The WIP Thread
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Re: The WIP Thread
little something I've been working on the past week.
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Re: The WIP Thread
Made a tutorial on paletted spriting techniques!
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Re: The WIP Thread
Nicely detailed procedure of making satisfying retro sprites. Good tips!
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Re: The WIP Thread
Trying to "transfer" arsenal from "Delta Force: Black Hawk Down" to the "GZDoom" source-port...
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Re: The WIP Thread
property damage!!! >:D
song in BG is The Wizard's Last Rhymes by Rhapsody of Fire, if youre wondering
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Re: The WIP Thread
got bored, added duke's pistol to my mod
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Re: The WIP Thread
Needed a drop pod model for my mod and remembered that Quake II had a drop pod model that would work perfectly. Turns out that it isn't a model at all but actually part of the map geometry instead for some reason.
Even though I don't have hardly any modeling experience, I've only ever made simple crates and bullets, I figured I could recreate Quake II's drop pod in blender, it didn't look very complex. Well here are the results, took me over 4 hours, I started over from scratch several times, and it is far from perfect but I am satisfied.

I have never used a Quake II map editor, so I had Quake II running in another window and alt tabbed frequently to get a look at it, as result it is not a perfect 1:1 and the texturing job is awful. (I never really model, so I didn't know how to unwrap a model as complex as this, despite it actually being really simple and low poly) None the less as I intend to use it, it should work just fine, the player isn't intended to be able to get close and inspect it. As my fist "complex" model, I am happy with the results.
Even though I don't have hardly any modeling experience, I've only ever made simple crates and bullets, I figured I could recreate Quake II's drop pod in blender, it didn't look very complex. Well here are the results, took me over 4 hours, I started over from scratch several times, and it is far from perfect but I am satisfied.

I have never used a Quake II map editor, so I had Quake II running in another window and alt tabbed frequently to get a look at it, as result it is not a perfect 1:1 and the texturing job is awful. (I never really model, so I didn't know how to unwrap a model as complex as this, despite it actually being really simple and low poly) None the less as I intend to use it, it should work just fine, the player isn't intended to be able to get close and inspect it. As my fist "complex" model, I am happy with the results.
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Re: The WIP Thread

got tired of having never done anything real with vulkan so on a whim I started working on a vk refresh dll for Quake 2 as a test project. Two weeks of on and off progress, and I'm finally able to draw the console in a horrific "let's just throw literal thousands of draw calls at the problem" means. It's actually been pretty fun and productive so far and I haven't had any serious issues.. however I think I am an overly salty individual sometimes
Code: Select all
/*Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-flags-06026 ] Object 0: handle = 0xa92f690, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0x2465f7e2 | vkCmdExecuteCommands():
Secondary VkCommandBuffer 0xa92f690[] is executed within a dynamic renderpass instance scope begun by vkCmdBeginRendering(),
but VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo::flags (1) does not match VkRenderingInfo::flags (1), excluding VK_RENDERING_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS_BIT_KHR.
The Vulkan spec states: If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering,
the flags member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the VkRenderingInfo::flags parameter
//1 != 1 apparently, quality work guys
if (!strcmp(pCallbackData->pMessageIdName, "VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-flags-06026")) //filter out broken validation message
return VK_FALSE;
- Posts: 3147
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Re: The WIP Thread
I haven't experienced a single time that the validation layer has been wrong. Are you absolutely sure you didn't miss something?
The error is saying that the flags passed into vkBeginCommandBuffer doesn't match the flags passed into vkCmdBeginRendering.
The error is saying that the flags passed into vkBeginCommandBuffer doesn't match the flags passed into vkCmdBeginRendering.
- Posts: 3392
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- Location: opening the forbidden box
Re: The WIP Thread
I start rendering with
and start the secondary command buffer with
My confusion and saltiness stems from the validation message explicitly mentioning that both flag values are 1 (which is just VK_RENDERING_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS_BIT), so I'm not sure what I am missing here. It's so strange, since as you've mentioned they're almost always correct and have been a huge help in bug testing this mess.
Code: Select all
VkRenderingAttachmentInfo colorinfo =
.clearValue.color.float32 =
0, 0, 0.3f, 1.0f
.imageView = colorview,
VkRenderingAttachmentInfo depthinfo =
.clearValue.depthStencil.depth = 1.0f,
.imageView = r_depthbuffer->viewhandle,
VkRenderingInfo renderinfo =
.layerCount = 1,
.colorAttachmentCount = 1,
.pColorAttachments = &colorinfo,
.pDepthAttachment = &depthinfo,
.renderArea =
.offset.x = 0,
.offset.y = 0,
.extent.width = vid.width,
.extent.height = vid.height
vkCmdBeginRendering(currentcmdbuffer, &renderinfo);
Code: Select all
VkFormat renderformat = vk_state.phys_device.surfaceformat.format;
VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo renderinginfo =
.colorAttachmentCount = 1,
.depthAttachmentFormat = VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT, //todo: move to vk_state so depth format can change if needed
.pColorAttachmentFormats = &renderformat,
.rasterizationSamples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT,
VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo inheritanceinfo =
.pNext = &renderinginfo,
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo begininfo =
.pInheritanceInfo = &inheritanceinfo
VK_CHECK(vkBeginCommandBuffer(drawbuffer, &begininfo));
Last edited by InsanityBringer on Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Posts: 3147
- Joined: Sat May 28, 2016 1:01 pm
Re: The WIP Thread
Hmm yes that is weird. I am not spotting any error in what you pasted. Either it must be talking about another part of the code (if there is such a thing), or there indeed is an actual bug in the validation error. Seems such a basic place to have an error though - this would be noticed by pretty much anyone using secondary command buffers, would it not?
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- Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:53 pm
- Location: opening the forbidden box
Re: The WIP Thread
I grabbed the validation layer repo and found this
so it's only clearing the VK_RENDERING_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS_BIT_KHR flag on the rendering info and not the inherited info. Maybe I misinterpreted the spec and don't need it in the inheritance information, so a closer reading is in order.
Code: Select all
if (sub_cb_state->activeRenderPass->use_dynamic_rendering_inherited) {
const auto rendering_info = cb_state->activeRenderPass->dynamic_rendering_begin_rendering_info;
const auto inheritance_rendering_info = sub_cb_state->activeRenderPass->inheritance_rendering_info;
if (inheritance_rendering_info.flags !=
skip |= LogError(
pCommandBuffers[i], "VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-flags-06026",
"vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Secondary %s is executed within a dynamic renderpass instance scope begun "
"by %s(), but VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo::flags (%u) does "
"not match VkRenderingInfo::flags (%u), excluding "
report_data->FormatHandle(pCommandBuffers[i]).c_str(), cb_state->begin_rendering_func_name.c_str(),
inheritance_rendering_info.flags, rendering_info.flags);
- Posts: 3147
- Joined: Sat May 28, 2016 1:01 pm
Re: The WIP Thread
It kind of makes sense that it isn't needed, since the spec says it ignores the entire inherited info field if the command buffer isn't a secondary buffer. So it already knows it is a secondary buffer at the point where it would read the flag.