun I had exploring was the metro tunnels early on; wish there was a lot more of that and with more enemies.
I like that you made vehicles work in this engine, but honestly Id rather the motorcycle be a between-levels travel option. I'd always scout ahead on foot, clean up enemies, then come back and go through with the motorcycle; you only need it for the jumps and its really not much faster than running. I never had an enemy to shoot with Lucy, though I suspect I missed a bit of content. Maybe if there was heavier radiation in open areas and you need the motorcycle to get through fast enough?
I liked the early hub better than the later hub, but the later hub did have good levels. The biodome in particular was easily my 1st or 2nd favorite in the game. I actually wanted to side with the roamers but I already sold all the pods so I missed that. Planting the bombs, then going back and wiping them all out was like being a kid in a candy store. The sub was pretty cool, and the last level was great, but I'd rather fight enemies on foot than on the bike. I had so much ammo of all types on the last level that I had to keep leaving it behind.

Overall it feels like we could use an even harder difficulty level, like apocalypse + survival or something. Apocalypse but enemies drop less ammo and/or even more enemies at a time. I wish enemies were better at following you out of sight.
I think the game could use more "front and behind" ambushes; like you encounter a group of enemies to your front, then a locked door or whatever behind you opens and you are surrounded. I found it too easy to camp in the vast majority of fights.

Loved the workbench mechanic; barely used junk at all in episode 1 and the upgraded guns all look pretty cool.
Overall I liked the additional dialogue and trading mechanics compared to episode 1, and journal quests.

The atmosphere and environmental detail/art, the snappy gunplay, the fantastic music, creative and intelligent level design, the enemies, the scavenging/secrets; solid 9.5/10 game for me. My biggest complaint is how slidey the player is, especially when platforming, but I don't think you can help that. Episode 1 was good, but Afterglow is almost perfect. Very much looking forward to episode 3 and any DMW-like additions.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by Ihavequestions »

harperfan7 wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:01 amMy biggest complaint is how slidey the player is, especially when platforming, but I don't think you can help that.
In theory, that would probably be the easiest thing to do. Player mechanics are just a few lines of scripting code, really.

However, the scavenger's physiscs would have to be separated from the motocycle's physics. I used to play episode one with the Nashmove mod, but it would negatively affect the moto jumps, so I returned to the slidey default physics.

Best thing in my opinion is the movement physics in Brutal Doom's 'Tactical' mode. I've always enjoyed the less ridiculous player speed with the ability to dash really fast for a few seconds.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by doomduck »

harperfan7 wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:01 am My biggest complaint is how slidey the player is, especially when platforming, but I don't think you can help that.
I actually made a modified version of Nashmove that fixes that problem. I even made it so that it specifically disables itself whenever you're riding a vehicle, so that it doesn't mess with the motorcycle sequences.
I can post it here if Vostyok is okay with that.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by Plasmazippo »

doomduck wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:13 am
harperfan7 wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:01 am My biggest complaint is how slidey the player is, especially when platforming, but I don't think you can help that.
I actually made a modified version of Nashmove that fixes that problem. I even made it so that it specifically disables itself whenever you're riding a vehicle, so that it doesn't mess with the motorcycle sequences.[snip]
Sounds good. Did you post it in the Nashmove thread already?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by doomduck »

Plasmazippo wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:07 am Sounds good. Did you post it in the Nashmove thread already?
I didn't. I'll assume it's fine to post it here. Here you go.
One is for Ashes 2063 Enriched and the other is for Afterglow.

Also, one thing I want to ask here: In the downloads section, it states that Ashes 2063 Enriched does not work 100% correctly with Freedoom 2 because of graphical errors. Has that been fixed yet?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by harperfan7 »

doomduck wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:31 amI didn't. I'll assume it's fine to post it here. Here you go.
This feels much better
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by Plasmazippo »

doomduck wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:31 am
Plasmazippo wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:07 am Sounds good. Did you post it in the Nashmove thread already?
I didn't. I'll assume it's fine to post it here. Here you go.
One is for Ashes 2063 Enriched and the other is for Afterglow.

Also, one thing I want to ask here: In the downloads section, it states that Ashes 2063 Enriched does not work 100% correctly with Freedoom 2 because of graphical errors. Has that been fixed yet?
Nice, thanks! I'll apply them when I get the chance.

And yeah, 2063 Enriched has a texture problem with broken windows and mirrors when run with Freedoom 2. You're better off using Doom II for the IWAD.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by Canjul »

Just finished a full run of 2063 Enriched & Afterglow (I played the OG2063 back in 2018), and it's a goddamn masterpiece. It's beautiful: Doom-esque gunplay, Half-Life style exploration, really interesting twists on some standard post-apocalypse themes that I won't spoil here.

I am 100% stoked for Episode 3 and/or the Afterglow add-ons that are in the works.

I have absolutely no technical know-how, but I'd definitely donate if Vostyok has a Patreon or a Coffee or anything like that.

Oh, and by the way: what's the purpose of that locket you can get if you stick around and kill the enemies in Leaving Michonne?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by june gloom »

Yeah, I played both episodes for the first time this year and while I'm willing to admit I've played hardly any new games this year, Ashes is my GOTY nonetheless. It's a refreshing experience.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - quick update page 111

Post by camper »

harperfan7 wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:01 am ...
It felt like there were a few too many weapons. I played on apocalypse and I never got low on ammo overall. Anytime I was close to maxing out with a weapon, I'd start using it just so I wouldn't leave ammo behind. I probably should have went with survival but I thought apoc would be harder.
There is no weight-limited inventory system like in Fallout. This is the legacy of Doom, where weapons and items have no weight.
The presence of such a system would significantly complicate the game.

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