Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

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Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Guest »

I apologize that I can't do footage or a picture, but hopefully this will describe in more detail what I experienced. So when I gave GZDoom 4.8.1 for all my games rather with Doom 1 & 2, Doom 2 Reloaded, Doom Zero, SGTMARKIV Original Starter Pack, and Final Doom rather it be with Brutal Doom V21 or Don Ramon's Duke Nukem Weapons & Monsters Mod V10b on random the options menu would flicker back and forth text making it impossible to read the options menu, but as far I know this did not occur in game just when you first opened GZDoom 4.8.1 and went directly to the options menu. This glitch could also occur in game, but I didn't play long enough to find out. When using the feature screen wipe style melt when it would do the melt I would see some weird graphical issues occur, but switching to any other wipe style seem to fix the problem this was with all games and map packs I listed above. The sound issue occurred mostly in Don Ramon's Duke Nukem Weapons & Monsters Mod V10b with the machine gun and shocker gun. When using the machine gun the shooting sound disappeared totally. When using the shocker gun when using the charge up feature of the gun and releasing the sound would continuously loop till I switched weapons then it would go away, but if I repeated it it'd happen again. In Brutal Doom V21 it was really hard to tell if sound disappeared or not, but I think it might of with the mancubus cannon/flamethrower, but I could be wrong there. As far as the weapons acting up in Brutal Doom V21 if using the Give All cheat the machine gun I think started with 500 ammo instead of what I had set in the ammo.txt file for Brutal Doom V21 which was 9999 and the gun would flicker, but if I switched from the machine gun and come back to it I think it fixed itself!? This is all I experienced when using 4.8.1 so far, but I'm sure there are more bugs in it then just this that need addressing. Just as a side note not a single one of this problems I'm having existed in 4.7.1 so that's why I went back to it and everything is working just fine now. I was lucky I had backups or I would have been up a creek without a paddle getting my games back to normal. Nothing has changed with these issues. When will these issues be covered?

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Mobo: GA-970A-D3P (Rev 1.0)
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Rachael »

James Gegglelock wrote:When will these issues be covered?
If you're looking for definitive dates the one I can give you is the year 2765. I am sure by then your specific hardware set up will be covered.

Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Guest »

The issues don't exist in V4.7.1 so why can't yawl figure out what's causing the issues and take them out in future versions beyond V4.8.1? They should of been addressed in V4.8.1 since they we're reported in V4.8.0.
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Rachael »

I don't think you understand how this works.

This isn't some store where you can demand a refund on your defective product.
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by wildweasel »

James Gegglelock wrote:The issues don't exist in V4.7.1 so why can't yawl figure out what's causing the issues and take them out in future versions beyond V4.8.1? They should of been addressed in V4.8.1 since they we're reported in V4.8.0.
Because none of us have these issues that you're having, or at least, can't figure out how to cause them to happen. I do not have your computer, and although I have tried, I don't seem to be able to astral project myself into your computer room to watch the glitch happen, either. Plus that's a really long paragraph that I just can't be bothered to parse.

Why can't you record video or take a picture?

Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Guest »

O I get it alright people who can't afford to upgrade their systems get left behind. That's what's wrong with the world today it's just like Microsoft doing away with good OS's to force people to upgrade or get left behind. Same with cars as well older cars get left behind as well when it comes to parts. Why can't people care about people who can't afford to upgrade!? And also my system isn't defective it's working just fine. Yawl changed some things in V4.8.0 and V4.8.1 that caused it to break on some systems example mine, but yawl don't seem to care to fix it is what it sounds more like to me. There's nothing wrong with the system or systems if it works in V4.7.1 it's an actual problem with V4.8.0 and now V4.8.1 that needs addressing. I just wish people could care about poor people who can't afford to upgrade their systems.
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Rachael »

I just want to be clear so there is no confusion: Me being sassy and smart-ass isn't that I don't care about the issue, I just don't care for the way it is being presented and dealt with. Nobody here signed a contract agreeing to be ordered around by some loon who thinks they've got some right to be a dickhead about it. If that's your jam you can turn around and cram it right up your ass.

