[Util] ZDoom Terrain Generator

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[Util] ZDoom Terrain Generator

Post by Grubber »

Remember this topic? I've developed perfect solution for that.

ZDoom Terrain Generator + help
(includes demo wad & help)

What is it? It's a tool that makes terrain from a grayscale heightmap. It generates map full of triangle sectors & slope things which makes the terrain. You can then open the wad with your favorite editor and copy & paste the terrain into your level. You can actually test the generated map itself, but you have to build nodes and optionally set some textures.


Known bugs: It's not stupid-proof. E.g. if you make the heightmap too large (so the level width or height will be > 65536), the map will be screwed up.
Last edited by Grubber on Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:57 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

You haven't....YOU HAVE!!!!


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Post by Grubber »

Yes, I have :D
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Post by Phoenix »

holy. shit. :shock:

and a holy shit at the file size and thing count too :shock:
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

As an experiment, I ran SCORCH1 through it and

Code: Select all

Flags: 00000000
Address: 0046cf59

Windows 9x 4.90 Build 73010104  

GS=0000  FS=2c2f  ES=018f  DS=018f
EAX=0005fffa  EBX=00000000  ECX=00000040  EDX=00000002
ESI=0285e518  EDI=0000000c
EBP=008afab0  EIP=0046cf59  ESP=008af89c  CS=0187  SS=018f
 CF- PF+ AF+ ZF- SF- TF- IF+ DF- OF- NT- RF+ VM- AC- VI- VP-

FPU State:
 ControlWord=037f StatusWord=0020 TagWord=ffff


Running threads:
fff19ac5 at 0046cf59*

Loaded modules:
baaa0000 - baafefff  DDRAW.DLL
76140000 - 761cdfff  SETUPAPI.DLL
7f720000 - 7f729fff  CFGMGR32.DLL
7e0c0000 - 7e0d2fff  CABINET.DLL
7fe40000 - 7fe48fff  WINSPOOL.DRV
bfe40000 - bfe45fff  LZ32.DLL
7bee0000 - 7bee7fff  HID.DLL
70000000 - 700b1fff  DINPUT8.DLL
beaf0000 - beb68fff  DSOUND.DLL
bfe50000 - bfe55fff  VERSION.DLL
5ef80000 - 5ef83fff  KSUSER.DLL
bfe70000 - bfe74fff  NTDLL.DLL
741d0000 - 741fafff  WINTRUST.DLL
7b960000 - 7b982fff  IMAGEHLP.DLL
7da90000 - 7db04fff  CRYPT32.DLL
79f80000 - 79f8ffff  MSASN1.DLL
00400000 - 00679fff *ZDOOM.EXE
7fe00000 - 7fe32fff  COMDLG32.DLL
7fbd0000 - 7fdfdfff  SHELL32.DLL
63180000 - 631ccfff  SHLWAPI.DLL
10000000 - 10095fff  FMOD.DLL
7ff20000 - 7ffe1fff  OLE32.DLL
7a1e0000 - 7a1f8fff  MSACM32.DLL
bfdd0000 - bfddffff  WINMM.DLL
736d0000 - 736d8fff  WSOCK32.DLL
77d70000 - 77d83fff  MSWSOCK.DLL
73710000 - 73720fff  WS2_32.DLL
7f7a0000 - 7f7dcfff  RASAPI32.DLL
7f780000 - 7f790fff  SECUR32.DLL
7f870000 - 7f877fff  SVRAPI.DLL
7fa30000 - 7fa42fff  MSNET32.DLL
7fa70000 - 7fa79fff  MSPWL32.DLL
7f880000 - 7f89dfff  TAPI32.DLL
7fab0000 - 7fb03fff  RPCRT4.DLL
7f8b0000 - 7f8b4fff  NETAPI32.DLL
7f750000 - 7f757fff  NETBIOS.DLL
7f160000 - 7f16dfff  MPR.DLL
73700000 - 73704fff  WS2HELP.DLL
78000000 - 78045fff  MSVCRT.DLL
bfe80000 - bff0dfff  COMCTL32.DLL
bff40000 - bff50fff  USER32.DLL
bff10000 - bff39fff  GDI32.DLL
bfe60000 - bfe6ffff  ADVAPI32.DLL
bff60000 - bffe2fff  KERNEL32.DLL

Bytes near EIP:
0046cf49: 00 88 5c 07 04 8d 04 76 8b 35 34 71 60 00 d1 e0
0046cf59: 66 8b 1c 30 66 89 5c 37 02 8b 35 34 71 60 00 66
0046cf69: 89 14 30 8b 35 44 71 60 00 b8 ff ff 00 00 66 89

ZDoom version 2.0.96 (Santa's Little Helper?)

