DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRL Arsenal Extended build]
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Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
By the sound of it, your hardware is getting closer to the bottom end of what's playable with this combination of mods, as there's a lot of CPU intensive stuff going on. You'll probably still be able to play it fine with some preventative measures, like reducing the screen scale factor and disabling texture resizing and post processing.
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- Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:16 am
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]

wildweasel wrote:By the sound of it, your hardware is getting closer to the bottom end of what's playable with this combination of mods, as there's a lot of CPU intensive stuff going on. You'll probably still be able to play it fine with some preventative measures, like reducing the screen scale factor and disabling texture resizing and post processing.
Yes, in my case tuning down custom pixel scaling alone was enough to make it run smoothly. The only place I have fps drop is the hub world, but its meh and does not really have any significant effect on the overall experience.
I was simply confused by the fact that it forced high def. scaling by default, which pretty much reduced my fps to 1. The game runs just fine with scaling reduced. I don't even need to enable the toaster-mode or disable post processing. I don't really mind playing it scaled down, its looks great either way in my opinion. I also thought that someone else might get confused too by it and have no idea what to do with it. That's why I suggested lowering settings by default instead of having it run in 1080p.
The other thing I could also recommend is going in to [DRLA options/Monster Pack options] and turning off "fancy gore effect". With this effect - when monster explodes it gets shredded in to million bits. Bits that stay on a floor for a long time and do reduce my fps if there are a lot of them. And there ARE a lot of them. I was lucky enough to spawn as a technician with an elephant gun, which makes everything you kill explode. It was not very fun, mainly because those monster bits were literally everywhere. Not a fan. But its just me.
Thank you.
- Posts: 137
- Joined: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:25 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Thanks for the feedback!nobrains21 wrote:
My suggestion would be to either lower scaling to a minimum(960x540) by default and telling ppl that this is something they could change after, or include two versions of the config file with different presets- low and high end one, so ppl can choose. This is not a bug or your fault really, but some one with and old rig might appreciate that. Starting a game and having it immediately running below 1 fps(or low fps in general) might scare some ppl off.
That makes sense. I fixed the configuration file in the build.
- Posts: 7
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Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
I noticed there's no compatibility fix for the DRLA Frontline Engineer's sentry gun that the Demolitionist class gets. DoomRPG-RLArsenal\actors\doomrl\Armor.txt defines new actors for the other four class variants, but the demo actor replacement is missing. I was starting to go mad trying to figure out why the actor killing everything didn't have a TID.
I noticed there's no compatibility fix for the DRLA Frontline Engineer's sentry gun that the Demolitionist class gets. DoomRPG-RLArsenal\actors\doomrl\Armor.txt defines new actors for the other four class variants, but the demo actor replacement is missing. I was starting to go mad trying to figure out why the actor killing everything didn't have a TID.
- Posts: 137
- Joined: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:25 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Thanks for the feedback!quarterpipe wrote:Hey,
I noticed there's no compatibility fix for the DRLA Frontline Engineer's sentry gun that the Demolitionist class gets. DoomRPG-RLArsenal\actors\doomrl\Armor.txt defines new actors for the other four class variants, but the demo actor replacement is missing. I was starting to go mad trying to figure out why the actor killing everything didn't have a TID.
Fixed this in the latest build.
The last buld can be downloading from the link in the top thread.
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Sat Jul 30, 2022 1:59 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Might I suggest the following changes to Minigame.c:
a new bool and int, and some bits and pieces before and inside the left and right input blocks, so you can hold shift to add/remove the maximum number of chips instead of mashing your keyboard a bunch.
EDIT: I suppose you'd need to add a line to the controls readout too.
