Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

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Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by swampfliez »

First post. Hopefully this is the correct place as I’m not 100% sure this is a bug. Project is simple: upscale all intermission maps and animations for Ultimate Doom. I successfully did this for each intermission map with no issues except for wimap2 (Inferno). Problem animation sets are wia20000-200002 and wia20400-20402. It appears that GZDoom 4.8.2 is trying to tile these two animation sets and stretch across screen for no reason I can discern.

Animation dimensions for wia20000-200002 are 896x256
Animation dimensions for wia20400-20402 are 256x448
wimap2 dimensions are 6272x2240

I have tried changing scale and coordinates in the in_epi3.txt file to figure out the issue with no success. Removing the animations and replacing with smaller ones from the neuralupscale2x mod gives the same results.
Last edited by swampfliez on Tue Aug 30, 2022 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by Willytor »

Not to micromoderate, but this isn't the right thread. Troubleshooting for projects goes under doom editing help, the projects threads are for finished or usable stuff
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Re: Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by wildweasel »

Moved to Assets under Editing Help.
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Re: Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by Rachael »

You're trying to mod a port that uses widescreen assets with hi-res non-widescreen assets, and this does not work.

You have a few options: either provide a copy of the originals to override the widescreen stuff, or upscale the widescreen versions instead, or include a GameInfo directive that disables the loading of widescreen assets. (Look under LoadWideScreen = <integer>)
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Re: Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by swampfliez »

Appreciate the response but I don’t think that resolves the issue. The background has been upscaled directly from the 21:9 widescreen background. Larger background image but the aspect ratio has stayed the same. I double checked the animations this morning as well. The animation images I used were pulled directly from the 21:9 mod pack and upscaled. It is my understanding that the size of the images is not relevant but only the aspect ratio. And again, the intermission background and animations from Knee Deep in the Dead, The Shores of Hell etc. all work perfectly using the same process I’m following. It is ONLY problem the two animation sets in Inferno (wia20000-200002, wia20400-20402) that cause the above problem.
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Re: Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by swampfliez »

So I accidentally solved the problem. I was correct that it appears to be a bug in GZDoom 4.8.2. The “game_widescreen_gfx.pk3” contains these specific animation sets for unknown reasons: wia20000-200002, wia20400-20402, and wia20500-wia20502. No other animation sets are included. These animations either override or conflict with attempts of the user to generate their own. They have to be deleted from the .pk3 file for a intermission mod to run successfully. Hopefully the right GZDoom peeps notice this post.
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Re: Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by wildweasel »

You should not need to modify the pk3 file itself (this is only going to get reverted back any time you have to update GZDoom). I thought there was a command line switch to disable the loading of the widescreen assets, but I cannot find it yet.
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Re: Intermission animations upscale project possible bug/error GZDoom 4.8.2

Post by swampfliez »

Wouldn’t that disable all widescreen functionality or no? I like the widescreen assets generally and my mod is based on the widescreen assets. Also really improves them (I think). I’m just confused why these specific animations (and no others) are necessarily included the .pk3 file. If there is an alternative way of fixing though without having to delete them I’d be in.

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