Ashes Afterglow TC - closing the vault

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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by Ihavequestions »

Vostyok wrote:Afterglow Sterilized edition:
Sterilized version of Episode 2: Afterglow. Designed to be run with Doom2 as the Iwad. Simplified maps that don't use hubs, don't have quests, don't have vehicle sections, and include vanilla weapons, pickups and monsters. Load up your favorite enemy/gun mods and rid the nuclear hellscape of 2063 Georgia from the evil demons/nazis/robots/cyborgs/sonic recolors (delete as appropriate).
Playing this now together with the weapons pack and standard Doom 2 monsters. Arrived at the Rink, and here's a few things I've noticed so far that I do consider oversights, errors, or weirdities:
- There is almost no radiation anywhere, there are no purge stims, and even the worst kind of nukage doesn't do any damage to the player at all.
- When picking up bullets, the message "Got the box of heavy bullets." instead of "Got the heavy bullets." appears.
- What would normally be junk appears as oversized flickering food items or Doom armor bonuses instead of Ashes armor scraps.
- The locked truck in the Flooded District that requires a yellow key to open is not marked yellow, unlike those on Westside and in the Gap.
- Some trash cans not only do not contain anything, but there is also no message telling so. I noticed this especially in the Rink.
- The workbench in the Rink does not bear the gun upgrade kit.
- Also in the Rink, there are several gas cylinders lying around the playfield, but there seems to be no flamethrower anywhere.
- The firing sound of the zombie seargents and chaingunners is that of the sawed-off instead of the pump-action shotgun.
That's all for now. I will report more later as I progress.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by TheUnbeholden »

Excellent work thus far. This mod deserves all the praise its been getting as the most immersive build engine mod that for all its worth does what few games can, its making a reactive story that changes based on what we choose to do in the mod. I wasn't expecting that.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by q3cpma »

Vostyok wrote:
WolfyBrandon wrote:
Vostyok wrote: ... 3.pk3/file
Ashes 2063 Enriched Edition V2.23
Episode One mod and maps. Includes a bunch of bug-fixes but I've probably forgotten a few :(
Thanks for continuing to polish the old one. Did you fix the breakable bunker door controls in the Spire?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by Drake Raider »

I apologize if this has been answered, but I noticed that Afterglow used different mapslots than 2063. Is there a plan to merge both mods into a single seamless narrative at some point?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by reverbirb »

Created an account here just so I don't get softlocked out of beating this game. I was about to finally head north after doing all the quests for Prosperity. Hopped off my bike to talk to the Baron one last time. Came back, bike completely gone. Can't proceed further without bike. Still have my Matriarch but bike is completely gone and despawned. I swear I left it at the entrance and didn't leave it in some stupid random place. Is there a console command or anything I can do to get my bike back and proceed with the game?
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by reverbirb »

also just wanna say this is probably up there with one of the best games ive ever played period. im completely blown away by how massive it is, ive gone slow and didn't use autorun and treated it like a stalker/metro experience and it's a masterpiece. Im pretty sure ive done almost all of the side content and secret stuff. Just barely reached the optional "anomaly" before heading north. You could have charged like $60 for this game and I wouldn't have got my money's worth.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by kalensar »

I am sitting here stunned as a scared possum about a STERILZED version of Afterglow!!! What the actual Duck!!! I am going to enjoy the ever living hades out of this and share it as far and wide as I can. Seriously...Has the potential to be the best GZD vanilla style Megawad I'll play this year.!
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by Vostyok »

Quick update to answer comments (if I missed yours previously, I apologize. It is hard to keep up with this thread sometimes)

No problem! A lot of our fans are outside of the native English demographic, and also some were finding it hard to hear some of the lines (particularly if they were already busy murdering something/someone). In the future, I'm making greater use of the LANGUAGE lump as well, which will make it a lot easier to translate text as well.

@Cybernetic Phantom/Ihavequestions:
Thank you for the spots. Will see what I can do.

Should be. I know it isn't in the changelog, but modified the console actors so they should not be thrust away by explosions anymore.

Open the console and type 'summon VehicleMotorcycle' to get your bike back, or 'VehicleMotorcycle2' for the Ice Cube, pimp-my-ride, east coast choppers upgrade edition. Have identified cause of bug and will see what I can do for next update. And thank you!

Now they all follow the same map format, it should be a lot easier to merge them, which was the original intent. Unfortunately a lot of changes occured between the two episodes and it will still need a lot of work to finalize this. But it is on the roadmap for the future.

@everyone else
Many thanks for all the comments. It really does make us proud. Hopefully the next release will be even better.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by DeeDeeOZ »

Just wanted to say I'm pretty bloody amazed how quick you guys put together the sterilized version, I know people wanted it and you guys promised it, but really was not expecting it yet!
Going to give it a run through soon as possible. Also figured I should say Ashes was easily the most polished TC I played in a long time and you guys should be really.. really proud, I couldn't put it down once I started and ran though multiple times.
Can't wait for next instalment.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by Drake Raider »

Thanks for the response! Vostyok! I'm sure that you're busy with all your amazing work.

Last question regarding this, do you have a vision for the total number of episodes in the Ashes saga? I haven't finished Afterglow yet, to be fair, so I don't know if it ends on a cliffhanger again or a more resolute ending. But regardless, the potential of your storyline just feels so massive.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by atarumoroboshi18 »

So, here's a fun question. What's going to be the name of the next episode?

I think it will be Ashes: Aftermath.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by Ihavequestions »

atarumoroboshi18 wrote:So, here's a fun question. What's going to be the name of the next episode?

I think it will be Ashes: Aftermath.
As the scavver is heading north, it's probably going to be be something along the lines of Chicagocalypse. :mrgreen:
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by june gloom »

Honestly, to me the logical next step would be Cincinnati. That city doesn't show up in enough post-apocalypse media, which is a shame because it already looks like it IRL.
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by Plasmazippo »

Very true, but the thing about Chicago is that it has already been mentioned in Afterglow, so we know for a fact that it still exists. Who knows, if Cincinnati is already post-apoc as it is, the bombs may have turned everything into vapor. :P
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Re: Ashes Afterglow TC - update and sterilized! Pg104

Post by CyberneticPhantom »

I'm pretty certain we're heading to New Nashville. It's mentioned multiple times, it's closer to Atlanta, Georgia and Athena mentions it a few times. I'm currently replaying Afterglow and it's been a little between playthroughs so I may be wrong but I also believe she says a backup of herself, containing the old data that the New Guard deleted in the Spire, is in New Nashville. Plus Vostyok himself has said New Nashville earlier in this thread. Chicago would be cool though, I thought that might be where we going at first as well but New Nashville is just mentioned more as a place we should head to next while Chicago just seems like an important place overall that has trade and things like that similar to Georgia but possibly more advanced since I'm pretty sure the Water Baron and some others mention being from there or at least going there.

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