Scavver's Paradise V3 Beta - A Survival Horror Mod

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AMMO: Should ammunition have weight?

Poll ended at Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:11 pm

1) Yes! Make the ammo harness reduce reloading speed.
2) Nah! Keep the hard ammo caps and weightlessness plz.
3) Both! Make it a CVAR that players can toggle as desired. (DUNNO If I can accomplish this!)
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by GoalDude-00 »

thugsta wrote:
Why you on such an OLD version? any reason you have not updated to 3.88a if you want to be on LZ.
Brain derped out, meant to say 3.88a. I forgot I had the latest SVN instead of the stable release which is considerably older.

CaptainNurbles wrote:
Heck, I coulda sworn I'd removed that from the mod.

I was planning on adding a plasma shotgun, but scrapped the idea of implementing it after I'd backed my files off of my hard drive. It's a nonfunctional weapon that doesn't spawn ingame and can only be accessed with IDKFA or give all.
Yeah, I found it through IDFA. Not sure it spawns regularly, I'm not code-savvy at all so I couldn't tell if it could actually spawn "naturally" if you will.

That said, seeing the laser SMG has fuller auto - any chance of adding a SMG which feeds from two or three mags and goes fuller auto? Something like a mini suppression gun if you will. :p
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

GoalDude-00 wrote:Yeah, I found it through IDFA. Not sure it spawns regularly, I'm not code-savvy at all so I couldn't tell if it could actually spawn "naturally" if you will.
It won't. Adding a gun to the spawn list is one of the last steps I do once the weapon itself is functional and everything.
GoalDude-00 wrote:That said, seeing the laser SMG has fuller auto - any chance of adding a SMG which feeds from two or three mags and goes fuller auto? Something like a mini suppression gun if you will. :p
I had a few ideas for "legendary" quality guns, ones that are incredibly rare and feature some kind of bizarre, yet handy quirk about them. Stuff corrupted by demonic magics, if you want an in lore explanation for unrealistic weaponry. A perfectly accurate lightweight revolver that needs no reloading and draws super quickly was one, as was a machine pistol that you could endlessly feed magazines into and keep stuffing with ammo.

I should add a proper minigun, something a bit bigger and heavier than the chaingun. Less accurate, faster firing rate, needs winding up to use (despite me hating that as a mechanic in games.)

Also before anybody asks, no the "fuller auto" mode for the laser SMG cannot fire any faster than that. There's a hard limit in DECORATE (possibly ZScript, totally unsure there) of how fast guns can fire. The limit is 35 times a second, 2,100 rounds a minute. To simplify, Doom's engine tracks everything with an inbuilt timer running 35 times a second, hence why the unmodified engine can only run at 35 frames a second.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Well, I played Revolution! (which is honestly one of the easiest and chill wads you can find out there) and now Im trying to do a claustrophobia 1024 Run with Lost Hero Loadout. I loved completely the Update.

Probably the most things I loved was the changes of difficulty setings (making playable some wads on UV and even become again into a walking Tank haha), new weapons and the slugs ammo, shotguns now are more reliable. I like that the 5.45mm Assault Rifle is harder to find since its probably the strongest weapons on the game.

The ammo boxes also are cool, not sure how many different types of ammo you can find on them, but a single ammo box is enought to make a lasting use of tons of lightweigth weapons, like the 9mm pistol and smg magazines, 10mm pistol and shotguns, among other weapons. It would be kinda broken if is possible that spawn an ammo box with heavier and less common types of ammo

Last, something I noticed about the fatigue affliction is that if you heal it by using hellish spheres, the player speed is still decreased until you actually use the item that normaly takes away the affiction. I think that the melee damage still works as usual but not the speed
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Someonewhoplaysdoom wrote:Last, something I noticed about the fatigue affliction is that if you heal it by using hellish spheres, the player speed is still decreased until you actually use the item that normaly takes away the affiction. I think that the melee damage still works as usual but not the speed
There's always SOMETHING that I forget with every update. Appreciate ya reporting this, I'll get it fixed up. Giving this update a few days or so for more bug reports and such to come by so I can push a hotfix for some minor issues.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Howdy :V

I played a few more wads, I hadn't used the new weapons that uses compact cells outside of the plasma pistol or the stun rifle, but they look nice, as well as the possibilities wich the new firearms. With the content of the last 2 updates I also got ideas for 2 new loadouts for the mod Jejeje.

But for now, I'll post some other Issues I had found.
  • - Im not sure that someone talked about it already, but most firearms that are reloaded with at least 1 bullet get that extra bullet on the magazine. Its kinda more evident with the pump-action shotguns, which always hold an aditional shell when reloaded.
    - The laser repeater still gives you an energy cell when scrapped, instead of compact cells.
    - While playing Akeldama first map, the game completely freezes when you cross some area at the half of the map (Im not into Doom coding, so Im not sure if is something related to the Mod, or the current version of GZDoom itself)
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Someonewhoplaysdoom wrote:- Im not sure that someone talked about it already, but most firearms that are reloaded with at least 1 bullet get that extra bullet on the magazine. Its kinda more evident with the pump-action shotguns, which always hold an aditional shell when reloaded.
This is not a glitch, but is instead a recreation of how firearms function IRL. If you unload a partially spent magazine, all the bullets inside the magazine are removed from the firearm, but your gun will still have one round in the chamber. The bullet inside the chamber isn't removed on reloading unless you manually cycle the bolt, so when you slap a fully loaded magazine into a gun you have all of the bullets inside that magazine, plus one extra round inside the chamber. This also applies to tube fed shotguns, since you can rack a shell into the chamber and then fill the underbarrel magazine tube with shells. All magazine-fed firearms have a capacity of +1 because of this.

