LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod [Update 4.5 Hotfix] 7/12/2024

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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod

Post by Brohnesorge »

RastaManGames wrote:Why dead enemies emits particles?(
is that intentional?..
I'm gonna assume you mean Cacodemons. It was a bug that I liked so it became a feature.

Anywho, I just pushed a gore CVar to the WIP branch of the mod. It only affects Humans, Imps and Zombies, but those are the biggest offenders because of their numbers. If you don't mind the in dev jank, here it is.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod

Post by openroadracer »

Brohnesorge wrote:Anywho, I just pushed a gore CVar to the WIP branch of the mod. It only affects Humans, Imps and Zombies, but those are the biggest offenders because of their numbers. If you don't mind the in dev jank, here it is.
It actually works. Well, for the enemies you said it'd work on.

Still, if anyone wants to play this on slaughter .WADs, they'll have to be mindful of the slowdown potentials. Cacos and especially Pinkies can be rather common and in large numbers on some maps.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod

Post by Brohnesorge »

I'm currently putting the finishing touches on Update 1, so you can expect to see that by the end of the week.

But, I have no idea going forward what to focus on adding. So I'll ask you all, should I focus on added more variants or more bosses? See the poll. Thanks and keep me posted.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod

Post by -Ghost- »

Looks like it's losing, but I'd say more monster variants because bosses aren't something that will come up that often anyway. It's always fun when a mod has enough variety that you can get a good zombie/imp crowd going without many repeats.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod

Post by openroadracer »

Honest, I'd rather see a more complete set of boss monsters, plus the potential for boss monsters to replace things outside their "class", i.e. the human super cyborg commando or whatever potentially replacing a Baron or some such.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod

Post by Brohnesorge »

A boss shuffler is actually a really good idea! I have added it to my todo.

Here it is, the first Update!

Code: Select all

-New bosses added! Bruiser Demon (Baron of Hell) and Labolas (Hell Knight)
-New monsters added! Dark Mancubus (Mancubus)
-Increased Broodmother spawn chance. Now you should actually see her!
-Added a CVar for the gore effects!
-Brain monsters now have a psychic barrier that must be broken before they can be damaged. Splash damage bleeds through. They can renew their barriers if left alone. Health has been reduced to compensate.
-Increased Cacoinferno's Fire resistance
-Fixed wonky HK walking
-Cyber Knight's plasma thrower no longer causes bleeding
-Cyber Knight's plasma thrower no properly shoots at super close ranges
-Fixed missing BULLET resistance in Heavy Revenants
-All Revenant types' armor gained MELEE resist
Be warned, both the Bruiser Demon and Labolas are super tough, don't be afraid to hit them with MAXIMUM FIREPOWER. Going off the poll right now, Update 2 will focus on having more bosses, but will still have some minor enemies added as well.

Don't worry about how fast this update came out. It'll sit for longer now that I got some immediate issues out of the way.

edit: wow the poll is closer than I thought it would be! Looks like the focus will be on more variants!
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 1 8/1/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

Update 2 time already!

Code: Select all

- New Monsters added: The Cryobus (Mancubus), Para-Revenant (Revenant) and the Pyro Baron (Baron of Hell) 
- Imp Mage boss made significantly harder. Now throws Mancubus Balls in addition to his homing imp balls, lightning damage has been increased, and now rapidly throws 3 baron balls in a row. All attacks also inflict the associated status.
- Visual variant of Baron of Hell added
- Electric Imp Balls and Mancubus balls now inflict set damage to be more in line with other lightning attacks
- Mancubus Fire Balls now inflict burn
- Mancubus Electric Balls now inflict magnetize
- Slightly increased speed of Caco Ice Balls
- Slightly increased speed of Imp Lightning Balls
- Changed missile warning sound for Cyber Barons and SMMs to one less ear rapey
- Arachnotron and SMM barriers no longer resist elements and are no longer weak to melee
- Changed instances of Water to PLWater to properly interact with LTG
- Various explosions now properly deal Fire damage
- Dark Mancubus firing sound is now less plasma-y and more electric sounding
- Archvile Flame Pillar drop off height greatly increased
- Gibbs should now move with elevators
- Baby Cacos can now gibb. You monster
Big things are the massive Imp Mage buff and the mancubi now doing status effects, making them much more dangerous than before. And of course the new monsters! Fair warning, the Para-Rev's sprites are incomplete and there will be some minor visual bugs but nothing serious. But its a Revenant. That flies. The Cryobus is an ice themed Mancubus who can freeze you, and the Pyro Baron can't throw incineration balls, but more than makes up for it in volume of fire and aggressiveness.

Anyway, have fun and keep me posted!

What's next? Well...
Spoiler: If you want to be surprised don't look
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 2 8/10/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

Sorry for the double post but I just did a hotfix to nerf the Para Revenant. It was much MUCH stronger than intended, problematically so.

Code: Select all

-Reduced damage of Para Rev missiles 
-Reduced amount of shots in Para Rev burst fire
-Increased time between shots in Para Rev burst fire
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 2 8/10/22

Post by mamaluigisbagel »

Tried this out and I'm enjoying it, though it was a rough start. (my first experience was getting 2-shot by an LMG zombie at the start of a level) I think my favorite part are the cyber enemies, especially how they move. The delay in their movement really sells the cybernetic theme for them, and their death animations are cool to see! (and painful, quite literally :P)

Although the sometimes docile Cacodemons are a bit tough to deal with, due to my reflex being "see something, shoot it" lol
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 2 8/10/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

Cacos are working as intended!
the LMG start is always rough but at least you get a plasma out of it
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 2 8/10/22

Post by mamaluigisbagel »

I know its intended, I was just saying it takes time for me to get used to :P

Yeah didn't help the bunch of other zombies, imps, and pinkies in the room. Did in fact get a plasma gun after though.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

Code: Select all

-New Monsters: Arachnodrone (Arachnotron), Cacolich (Cacodemon), Wizard (Archvile), Ice Imp (Imp), Iceborne Baron and Baron of Darkness (Baron of Hell)
-New Boss: Cyborg Scout (Soldier)
-Fixed Cacoboreals having an electric bite
-Electric bites now do set damage
-Fire bites now do random damage
-Voltaic Archviles are now immune to Electricity 
-SMMs now beep more than once before firing missiles
-Added a sound to summoning
-Added casting sound to recharging barriers
-Added recharge sound to barriers
-Arachnotron barrier cast time increased
-SMM barrier cast time increased
-Fixed some flame VFX failing to appear
-Fixed Ice Damned Souls exploding silently
-Zombie corpse tag added
Wow that's a lot of new monsters. I guess. Maybe. Either way, we're almost getting to the point where all planned monster variants are in! My favorite monster in this pack is definitely the Wizard, and not just because I voiced him. He's got a lot going for him...well, you'll see.

Anyway, have fun and keep me posted!
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by cosmos10040 »

I'm having trouble getting legion monsters to Spawn. I can only get the legion monsters to Spawn with no other mods. At first I thought gun bonsai was the issue or beautiful doom with monsters disabled but its not the issue. I can see the options and codex. I mostly have graphical or sound addons. I can run brutaldoom enemies and project malice, legend doom, drla, just fine not sure why regular enemies are spawning and not legion.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by Brohnesorge »

For whatever reason, LEGION really doesn't play nice with anything that also replaces monsters. You'll have to use something that doesn't replace monsters.
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Re: LEGION - The HoD Monster Mod Update 3 8/21/22

Post by cosmos10040 »

Okay I figured it out, it was lexicon sentinel 137 map pack. Not sure why I will keep experimenting.

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