Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.6.1) (+ Monsters-only) (Anarchy and Insurrection addons!)

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Re: [WIP] Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.1.1)

Post by DustedPandemonic »

ClessxAlghazanth wrote:
nexus_6 wrote:Fixed btw - GZDoom has an option to disable menu scaling
I'm having the same issue , can I ask where the said option is ?
"Disable Menu Clean Scaling", it's in Miscellaneous Options, I recommend it so you'll be able to look at the mod info pages as well.
Tomi Ivasword wrote:I noticed, that my hud is somehow gone and I asked myself if this is normal, but I think not, since you don't get a hud when I do give all in the console. I'd find help quite nice.
It's possible you might have your screen size on 10 or 12, Pandemonia currently doesn't have a status bar replacement so the HUD is only visible on screen size 11 (Display options, alternatively press + or - while ingame)
Okinell wrote:First of all. Amazing MOD!. Having a blast so far.

However, recently I've stumbled with an issue while I was playing in the DOOM Zero wad. No matter how much I try. I can't take the plasma gun. I reach to it but nothing happens. In order to see if it was a problem with the wad itself I decided to test that same map (Map04) with other weapon mods (Brutal Doom, Doom Tournament and LegenDoom). Everything went smoothly by the time I reached the plasma gun with the other mods.

Another idea that I had was that maybe the order was related with the problem. So I decided to change the order of booting by placing the mod at second place( This is the original order I used: 1.Pandemonia V2.1.2, then DoomZero.Wad and Doom3 sounds. pk3). What I got was a Golden-Black Cyberdemon just frozen in the place where the plasma gun should be. That sight scared the s*** out of me when I saw it for the first time XD.

If you can tell me where should I look at in order to fix the problem, I would appreciate it.

Have a wonderful day
Thanks! I recommend Doom Zero to be loaded first, tho since it edits the plasma rifle through Dehacked it might cause problems with any gameplay altering mods. Not too sure exactly what the problem is but I'll test it out while I'm doing this new update.
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Re: [WIP] Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.1.2)

Post by A_D_M_E_R_A_L »

This mod and Corruption Cards. Name me a better couple.
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Re: [WIP] Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.1.2)

Post by omxgamer127 »

Hello Please add alt fire zoom mode to the railgun *impossible to zoom)
it a little makes me uncomfortable
Last edited by omxgamer127 on Sat Apr 23, 2022 4:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.1.2)

Post by Rowsol »

Crash report (monsters only version, gzdoom 4.7.1)
Phase Imp shot at me and when it hit me that happened. I haven't been able to reproduce it. I'm assuming it's a result of Corruption Cards interaction.
Edit: Just had a similar crash with the nail projectile.

The beams that certain monsters use while aiming has a very heavy impact on performance on large levels.

The tankubus still goes invisible sometimes. https://youtu.be/MPz97oYpCXY?t=1335
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Re: [WIP] Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.1.2)

Post by Bodhisattva »

Rowsol wrote: The beams that certain monsters use while aiming has a very heavy impact on performance on large levels.
I second this. Doom runs absolutely fine until one of those 'aiming beams' appears and makes everything run in 1-2 fps.
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Re: [WIP] Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.1.2)

Post by Obyrith »

I don't know if someone has reported this bug before but if you play with the effect chocker on the beam of the upgraded railgun is invisible.
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2 Pre-Release!)

Post by DustedPandemonic »

Hello! 2.2 is currently in its pre-release stage and should be pretty close to a full release. Lots of big changes, such as a major effects overhaul, conversion from decorate to ZScript code, a new "spawn events" feature, and much more.

To go alongside this pre-release, I also recorded a playthrough of a megawad with Corruption Cards.



I've fixed a lot of bugs so far but be sure to report anything you notice!
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2 Pre-Release!)

Post by Gourry »

Having a bug with one of the runes and armor. After the unlimited armor rune and clearing the stage; I don't take armor damage and can't equip any armor.
Attempting to destroy the armor crashes the game. Currently using GZdoom 4.5.0

Edit: crash still there but is fixed when finding a higher percentage armor that current.
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2)

Post by DustedPandemonic »

Version 2.2 has been released! Not much has changed from the pre-release, but overall this is a pretty huge update. Monsters only version will be coming soon.

Download (v2.2): https://drive.google.com/file/d/14felzg ... sp=sharing
Changelog (v2.2): https://pastebin.com/avwPVw0Q

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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2)

Post by Vordenko »

I remember playing this mod with a friend in GZdoom co-op. I literally was about to re-download this and just saw 2.2 had come out ahaha

Honestly, this mod was a lot of fun, can't wait to try out this update :>
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2)

Post by DustedPandemonic »

Vordenko wrote:Sweet!
I remember playing this mod with a friend in GZdoom co-op. I literally was about to re-download this and just saw 2.2 had come out ahaha

Honestly, this mod was a lot of fun, can't wait to try out this update :>
Thanks! Co-op isn't really supported but I'm glad it works.

Also, I have released a bugfix for sidegrades, redownload the mod from the same link and it should work just fine.
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2)

Post by Gorec »

awesome update, but medical armors regeneration flash is really annoying,maybe you can do something about it?
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2)

Post by Rowsol »

Is it normal for the medikits and stimpacks to 'open' even if I walk over with full health?
edit: it's the intelligent supplies mod. I forgot I had it loaded.
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2)

Post by DustedPandemonic »

Pandemonia monsters only for v2.2 has been released! There could be bugs depending on which gameplay mods you use but hopefully everything works fine.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YMuWwM ... sp=sharing

Gorec wrote:awesome update, but medical armors regeneration flash is really annoying,maybe you can do something about it?
I'll tweak it in the next update and make the sound and flashes different depending on how much health is regenerated.
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Re: Dusted's Pandemonia (v2.2) (+ A Monsters Only Version!)

Post by Warlock Lord »

Hey there! Excited to try out the mod with Corruption cards, but I'm having trouble and not sure how to fix this.

The "Mod Info" portion of the mod is cut off my screen, and no amount of tweaking the scaling for the HUD and resolution seems to fix it.


I'm using a 1440p monitor. Any ideas? A setting I can flip to make it behave better?

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