This does remind me that I need to finally add that feature to the underbarrel 12 gauge shotgun for the 5.45mm assault rifle. I keep forgetting to do that lol.
Someonewhoplaysdoom wrote:- The laser repeater still gives you an energy cell when scrapped, instead of compact cells.
This though is an issue. Will be fixed for the next hotfix.
Someonewhoplaysdoom wrote:- While playing Akeldama first map, the game completely freezes when you cross some area at the half of the map (Im not into Doom coding, so Im not sure if is something related to the Mod, or the current version of GZDoom itself)
Could not replicate this issue, unfortunately.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by -Ghost- »

Since fatigue is already a thing, have you given any thought to maybe a basic hunger/thirst system? Basically new "afflictions" tied to the consumption of certain items i.e. food, water, etc. It'd go really well with the scavenging vibes to be on the lookout for your next meal to keep going as well, though it would probably be best as a toggle for people who don't want it.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Not a bad idea, actually. I dunno if it'd be something I'd play with myself in my spare time, but it wouldn't be hard to implement at all. Next time I get that spark for mod development an inventory overhaul (and perhaps rewriting the HUD code to be scalable) would be the priority, but hunger/thirst wouldn't be too hard at all to toss in as well. Won't make promises, but consider it on the list!
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by -Ghost- »

Yeah, the Hideous Destructor submod, Ugly As Sin has a basic hunger/thirst system that definitely helps with the sense of sandbox immersion, especially for those longer levels, as well as adding even more excitement when you manage to find a little supple cache in a secret or something. I'm actually playing with dynamic day/night cycles and weather too, so it'd be the perfect ingredient to complete the scavenging feel!
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Welp, may as well drop this belated quick fix! Just some minor fixin's, tiny bit of ammo balancing, plus the addition of a 10 gauge double shotgun zombie, and a new burst fire mode for the 4.6mm assault pistol.

No word yet on when I'll start back on major projects for the mod. Just all depends on when the inspiration hits!

DOWNLOAD HERE (Updated 17/7/22)

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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Yai!!!, now its easier to get my favourite Shotgun on the mod. Nice

I played a lot of megawads with the mod and I could later post good recomendations for the list on the main page. But as a miscelaneous sugestion since you can increase your max HP, it would be a good idea to put on the HUD the value of your current HP and the max HP the character has.

I thougth that while playing an entire run of kinsie's Consolation Price PSX Doom (where you can play continously from like 90 maps), and by collecting HP spheres continously I ended with like 220 max HP, which made things hilarious to manage on healing. Its not a frequent scenario on a normal megawad honestly, but there's always the posibility of that.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Well, in the meantime, I'll post some suggestions of wads for playing scavvers Paradise (Played them on Nightmare difficulty on recommended settings with the exception of medical supplies, which I normally use at 56 rate):
  • kinsie's Consolation Price PSX Doom: Nearly 90 maps separated by chapters based on PSX Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom, that you can play continuously or start from an specific chapter. The difficulty match the ones of the Base IWads, but they use better ambience light and dark music that match the survival horror theme of the Mod, and makes more useful carrying around flares or Nightvision Googles.
  • Revolution!: A classic Wad of low difficulty in terms of enemy encounters and extremely good desings, that goes well with the hard mechanics Scavvers Paradise already has, and you can play it with the MIDI pack incluided without Issues. Not recommended to play any challenge loadout however, since map 3 features some toxic waste sewers with enemies and 0 radsuits, that are difficult to manage without having a decent ammount of medical supplies, even with radiation sickness off.
  • Doom: 25 years on Earth: While normally is a wad with standard difficulty and in general low enemy encounters, the low amount of items makes a challenge to play it with Scavvers Paradise, mostly the first set of levels can be hard for mannaging your pickups. It becomes easier once you get to the latter maps but running out of healing supplies between levels is something common.
  • Doom 2 the way ID did/Doom 2 the way we remember it: Doom 2 inspired megawads that has similar difficulty to the original game. Not too much to say appart that they're good picks to play this Mod.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Oh hey, what's this? Doom mod, you say?

Yeah, after a lengthy hiatus I'm back! Sort of.

Expect an update in the coming days, if not weeks. Not a ton of extra content (some weapon rechamberings, removal of a caliber, handful of new weapons, new item), but one major change: Weight system has been revamped. Rather than 60 pounds and 100 unspecified Bulk as hard limits for weapon and items, respectively, your weapons, items, and armor all add to your weight. The higher the weight, the slower you go. Technical hard cap at 180 kilograms of weight, but your movement speed is at its lowest at 90 kilos/120 kilos with a backpack. I've still a lot of playtesting I wanna do to make certain the speed and weight values are fair. After this, prolly just gonna call it good and done with the mod.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Update: Still working hard on the update. Health and affliction rebalancing, removed 5.45mm ammo and rechambered its weapons to 5.56mm, and .22 WMR ammo has been removed as well. 9mm rifle and 5.56mm bolt rifle both use a new stronger rifle cartridge. The .22 WMR pistol was changed into a 4.6mm auto pistol. More weapons are being added for variety to promote different loadouts for different play styles. Bolt pull animations are being added to every applicable weapon to make tactical reloading all the more important in a firefight. The Backpack is gonna be split between an Ammo Bandolier to permanently increase ammo by 50%, and various backpacks to gradually increase how much equipment you can carry on your person. Still no ETA on this update, as mood and energy for mod work varies wildly.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Evalya »

How do I unload my gun?

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