[SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Craneo »

if you do the cop, I think it would look better in blue than in black, and the yellow belt would probably look good too (plus, the blue's in Dooms palette could probably be easily recolored to black via slade, so people can technically get both if you make him blue)
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by inkoalawetrust »

If you are going to be making cop sprites that also have a shooting sequence, I'd suggest that you make them hold their guns with both of their hands, like the guards Wolfenstein 3D's guards do. Instead of holding them on one hand like with a lot of other pistol monster/NPC sprites. Since it would kinda look ridiculous for the cops to be doing it.
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Deon »

I know this is a necro, but I just HAD to tell you THANKS.

I was thinking about respriting all zombiemen by removing guns and adjusting their animations a little. That would probably look terrible.

THIS. This is exactly what I needed for my town map. I will be sure to give full credit, and I thank you 1000 times.

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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by DeeDeeOZ »

No problem. Still working on more stuff for this, and finally going to get some free time soon so hopefully more content soon.

Also.. Shadowrun was going to be on of my secret projects :D (Shadowrun really needs more FPS love)so please.. keep going and feel free to use any of my stuff.

EDIT* -01/12
updated first post with couple of extra guys in goon pack, tommygun and shotgun Chicago mobsters, gasmask version of professional merc and a Russian suit with a AK. Got a bunch of other stuff that might get finished soon if I can get myself in gear (and find some more time). Cant promise much at moment as this time of year is very busy.
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Deon »

Thank you for your extended work on this.

I've added some "pull out gun + shoot" frames to the office-suited lady, and now I can have a proper corporate raid map as shown in this short demo

Thank you one more time!
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by DeeDeeOZ »

Deon wrote:I've added some "pull out gun + shoot" frames to the office-suited lady
Ha. Great minds! :D
Actually spent yesterday redoing newer version of the doom style civilians which complete support for color translation (green/blue) all finished on sheets just have to put into frames.
Also ever since I started doing these I've been promising people girl thugs, still have these planned but there a little bit more work so figured quick nasty solution was to just make simple pistol armed versions of all civilians.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/61x40jv68lybn ... 3.zip?dl=0 -Teaser version with suit girl 2 girls/2 guys 5 NOW (will upload onto main page when completed
EDIT* suit girl/dress girl/African man, new suit man and waistcoat guy(only 1 color for him) all with alternative armed versions.

And if you haven't thought about it yet, I would heavily recommend using the Terminator(Credit-Vader) eye visor as a cyber visor its a really quick way to scifi up some sprites
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Last edited by DeeDeeOZ on Wed Dec 08, 2021 6:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Deon »

I plan to make 3-5 variations for each sprite with different augments/headpieces, but that's not the primary focus of the mod. I am yet to make interesting droids, robots and mutants to add to the roster. Your expanding roster of civilians helps a lot, thank you for staffing my bars and streets :).
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by YukesVonFaust »

These are great. any chances of having vehicles added?
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Deon »

A problem with vehicle sprites AFAIK would be that they would have to be square to fit the collision box in Doom.

I had a bunch of sprites from Quarantine which I wanted to Doomify, but they got discouraged by lack of rectangular hitboxes.
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by DeeDeeOZ »

YukesVonFaust wrote:any chances of having vehicles added?
I really shouldn't post these as these are really... really WIP. And also probably last on my list of stuff to finish...
But I cant help myself 8-)

Batman/ghostbusters doom car, Batman doom chopper, Redneck Rampage bike.. (also have convertible car, willys jeep, hummer jeep, armored car, pickup truck)
Still need heaps of work at moment but all resized to fit doom size sprites, with 16 rotations to look less janky. and green for color translations.

Sadly these will be on a gets done when they get done timeframe as they are just for fun and didn't really have a plan for them yet.
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Deon »

That really makes me want to make highway chase style missions, or another train mission where these guys are chasing the train! :D Epic!
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by DeeDeeOZ »

That's the main reason there still only low priority, they really need to be used as set pieces/scripted events rather then as generic monster replacers, its hilarious for a monster closet to open and out springs a car loaded with guys/motorbike/Helicopter (could still work if the closest is textured to a garage door)
Deon wrote:I had a bunch of sprites from Quarantine
I also had this idea, but I wanted to stick Goon sprites on them and would have had to make them bigger. Much easier to shrink sprites then expanded them.
Your also right about the hit box thing. I've purposely shortened the side angels to give a more square shape, which also helps smooth the rotations.

I really should at least polish up the empty vehicle versions and stick them up as they could make good props.

Also thanks for all the feedback from everyone, really good for motivation :D

EDIT* updated main post with goons big merc mancubus replacement.
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Deon »

I've used the hooded goon with an assault rifle as a base for a stalker sprite. Basically same sprite + different colors, gas mask, some elements and backpack.

(click for rotation)
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by DeeDeeOZ »

Deon wrote:I've used the hooded goon with an assault rifle as a base for a stalker sprite.
Really like that :D . That guy was meant to give stalker bandit vibe, was actually doing the rest as sneaky side project. Most of the stuff I draw is designed to be used for more then one project.
Actually like yours more as the darker colors and backpack add a whole lot to the feel. Bloody good job!
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Re: [SPRITES] Civilian Sprites in Doom Style

Post by Deon »

Thank you. The darker colors may be not for every project though. It's just the theme I am going for in my cyberpunk/shadowrun-ish TC. I bet more colorful monsters would probably look better if someone was to stream it, but I am going for "dark monsters in night city" style :).

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