[v4] Kinsie's Gameplay Mod Test Map (Updated 12 Feb 22)

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Re: [v4] Kinsie's Gameplay Mod Test Map (Updated 12 Feb 22)

Post by Jarewill »

Strife testing map, woohoo! :D
Thank you a lot Kinsie, finally a better place to test mods than MAP10.

The only thing I'd really want to see is a place with the Strife merchants. (WeaponSmith, Armorer, Medic)
They don't need to have dialogue, but it would be nice for them to be there, in case some mods replace them with custom NPCs that have custom shop menus.
cubebert wrote:a way to spawn the ceiling turrets.
At first I thought it was missing that too, alongside all other Strife enemies.
However if you interact with the monsters on display, they will open a spawn menu, which is really handy.
Interacting with the templar allows you to spawn various robotic enemies for example.

Though the turrets spawn on the floor, which is pretty odd.
So I guess a specific place to spawn them on the ceiling would be nice.
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Re: [v4] Kinsie's Gameplay Mod Test Map (Updated 12 Feb 22)

Post by Kinsie »

Jarewill wrote:The only thing I'd really want to see is a place with the Strife merchants. (WeaponSmith, Armorer, Medic)
They don't need to have dialogue, but it would be nice for them to be there, in case some mods replace them with custom NPCs that have custom shop menus.
One thing I want to do is set up these merchants to give the player the items given to the player by NPCs in the retail Strife maps, but literally every actor in Strife has a ConversationID for the giveitem command, so it might take a minute to whittle down to something managable/usable unless some Strife Savant shoots me a list off the top of their head.
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Re: [v4] Kinsie's Gameplay Mod Test Map (Updated 12 Feb 22)

Post by StroggVorbis »



https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom/blo ... ionids.txt

Hope this helps :3

Spoiler: Weapons
Spoiler: Ammo
Spoiler: Health & Armor
Spoiler: Inventory Items
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Re: [v4] Kinsie's Gameplay Mod Test Map (Updated 12 Feb 22)

Post by Kinsie »

Appreciate the help (and I'll probably just use your nicely-divided up list if I can't get more scientific with it) but I had the list of IDs from the PK3, I just don't know which ones are actually given out in conversations in the base campaign. I think I remember seeing a decompilation of the vanilla dialog scripts, I'll have to try and find that again.
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Re: [v4] Kinsie's Gameplay Mod Test Map (Updated 12 Feb 22)

Post by Nash »

Hey Kinsie, another suggestion:

A separate camera view. For testing things related to viewing through non-player cameras, for example. Also plop a camera texture on the wall or something.

tl;dr a Duke3D style security camera thing that you can look at on the wall, and also to actually switch to a fullscreen view to.

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