I have figured out there is the rough destinction between SYSTEM (everything that goes into blood.rff) and SOUND (everything for sounds.rff). However, I only manage to get graphics stuff loading, not sounds.
rffdefineid "qav\AXEUP" "QAV" 0 "SYSTEM" --> Works
rffdefineid "raw\AX_SWIPE" "RAW" 1101 "SOUND" --> Does not work
How to exactly pull this off?
For the example given above, ax_swipe.raw (located in "raw" subdir), the RFS definition looks like this:
Code: Select all
resource "RAW\AX_SWIPE.RAW";
data "AX_SWIPE.SFX" as 1101: 100, 0x11025, 0x0, 1, -1, "ax_swipe";