Walpurgis 0.99 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Lagi wrote:

still doesnt look right.

I will try later to reduce the amount of light on the plant.
Yep, that just makes it slightly duller looking.

The light shading was there to make the shape of the sort of egg-shape of the plant more obvious; so if you remove it you'll likely make it look rather flat.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by Alonso84 »

Hi there.
I found that Walpurgis causes following issues with this mod https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/ ... ly-version
Is there way to fix this?

And also i have a problem with fire whip. It works like that https://imgur.com/9efCiHK
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Alonso84 wrote:Hi there.
I found that Walpurgis causes following issues with this mod https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/ ... ly-version
Is there way to fix this?

And also i have a problem with fire whip. It works like that https://imgur.com/9efCiHK
Sprites being altered to things they shouldn't be, causing flickering in that way means that BD21 monsters is overlapping some definitions. In the case of the mace, this means there are some sprites called SM4K A - H, and the Fulgur one means there's an overlapping sprite called SPRK A. I can't see any issues in the Firewhip other than the Magister for some reason having 100 HP rather than 75.

Unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about this; Brutal Doom stuff is notoriously incompatible with alot of stuff (even the monsters part). This mod is also doing weird things to the menu for the glimpse I see of it. You would have to do a chunk of programming to get compatibility (or prune out the replacement sprites in SLADE~ is that smoke sprite even needed for the monster pack?).

You can try the BD20 monsters mod if that's still around. I don't recall huge monster changes between the two BD version monsters but it might be more compatible, maybe. Though you're missing out on the fun Walpurgis Elite monsters and Dimensional Instability anyways. XD
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by rayburn »

Hey can I borrow that gazer attack from the Gorgon? I really like the idea of giving a "speed debuff powerup". Nothing I really want to change about it, but I think I'll try and use one old Might & Magic VI sprite for circles instead and that's pretty much the extent of my changes to it.

Your spritework is so pretty.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

rayburn wrote:Hey can I borrow that gazer attack from the Gorgon? I really like the idea of giving a "speed debuff powerup". Nothing I really want to change about it, but I think I'll try and use one old Might & Magic VI sprite for circles instead and that's pretty much the extent of my changes to it.

Your spritework is so pretty.
Yeah sure, go for it. Just credit eharper256 and Walpurgis in your mod's readme.

There's a few moving parts to that temporary petrification effect, so be sure to get them all. :)

And thanks; there are some truly astonishing pixelartists out there that I can barely see the feet of, but I like to think I'm not too bad. :)
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by Alonso84 »

eharper256 wrote:I can't see any issues in the Firewhip other than the Magister for some reason having 100 HP rather than 75
Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcw-Nbb ... EHARPER256 you can see that Firewhip passes some distance before it explodes. But in my case it explodes immediately.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Alonso84 wrote:
eharper256 wrote:I can't see any issues in the Firewhip other than the Magister for some reason having 100 HP rather than 75
Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcw-Nbb ... EHARPER256 you can see that Firewhip passes some distance before it explodes. But in my case it explodes immediately.
Ah okay, that was changed for 0.93 as people felt the whip wasn't very responsive for its job (close range detonation and clear). Whilst I did like the older effect for looks wise, I did agree it was a little lacklustre at the time. So its acting as it should now with that balance change.
One thing I've been focusing on the last few days is various alterations and fixes to the main Hexen iwad. This includes adding scripting to fix the old 3 serpents issue with Gibbet, making the Death Wyvern's pathing get stuck less, and adding a bit of difficulty to Korax who basically died immediately before to Walp's changes (lol). Here's a video:

Well, perhaps he still needs a bit of work, but he now has a fighting chance at least, with some innate resistances, more HP, pain resistance, and some really deadly alternate attacks including gas clouds, and a giant wave of fire. He now also always opens up the initial swarm of enemies on the first teleport away. Let me know what you think.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Just a quick video today of me checking out a very short map called Perditions Grotto by AleDoom as it was lonely for comments on Doomworld and I like checking unnoticed maps out out (haha).

You can get this one here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/129637
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by Linz »

Say have you tried DBP20: Dungeons and Demons with Walpurgis yet?
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Linz wrote:Say have you tried DBP20: Dungeons and Demons with Walpurgis yet?
Yes, I have. I've played a few of the DBP's with Walp, though I've not made videos of them except DBK01 and the Autumn one (DBP29 - Super old early Druid gameplay in that one lol).

