First of all, TIL when you change a model user's roll or pitch (in UDB's visual mode) notice how the collision box stays above the actor? I did not know that.It explains why actors and players get higher than the cube suggests they should be.
Holy crap, what a discovery.
So I wouldn't recommend doing a 180 on pitch and roll for big and tall models like that. This is related to the odd player jumping issue.
About that "force feedback", you're trying to push a no-clip cube into the 3D floor with the zombiemen, the one whose interpolation point is right next to one of the 3D floor's lines. and while the cube will not collide with geometry, it's still colliding with the zombiemen, they're obstacles. A platform will always try to push away a non-platform (unless that non-platform has the DONTTHRUST flag). I know why you're doing it, changing the pitch/roll rotates the cube around the actor's feet.
The cube getting actually stuck in the 3D floor is something I'm gonna have to look into. That's a legit bug.
As for 3D floors not being where you want them to, try [wiki]TagWait[/wiki]
Like so:
Code: Select all
while (bolSC == true) {
TagWait(1572); //Make sure it has finished moving
TagWait(1572); //Make sure it has finished moving