Command line:
 C:\ZDoom\zdoom.exe C:\ZDoom\scorch1.wad
IWAD: doom2.wad

Current map: MAP01

viewx = 0
viewy = 0
viewz = 0
viewangle = 0

Possible call trace:
 0046cf59  BOOM
 004708b2  call 0046ce90
 0051f04b  call [00544114]
 00526de6  call [005441a4]
 0051f233  call 00526dc5
 0051f250  call 0051c07b
 0051f250  call 0051c07b
 00518c7b  call 0051f260
 0051c1a8  call [005441a4]
 0051ed16  call 0051c195
 00518d4a  call 0051ecf4
 004e5b30  call 00528afe
 0042d36b  call 004702b0
 0042dbf8  call 0042d230
 0042dd7d  call 0042d8c0
 00429fdb  call 0042dd60
 0041bdd2  call 00429f40
 00405b2c  call 0041bae0
 0040dcf3  call 0040dc40
 0040dcf3  call 0040dc40
 00494a01  call 0040dce0
 00494b03  call 0051829f
 0049ccf0  call 00405b80
 0049d025  call 0049c8e0
 0051bd7a  call 0049cfb0
 0051bc0e  call 00518e80

Stack Contents:
008af89c: c43237a3 bb154fc2 008afab0 0000079c  ·72··O··········
008af8ac: 46538000 451e0000 00000000 004708b2  ··SF···E······G·
008af8bc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 bff6b8dc  ················
008af8cc: bff641cf bffbb490 bff6b8f7 bff641cf  ·A···········A··
008af8dc: bffbb490 bff6b9af 00000001 819ecdc0  ················
008af8ec: 008af910 bff65be7 00000000 00673260  ·····[······`2g·
008af8fc: 0000006c 00beebf4 00670101 819ecdc0  l·········g·····
008af90c: 00000000 008af944 0051f04b 00000050  ····D···K·Q·P···
008af91c: 00beebf4 00001000 008af938 00000000  ········8·······
008af92c: 00673260 0000006c 00000003 bff6bb26  `2g·l·······&···
008af93c: 819ecd8c 0000006c 00526de6 00ce01c8  ····l····mR·····
008af94c: 0051f233 00000003 0051f250 0000234c  3·Q·····P·Q·L#··
008af95c: 005f04c0 00cc2004 00001000 008af958  ··_·· ······X···
008af96c: 00cc0004 008af9e4 0051b9b8 005a18e8  ··········Q···Z·
008af97c: ffffffff 0051f250 005f04c0 00000153  ····P·Q···_·S···
008af98c: 008af9b4 00518c7b 00cc2005 00beebf5  ····{·Q·· ······
008af99c: 00000153 bff6bb26 819ecd24 008afa38  S···&···$···8···
008af9ac: 0051c1a8 00cf9360 008af9f4 0051ed16  ··Q·`·········Q·
008af9bc: 00000013 00518d4a 00000000 03c36bbd  ····J·Q······k··
008af9cc: 00000000 0a5fbd91 00000000 00000adb  ······_·········
008af9dc: 00000000 fc2ae4a5 00000000 0760eed2  ······*·······`·
008af9ec: 00000000 01bbf50a 00000000 bb154fc2  ·············O··
008af9fc: ffffe99c 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afa0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afa1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afa2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afa3c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afa4c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afa5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00600400  ··············`·
008afa6c: 00600481 00600481 00648da0 004e5b30  ··`···`···d·0[N·
008afa7c: 00dadd0c 0000079c 00600438 00600481  ········8·`···`·
008afa8c: 005fffb8 54434553 0053524f 00600481  ··_·SECTORS···`·
008afa9c: 66502447 008af8bc 008afae8 0052aefd  G$Pf··········R·
008afaac: ffffffff 005ff1ac 0042d36b 005fffb8  ······_·k·B···_·
008afabc: 00000008 00000000 00000000 005fff00  ··············_·
008afacc: 00000000 0042dbf8 00000003 00000001  ······B·········
008afadc: 00000000 00000000 00000003 008afb48  ············H···
008afaec: 0052a4b5 ffffffff 0042dd7d 00429fdb  ··R·····}·B···B·
008afafc: 00000040 00000001 00000001 00000000  @···············
008afb0c: 00000001 00000000 00000000 0041bdd2  ··············A·
008afb1c: 000000f8 00dc0010 008afb54 00000001  ········T·······
008afb2c: 00405b2c 000000f8 00dc0010 00000001  ,[@·············
008afb3c: 00000001 0000003f 008afb30 008afc7c  ····?···0···|···
008afb4c: 00529e85 00000000 00000004 0000026e  ··R·········n···
008afb5c: 008afce4 0000017e 090706a7 00d04ee0  ····~········N··
008afb6c: 008afcd8 bff6269c 6d6f6f44 7475412e  ·····&··Doom.Aut
008afb7c: 616f6c6f 81000064 00000001 7e6f3035  oload·······50o~
008afb8c: 00000000 00000001 0000017e 008afbd0  ········~·······
008afb9c: 7ff4073f 00000000 00000000 bff613e2  ?··············
008afbac: 00000187 bff81b8b c1998670 bff69480  ········p·······
008afbbc: bff613e2 00000187 00000002 66502447  ············G$Pf
008afbcc: 0040dcf3 008afbdc 00000002 66502447  ··@·········G$Pf
008afbdc: 0040dcf3 008afbec 00494a01 00553938  ··@······JI·89U·
008afbec: 00494b03 00000094 00000004 0000005a  ·KI·········Z···
008afbfc: 045a0bb8 00000001 00000020 00000000  ··Z····· ·······
008afc0c: 00000000 00000000 7ff2d58d 00000000  ···············
008afc1c: 0000000c 7ff20000 00000000 00000000  ···············
008afc2c: 00000002 00000000 7ff44bc0 008afc48  ·········K·H···
008afc3c: 7ff44ae7 7ff444d0 bff6bb26 819ecc6c  ·J··D·&···l···
008afc4c: 00000002 7ff40f79 7ffd2fb8 0000026e  ····y···/·n···
008afc5c: 00000000 00780170 008afc74 7ff40ec1  ····p·x·t······
008afc6c: 00000000 00000002 00502447 66502447  ········G$P·G$Pf
008afc7c: 008afcd8 00529e9a ffffffff 0049ccf0  ······R·······I·
008afc8c: ffffffff bff868b5 007a0000 00000000  ·····h····z·····
