War Rooster v1.3 (20/08/2022)

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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Linz »

sibullski wrote: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:30 pm I understand that the ssg replacement causes enemies to run away from you. My question is can I play this mod with a monster pack and have it work correctly? I don't know what other modifications this mod has made to monsters outside of the ssg replacement causing fear but would that mean that playing this with smooth doom monsters or vanilla plus doom randomizer cause the monster ai to act differently? or will it work the same way it would as if I were playing without war rooster?

Btw The weapons in this mod are so fun and the animations are truly impressive.

Nah no worries

Pretty much every Cosmobyte mod is super compatible with monster packs
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Yup, i try to keep the maximum compatibility possible. Also, in case you don't want to use the SSG effects, you can turn them off in the options. ;)
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by sibullski »

awesome thanks for letting me know
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Yokoreta »

The scream with the sixty always gives me the chills, I like the vibes and lore you gave to the character this time
My favorite of your mods now.
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by armymen12002003 »

just gave this a small playthrough with knee deep in the jungle as always great job
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Thanks to you both so much!

And remember that if you ever get annoyed of the scream, you can turn it off in the options menu. 8)
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Coornib22 »

Hey! The mod seems really cool, but the link is inaccessible. It just seems dead.

Edit: Nevermind, used a different browser, as you suggested earlier in the thread.
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Shatter-Thought[V-4] »

I am loving this mod, the detail put into it such as the title screen, music, menu font/art, the hallucinations, the upgrade system (I am a sucker for reward systems that give you stuff for doing 100 percent secrets/kills, or for other fun goals).

An inherent problem with the kill reward system is that some maps, or possibly some monster packs make it impossible, but that's not a real problem with this mod, as using a command if one's self if sure they deserve it is fine.

I kind of feel the ammo count is outrageous, not that I am usually one to complain about having too much ammo, but it is nuts on how much you can store up for yourself. I think having a menu option for changing from a vast ammo-store to a more "reasonable" one would be nice, but that's not a big issue obviously, and most doom players can mod it to their content without much trouble with a little experience and tools.

I tried using this with "Heart of Man", and it kind of weirdly works nicely, not perfect, and not as well perhaps as your suggestion of Avactor, but it still kind of fits in it's own way.

This is amazing work. :D
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Sorry for taking so long. I appreciate it a lot! Never played Heart of Man, but i'll do so when i get to have some time!
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by dawnbreez »

I like the fear effect on the SSG, it's a really thematically appropriate mechanic--but it feels really powerful--it seems like the fear never wears off. It's reaching a point where I basically only use the Fortunate Son, which bothers me, because I believe a weapon set should be balanced such that every weapon in the arsenal feels useful. (With the sometimes exception of the pistol equivalent, since some maps/mods want the first weapon to feel like a big step up.)

To that end, two suggestions:

1. Implement some kind of time limit on the fear effect...
2. ...and add (weaker) fear effects to each of the other weapons.

Now, hear me out--I know the whole point was supposed to be that demons fear the double-barrel specifically. But I think leaning into the fear mechanics would be an interesting way to set this mod apart from other weapon mods, and I have some ideas about how to implement it while keeping the Fortunate Son's unique power:
Spoiler: Implementation Ideas
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by openroadracer »

dawnbreez wrote: Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:35 pm*SNIP*
That actually sounds excellent, and I'd certainly approve of this. It'd definitely make sense, especially for the double-barrel, to have those kinds of effects.
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by dawnbreez »

openroadracer wrote: Mon Nov 07, 2022 7:14 pmAlso, while you're here, has anything happened with Laser Justice? Anything about that possible new class that can switch between guns instead of being locked to upgrade levels?
IRL stuff's been happening. I've moved twice in the time since I last touched Laser Justice, and I've also started a couple other projects, and I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do with that second player class, and I'm still figuring out how to see a shrink and get an official diagnosis for whatever ADD/ADHD/whatever-the-fuck I have...

So, no news. I'm doing drive-by game design because my brain's still fried from the second move (and the IRL Stuff that prompted that second move). It's easier for me to do stuff that's in front of me than to dig back through my project list and focus on something I wanted to get back to at some point.
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by openroadracer »

@Dr_Cosmobyte: The more I play this mod, the more I want to see the Grease Gun as an alternative to the M16, but the lack of ammo makes it nigh impossible. The fact that 5.56 ammo pickups spawn much more often combines with the fact that the .45 ammo pickups give so much less that it makes the Grease Gun almost unusable by comparison.

The Grease Gun is still weaker than the Stoner 63, and it should be; but the Grease Gun really should be more usable, with more generous .45 ammo pickups.

If it were up to me, I'd make it where .45 ammo spawns just as frequently as 5.56 ammo, and provides just as many rounds per pickup. Considering you get the Grease Gun after just three maps being cleared of all enemies, I'd really like to be able to lean on it more, especially in those times before I have the Stoner and/or M60.
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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Thanks for all your suggestions!

I unfortunately won't be able to give as much attention to War Rooster as i wanted, because i want to focus all my strength on Aracnocide.

But as i always do, i keep things noted down and get it all together for new updates!

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Re: War Rooster v1.3 (Updated! 20/08/2022)

Post by openroadracer »

So, I've been thinking about a possible additional weapon upgrade, and I don't know if this would necessarily fit with the Vietnam theme you're going for with this mod; but as it turns out, the Winchester M1912 stayed in high-rate production until 1964.

So my thought here is simple: a new upgrade weapon to replace the Stevens 77 if you sweep enough maps out, a Winchester M12 with heat shield and bayonet. The main parts of the upgrade would be the enhanced melee attack(longer range and MUCH more damage), slightly increased accuracy(less pellet scatter), and "slam fire"(weapon fires as long as trigger is held, as fast as the pump can be cycled). The only issue is that it wouldn't change the capacity of the weapon, still stuck at six shells.

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