Code: Select all
Player.InMinigame = true;
int Duds, Index;
bool runIsHeld = false;
int ChipDelta = 0;
// Set the HUD Size
SetHudSize(640, 480, false);
if (CheckInput(BT_BACK, KEY_PRESSED, false, PlayerNumber()) && !Started)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
if (ChipIndex > 3) ChipIndex = 0;
runIsHeld = (CheckInput(BT_SPEED, KEY_HELD, false, PlayerNumber()));
if (CheckInput(BT_MOVELEFT, KEY_PRESSED, false, PlayerNumber()) && !Started)
switch (ChipIndex)
case 0: // Rarity
if (ChipRarity > 0)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? ChipRarity : 1; //Number of chips to remove: either all of them, or just one
ChipRarity -= ChipDelta;
ChipTotal -= ChipDelta;
Repick = true;
case 1: // Amount
if (ChipAmount > 0)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? ChipAmount : 1;
ChipAmount -= ChipDelta;
ChipTotal -= ChipDelta;
Repick = true;
case 2: // Duds
if (ChipDuds > 0)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? ChipDuds : 1;
ChipDuds -= ChipDelta;
ChipTotal -= ChipDelta;
Repick = true;
case 3: // Speed
if (ChipSpeed > 0)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? ChipSpeed : 1;
ChipSpeed -= ChipDelta;
ChipTotal -= ChipDelta;
if (CheckInput(BT_MOVERIGHT, KEY_PRESSED, false, PlayerNumber()) && !Started && ChipTotal < (Rare ? CheckInventory("DRPGChipPlatinum") : CheckInventory("DRPGChipGold")))
switch (ChipIndex)
case 0: // Rarity
if (ChipRarity < 10)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = (Rare ? CheckInventory("DRPGChipPlatinum") : CheckInventory("DRPGChipGold")) - ChipTotal; //Number of chips we haven't already committed
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? (10 - ChipRarity > ChipDelta ? ChipDelta : 10 - ChipRarity) : 1; //Number of chips to add: all of them, to a maximum of ten; or just one
ChipRarity += ChipDelta;
ChipTotal += ChipDelta;
Repick = true;
case 1: // Amount
if (ChipAmount < 10)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = (Rare ? CheckInventory("DRPGChipPlatinum") : CheckInventory("DRPGChipGold")) - ChipTotal;
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? (10 - ChipAmount > ChipDelta ? ChipDelta : 10 - ChipAmount) : 1;
ChipAmount += ChipDelta;
ChipTotal += ChipDelta;
Repick = true;
case 2: // Duds
if (ChipDuds < 10)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = (Rare ? CheckInventory("DRPGChipPlatinum") : CheckInventory("DRPGChipGold")) - ChipTotal;
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? (10 - ChipDuds > ChipDelta ? ChipDelta : 10 - ChipDuds) : 1;
ChipDuds += ChipDelta;
ChipTotal += ChipDelta;
Repick = true;
case 3: // Speed
if (ChipSpeed < 10)
ActivatorSound("menu/move", 127);
ChipDelta = (Rare ? CheckInventory("DRPGChipPlatinum") : CheckInventory("DRPGChipGold")) - ChipTotal;
ChipDelta = runIsHeld ? (10 - ChipSpeed > ChipDelta ? ChipDelta : 10 - ChipSpeed) : 1;
ChipSpeed += ChipDelta;
ChipTotal += ChipDelta;
EDIT: I suppose you'd need to add a line to the controls readout too.
- Posts: 137
- Joined: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:25 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
No problem. I'll add it in my spare time! You can also suggest your edits on Github via Pull Requests.quarterpipe wrote:Might I suggest the following changes to Minigame.c:....
EDIT: To the "develop" branch: ... ee/develop
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:22 am
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Awesome to see the development going strong. The combination machine is an outstanding addition, and the same goes for the operation unit.
I'm also seeing more chips dropping from NPCs now, so I feel less inclined to hoard them (and spend them in bulk after 20 hours ingame, when I have more than a hundred, hehe)!