008afc9c: 00000000 0000026e 0000017e 00000001  ····n···~·······
008afcac: 0000ffff bff6bb26 00000002 00000276  ····&·······v···
008afcbc: 00000000 00400000 00400228 00400200  ······@·(·@···@·
008afccc: bff60000 00400000 008afc8c 008afd00  ······@·········
008afcdc: 0052b660 00000000 008afd10 0049d025  `·R·········%·I·
008afcec: bff676ee 00000000 007a0000 008afcec  ·v········z·····
008afcfc: 008af6cc 008afe28 0051b9b8 00554ab8  ····(·····Q··JU·
008afd0c: 00000000 008afe38 0051bd7a 00400000  ····8···z·Q···@·
008afd1c: 00000000 819a0ecb 00000001 00000094  ················
008afd2c: 00000004 0000005a 045a0bb8 00000001  ····Z·····Z·····
008afd3c: 00000020 00000000 00000000 00000000   ···············
008afd4c: 000000f6 01170000 8dc23a48 00000001  ········H:······
008afd5c: 017f0000 5fa48d7c 0180016f 00000000  ···|··_o·······
008afd6c: 4cb200f6 000859ef 00008dc1 00000000  ···L·Y··········
008afd7c: 518b8d98 8dc1ffff bfe612fc 00000001  ···Q············
008afd8c: 016f4efe 819eb03c 00000000 00000000  ·No·<···········
008afd9c: 008affff 7fbd8cb8 00000001 00000187  ···············
008afdac: 819eb03c 00000000 00000000 0051bc0e  <·············Q·
008afdbc: 00000000 819eae70 007a0000 00000044  ····p·····z·D···
008afdcc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afddc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afdec: 00000000 00000000 00000401 00000001  ················
008afdfc: 00000000 00000000 000012f8 00000000  ················
008afe0c: bff641cf 00000000 bff6eba3 819a0ecb  ·A··············
008afe1c: 00000000 008afd28 819eae70 008aff68  ····(···p···h···
008afe2c: 0051b9b8 005a13a0 00000000 008aff78  ··Q···Z·····x···
008afe3c: bff7b9e4 00000000 819eae70 007a0000  ········p·····z·
008afe4c: 6f6f645a 5845006d 00000045 00000000  Zdoom·EXE·······
008afe5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afe6c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afe7c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afe8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afe9c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afeac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afebc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afecc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afedc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afeec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008afefc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008aff0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008aff1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008aff2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 008aff6c  ············l···
008aff3c: 81907050 819a48e8 e3bea070 008aff6c  Pp···H··p···l···
008aff4c: 0051bbf6 bff6b487 00000000 819eae90  ··Q·············
008aff5c: 3bf60000 008afe40 007a0000 ffffffff  ···;@·····z·····
008aff6c: bffb1b20 bff69138 00000000 008afff4   ···8···········
008aff7c: bff7b896 819eaff0 00000008 819eae70  ············p···
008aff8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008aff9c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008affac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008affbc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
008affcc: 00000000 0002ffff 0000f28a 008ae000  ················
008affdc: 008b0000 00000000 ffffffff 819eb21c  ················
008affec: 00000000 515f3bf6 86b27fec bff7a24f  ·····;_Q···O···
008afffc: 00000000                             ····
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Post by killingblair »

Image :wub:
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Post by Wasted Youth »

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Post by Cutmanmike »

omfg.... how long did this take you?
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

Grubber: YOU MADE DW NEWS!!!
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Post by Lexus Alyus »

Grubber, you are a god! :D.

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Post by Cutmanmike »

I can't fathom this, so could someone give me a nice example of what this baby can do?
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Post by Risen »

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Post by PlzDieKthx »

when you run it with without any command line argument it just flashes on the screen and is gone, AWESOME

also i tried dragging and dropping my heightmap over it and the wad it made was 0 bytes
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Post by Phoenix »

you have to do it ultra old skoolz and open a dos window thing (start -> run -> "cmd" on xp) and run it from there :P
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Post by BetaSword »

Ok, here's a question: What format BMP must it be saved as? Cause it doesn't seem to be able to recognize the BMP I'm using...

Edit: Ok, I got it a bit further. Now it says the BMP isn't 8 bpp. What the crap does that mean?

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