Quite alot of the DBP's work with Walp's theme if you don't like the idea of fantasy characters in tech-bases, though there is perfect in-lore reasoning for tech-base diving to happen; I simply assume the character you have in Doom levels is one that has completed Hexen and obtained the Chaos Sphere to move between dimensions at-will (as is hinted at in the re-written Doom intermission and epilogue texts).
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Today we're here with 512 Linedefs of /vr/, another recent 4chan level project. It ended up quite a long one since I was constantly going "oh this is pretty good, I'll check another" and recording another level, which is quite high praise from me. I actually usually like /vr/'s level sets, they're short and punchy and just my style usually, and this is no exception. This video covers maps 1-6.

You might notice a couple of sprite extras on the Myrmidon if you watch closely today (heh) as he just got a few. Anyways, you can get this here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/129989
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

There's a huge chunk of DBP series that I've never got around to playing (as mentioned above!), but this newest entry into the series, The Mausoleum Nefarium, seemed an especially fitting one to do with a Walp video, so here we are:

As usual, they're fun and super pretty themed levels, and I always enjoy them for a decent romp. Though alot of DBP's end up a little too hard for me by the end of the sets, I nevertheless often enjoy them, which is a sign of fun design. And one can never dislike the effort that goes into the architecture!

You can get it here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/130049
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by Turin Turambar »

Can you please put an option to deactivate the gameplay changes done to the enemies? You have done it with the Revenant, but there are still other important changes you have done, like the chaingunners not being hitscan anymore or the pinkies jumping around, to Cyber's rockets being slower, etc.

Honestly, your notice saying the changes done are primarily cosmetic is pretty funny, given the drastic changes done.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Turin Turambar wrote:Can you please put an option to deactivate the gameplay changes done to the enemies? You have done it with the Revenant, but there are still other important changes you have done, like the chaingunners not being hitscan anymore or the pinkies jumping around, to Cyber's rockets being slower, etc.

Honestly, your notice saying the changes done are primarily cosmetic is pretty funny, given the drastic changes done.
You can already revert the entire cast to Vanilla, though? :?
Goto Walpurgis Options => Bestiary Tweaks => Walp Monster Tweaks (set it to off)
Everything will revert to vanilla except Cyberdemon rockets and Spiderdemon chaingun (both of which are actually more challenging in Walp anyways).
Or load whatever monster mod you like later in your load order and it'll override the changes anyways.

I don't know why you think my cyberdemon rockets are slower, they're actually faster than vanilla ones by 5% and damage is very similar, just on less extreme range as mine is (128-176 damage) rather than (8-200 damage) as you can see here:

Code: Select all

Actor RocketCybieW
	Radius 10
	Height 8
	Speed 21
	Damage 2
	ExplosionDamage 5
	Scale 0.7
	SeeSound "RakketLancha"
	DeathSound "RakketKaboom"
		M1SL ABCD 1 Bright A_SpawnItemEx("ImpBallXTrail",-30,0,0,-2,random(-1,3),random(3,7))
		FHFX I 4 {A_Setscale(2,2); A_Explode(120, 168, XF_THRUSTZ,false,128,0,0,"None","Fire"); A_Blast(BF_NOIMPACTDAMAGE,255,168,15);}
		FHFX JKLMNOPQR 4 A_QuakeEx (4,4,4,10,0,200,"-")
As opposed to Vanilla:

Code: Select all

ACTOR Rocket
  Radius 11
  Height 8
  Speed 20
  Damage 20
  SeeSound "weapons/rocklf"
  DeathSound "weapons/rocklx"
  Obituary "$OB_MPROCKET" // "%o rode %k's rocket."
    MISL A 1 Bright
    MISL B 8 Bright A_Explode
    MISL C 6 Bright
    MISL D 4 Bright
There is indeed nothing drastic around them; every monster acts extremely similarly to its base form, just tightened up with a few mild extra abilities to spice them up. Every change caters for things lots of people (including myself) find un-fun about the Doom bestiary, like infinite homing rockets, hitscans, RNG damage, lost-souls having too much HP, etc. whilst balancing HP and Speed around faster and more deadly characters that have several melee options. This was voted for as being the preferred option a long time ago, and has become a core part of the design.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [GZDoom 4.8.0 F

Post by eharper256 »

Back portraits for intermission scenes are finally almost done!

What do you all think of them?

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