A suggestion: since the ammo dropped from NPCs comes only in half of the usual amount, what about including new instances and new bundled messages for them? Like Picked up a half spent box of shotgun shells instead of Picked up a box of shotgun shells or Picked up a short clip instead of Picked up a clip? Since I used to be a fan artist, I can edit the graphics to present the usual assets as shorter, smaller, half spent/drained, and etc. as long as I would know where to find them.
I'm also seeing more chips dropping from NPCs now, so I feel less inclined to hoard them (and spend them in bulk after 20 hours ingame, when I have more than a hundred, hehe)!
A suggestion: since the ammo dropped from NPCs comes only in half of the usual amount, what about including new instances and new bundled messages for them? Like Picked up a half spent box of shotgun shells instead of Picked up a box of shotgun shells or Picked up a short clip instead of Picked up a clip? Since I used to be a fan artist, I can edit the graphics to present the usual assets as shorter, smaller, half spent/drained, and etc. as long as I would know where to find them.
- Posts: 137
- Joined: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:25 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Thanks for the feedback!CzudakCzudak wrote:Awesome to see the development going strong. The combination machine is an outstanding addition, and the same goes for the operation unit.
It would be great to have a separate graphic for half-ammo. I like this idea.CzudakCzudak wrote: A suggestion: since the ammo dropped from NPCs comes only in half of the usual amount, what about including new instances and new bundled messages for them? Like Picked up a half spent box of shotgun shells instead of Picked up a box of shotgun shells or Picked up a short clip instead of Picked up a clip? Since I used to be a fan artist, I can edit the graphics to present the usual assets as shorter, smaller, half spent/drained, and etc. as long as I would know where to find them.
This is normal behavior. This skill now has two modes:CzudakCzudak wrote:I don't know if it's intended (v1.30a): the Magnetize skill jumped immediately to the second level of investment even though I only purchased the first tier. This is a repetitive behavior every time.
1. it collects items around the player;
2. it collects items into the player.
Since there is not much difference in functionality, I have made it free to increase the level of the skill, as well as leaving the cost unchanged.
It's simple. In DoomRLA, these messages appear on the maps where the rare unique things (weapons or armor). In the outpost they can randomly appear in the store. That's why this message comes out. Of course it makes sense to add conditions so it does not appear in Outpost. But I did not get around to it.CzudakCzudak wrote:And one more thing: what those messages of "some very good shit you might want is here" when teleporting to UAC Outpost mean? I can't remember if they were in the original mod, and searching the outpost 25 times didn't yield any results (though I didn't use cheat codes).
I did this in the last build.quarterpipe wrote:Might I suggest the following changes to Minigame.c:
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:22 am
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Very nice. Point me to a guide on how to unpack and/or decompile the graphic assets, and I will handle the rest. Or, if you have time, send me the assets (though I would prefer a guide/tutorial, so I would know what to do on my own in future situations).It would be great to have a separate graphic for half-ammo. I like this idea.
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:07 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
I tested here DoomRL Extended and don't work here on LZDoom. 2 decorate errors. So i disabled and everything back working normal like before.
And hey, i tested Toaster Mode and oh my god, you are a genius, seriously! What this mod does, what this mod disable? I say because i see the game running more smoothly, is very very cool!
Congratulations for this new update, nice additions
I tested here DoomRL Extended and don't work here on LZDoom. 2 decorate errors. So i disabled and everything back working normal like before.
And hey, i tested Toaster Mode and oh my god, you are a genius, seriously! What this mod does, what this mod disable? I say because i see the game running more smoothly, is very very cool!
Congratulations for this new update, nice additions

- Posts: 137
- Joined: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:25 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
You can use the "Slade" to extract the resources from the original doom2.wad.CzudakCzudak wrote: ↑Mon Aug 08, 2022 3:36 amVery nice. Point me to a guide on how to unpack and/or decompile the graphic assets, and I will handle the rest. Or, if you have time, send me the assets (though I would prefer a guide/tutorial, so I would know what to do on my own in future situations).
