Ashes Afterglow TC - closing the vault

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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update

Post by Irrevenant »

Vostyok wrote:Great to hear this! I did consider having modkits be something like Trailblazer. You collect scrap and turn it into mods using an inventory item which is always carried, say. I might do this in the future, tbh. Will give me an excuse to replace the blursphere with a new stim type or something. I dunno.
That sounds pretty good. Would that also account for Pipe Bombs? Since eventually you'll have all the upgrades and have nothing to do with the scrap.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

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We'll see. Might have it so you can craft ammo instead. Or something else entirely. It all depends on how my planned changes for Episode 3 work. :twisted:
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by Irrevenant »

Nice. Ahh, I was also curious if the backpack and armor upgrades will be enabled in the weapon pack eventually. I did make up some spawn conditions in my copy.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by Vostyok »

See above - for now, probably
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by camper »

Vostyok wrote:your Terminator fantasies by blowing away raiders with a plasma rifle.
Yes, cyborg-terminator monsters and flying hunter-drones would be on point, along with a superboss in 2063.
A scavenger on a cart carries a lot of weapons. There is not enough weight limit for him in the inventory to somehow diversify tactical planning. (Yes, yes, I know that this is a doom and doomguy always carries a lot of weapons on a cart. But can't I dream?)
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by ZikShadow »

I mean, considering how there's a sterilized version of Ashes' maps plus mods out there with carry limits like HDest, it doesn't always have to be a dream.

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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by mac420666 »

Yo... :geek:
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after my flesh?, Or will the
storm my apartment?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update

Post by Ihavequestions »

Vostyok wrote:Update to Sterilized Afterglow maps. Fixes a bunch of progression issues, the issue with the healthbonus/armorbonus replacers, some idle monsters, and a bunch of other misc fixes.
Unfortunately, that didn't work out. There are still bugs everywhere. Attached are some pics from Westside. And, by the way, there is no gas tank explosion effect when you get outside, just the tank crumbling.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by ZikShadow »

Can confirm. 1.2. Still has the junk items that are inherited from the bonuses instead of randomspawners that drop the original pickups.

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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by Vostyok »

Have chased issue. Mediafire link failed to update with the new file for some reason. The moddb version was the correct one. Have reuploaded, link should now lead to version with latest changes. Apologies for any issues.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by ZikShadow »

Checked both versions. Still has the bonus inherited junk items.
Fake bonus items and HDest's actual bonus item replacement put as comparison. Former's the big ones.

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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by Vostyok »

okay no idea what tf is going on here. I might have to rename the file or try posting it in a different domain as it doesn't want to overwrite. Sorry about this

edit: Link reuploaded. Modifying links on front page. Tested with High Noon Drifter - bonus health/armor items spawn correctly and nuke actor spawns. ... 0.pk3/file
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by Ihavequestions »

So this problem seems to have been solved, but there is still the lack of radiation in most places that should be radioactive, like the outside areas in The Gap; and also in The Gap, the final boss makes the default Cyberdemon roar when he sees me.

What I also noticed is the lack of colored lighting in the Lazer Tag arena in The Flooded District. And I had troubles progressing through the parking lot -- please see the attached picture. I have no idea what to do there. Something seems to be broken about that whole area, as if some trigger didn't get triggered for some reason.

EDIT: Another bug in the Flooded District was the Destroyer not triggering until I touched him. I could walk past him to the side room with no problems. I thought it was some joke at first.

And in The Gap, once I crossed the long tunnel with the Gasbags and Overseers, a rattling sound (which I could identify as Sounds\AMBIENT\DSREVDOR.ogg) started to randomly appear, and it wouldn't go away until the end of the map.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by Plasmazippo »

Ihavequestions wrote:And in The Gap, once I crossed the long tunnel with the Gasbags and Overseers, a rattling sound (which I could identify as Sounds\AMBIENT\DSREVDOR.ogg) started to randomly appear, and it wouldn't go away until the end of the map.
This one has been in Afterglow for a looooong while, since v1.04 at the very least. I thought that noise was for ambience, so I never said a thing about it.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - modpacks update page 106

Post by Ihavequestions »

Never noticed it before. It's so weird.

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