I have my suspicions of about where the problem began, but moving the renderer to that previous point would involve undoing a lot of backend changes that are necessary for more forward-thinking projects, such as maybe someday eventually if ever (?) getting RTX support for GZDoom.

The problem is, I can't reproduce the issue. I have AMD hardware available, and I don't have the issue. This seems to affect unique computer configurations and until we figure out what exactly they are we can't even begin to nail this down.
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by wildweasel »

James Gegglelock wrote:O I get it alright people who can't afford to upgrade their systems get left behind. That's what's wrong with the world today[...] [unprompted ranting and raving intensifies]
Literally nobody ever said this to you.
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Rachael »

James Gegglelock wrote: I just wish people could care about poor people who can't afford to upgrade their systems.
I have sympathy for you, I really do.

But your entitled-ass attitude kind of just makes it all evaporate away and turns me into a grumpy bitch.
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Graf Zahl »

Remember, the license states:
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
Oh, and how about updating your OS to a supported version of Windows'?
Something I absolutely wouldn't rule out with that system is that the rather high end hardware doesn't mix well with that crusty old (unsupported) Windows 7 and makes the driver stumble all over itself somewhere.
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by dpJudas »

If I knew what exactly causes graphical issues for some AMD users I would fix it, but the truth is I have no clue. Not even if it is actually a bug in GZDoom or not (it could be a bug in the display driver).

I also don't have the hardware in question. People are writing one liners as their effort to help track it down. I'm not even being paid. Why am I doing this?
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Enjay »

Is there anything that "James Gegglelock" can do to help track down the issue on his system?
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by dpJudas »

I don't know. Probably not unless he has some kinds of development skills himself. I was just trying to give a bit of insight into how it feels to be an open source developer these days. :)
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Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by SanyaWaffles »

I got into proper game dev recently and one of the things that absolutely frustrates me is when someone reports a bug or issue with something and doesn't write down reproducable steps in an area I can easily go back to refer to them constantly when I'm trying to troubleshoot things.

I know there's some things here and there that aren't gonna be that easy to reproduce. We had a bug that cannot be reproduced except in extremely difficult and unique circumstances, and only one person could reproduce it. However the steps he could use to reproduce it are still a clue of what's going on, and someday we might be able to reproduce it reliably.

That's no fault of the person involved in that bug report, he did the right thing. I'd rather have some information than none.

Moral of the story: help us help you.

Re: Graphical Issues & Sound Issues Still Exist In 4.8.1

Post by Guest »

Okay I want to apologize in advance to the developers/moderators of GZDoom I guess I just got a little fussy because everything was working fine in GZDoom V4.7.1 and down, but then going to V4.8.0 and higher all heck broke loose. And me I like to try and keep everything up to date on my system as far as I can until I can't anymore which it seems this is something I'll have to add to the list now and stick with GZDoom V4.7.1 which is okay I mean it does everything I want it to I just thought maybe going to a newer version would help with some FPS issues I experience once in a while, but it's not so bad I can live with it I've lived with it this long. Anyway I'm sorry to all the developers/moderators and hope ya'll can forgive me. Anyway I can't afford to upgrade my system because I'm just a simple Shakerboarder/Sign Holder for Little Caesars who doesn't make much I was lucky I built the system I have now. I did it with tax refunds saved up over the years. I just spent most of my tax refunds on my car so I can't afford to upgrade my computer now for several more years or never. My computer only supports Windows XP - Windows 8 hence why I'm with Windows 7. As far as doing pictures of the issues occurring I can't because they happen at random and are hard to capture. As far as capture sound as a picture you can't do that LOL I know just being stupid here I'll admit that one LOL. Anyway as far as recording a video I have issues with my Radeon Software acting up on recordings because I'm having random issues with my SSD drivers once in a while. No the SSD drivers are not causing the issues with V4.8.0 or V4.8.1 because if it was then it would exist possibly in V4.7.1 in my honest opinion. Anyway I'm sorry I wasted yawls time and I'll just stick with GZdoom V4.7.1 since it still works fine, but I will test future versions to see if anything ever somehow manages to get fixed in future versions. But yea I mostly upgrade GZDoom for hopefully FPS improvements is all nothing more. Yawl take care. And no I don't want to download any other recording software to try.

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