Thanks for the feedback. This error appears only on the LZDoom engine? No problems with other engines?
When Toaster Mode is turned on:
- increases the delay time of each cycle in some scripts (the most influential result gives an increase in delay in DoomRPG Monster's scripts. Example: without Toaster Mode on, the delay in each cycle is 10 ticks (about 1/3 of a second), with Toaster Mode on, the delay is 35 ticks (1 second). It's good for performance.
- added a check in scripts DoomRPG Monsters to see if the monster sees the player or not. Thus, on large maps (more than 200 monsters), DoomRPG Monster's scripts will not be activated until the player appears in sight or within close range.
Thus, with Toaster Mode turned off, on maps with 1000 monsters you will have 3000 cycles of Doom RPG Monster's scripts per second. While with Toaster Mode on, it may be 300 cycles per second, depending on conditions.
Also, the Toaster Mod on adds things like:
- the laser on the turret is not displayed;
- removed the display of fill bars in the styme menus.
And so on.
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:22 am
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Alright, the stuff is done. From what I understood from SLADE documentation, the graphics are "indexed" and the default color for the transparency is white.
I have no idea what next, though, but the packed sprites are in the attachments.
I have no idea what next, though, but the packed sprites are in the attachments.
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- Posts: 38
- Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:07 pm
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
Hi! Here i can't run GZDoom, because my low end machine. If i try, newer versions need OpenGL 3.2, 3.3, if i try GZDoom 4.7.1, runs very slow, lol.lucker42 wrote: ↑Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:25 pmYou can use the "Slade" to extract the resources from the original doom2.wad.CzudakCzudak wrote: ↑Mon Aug 08, 2022 3:36 amVery nice. Point me to a guide on how to unpack and/or decompile the graphic assets, and I will handle the rest. Or, if you have time, send me the assets (though I would prefer a guide/tutorial, so I would know what to do on my own in future situations).
Thanks for the feedback. This error appears only on the LZDoom engine? No problems with other engines?
When Toaster Mode is turned on:
- increases the delay time of each cycle in some scripts (the most influential result gives an increase in delay in DoomRPG Monster's scripts. Example: without Toaster Mode on, the delay in each cycle is 10 ticks (about 1/3 of a second), with Toaster Mode on, the delay is 35 ticks (1 second). It's good for performance.
- added a check in scripts DoomRPG Monsters to see if the monster sees the player or not. Thus, on large maps (more than 200 monsters), DoomRPG Monster's scripts will not be activated until the player appears in sight or within close range.
Thus, with Toaster Mode turned off, on maps with 1000 monsters you will have 3000 cycles of Doom RPG Monster's scripts per second. While with Toaster Mode on, it may be 300 cycles per second, depending on conditions.
Also, the Toaster Mod on adds things like:
- the laser on the turret is not displayed;
- removed the display of fill bars in the styme menus.
And so on.
Nice nice, i see! Then Toaster Mode runs like 3x more fast in ticks, 35 from 10 or 3000 cycles to 300 cycles is like 10x more performance.
This is the why i see big differences! Really congratulations, now i can play DoomRPG with better performance, and disabling the other options you recommended runs better yet!
Really thanks and continue with your very good work

- Posts: 24
- Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:22 am
Re: DoomRPG Rebalance [DoomRPG + DoomRLA build]
You can get more performance with Vulkan set as the "Preferred Rendering API" as well.Hi! Here i can't run GZDoom, because my low end machine. If i try, newer versions need OpenGL 3.2, 3.3, if i try GZDoom 4.7.1, runs very slow, lol.
Nice nice, i see! Then Toaster Mode runs like 3x more fast in ticks, 35 from 10 or 3000 cycles to 300 cycles is like 10x more performance.
This is the why i see big differences! Really congratulations, now i can play DoomRPG with better performance, and disabling the other options you recommended runs better yet!
Really thanks and continue with your very good work