Brain derped out, meant to say 3.88a. I forgot I had the latest SVN instead of the stable release which is considerably older.thugsta wrote:
Why you on such an OLD version? any reason you have not updated to 3.88a if you want to be on LZ.
Yeah, I found it through IDFA. Not sure it spawns regularly, I'm not code-savvy at all so I couldn't tell if it could actually spawn "naturally" if you will.CaptainNurbles wrote:
Heck, I coulda sworn I'd removed that from the mod.
I was planning on adding a plasma shotgun, but scrapped the idea of implementing it after I'd backed my files off of my hard drive. It's a nonfunctional weapon that doesn't spawn ingame and can only be accessed with IDKFA or give all.
That said, seeing the laser SMG has fuller auto - any chance of adding a SMG which feeds from two or three mags and goes fuller auto? Something like a mini suppression gun if you will.