The Legend of DOOM (v1.2.0-beta1) *updated 2025.1.20*

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The Legend of DOOM (v1.2.0-beta1) *updated 2025.1.20*

Post by detwelve »


Update 1.2.0-beta1 2025.1.20

This update contains bug fixes, map updates, and UI improvements. Nothing that will fundamentally change the experience, but I do believe that it is a much more polished and complete package. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to play and share feedback.

I don't think there are any changes with game breaking potential, except the down versioning to ZScript 4.5.0 and perhaps how bosses spawn. There were reports of bosses not spawning (which I never could replicate) so I changed the way that was handled. I will leave the download here and wait a couple of weeks before removing the 'beta' designation and officially update the ModDB page.

Download v1.2.0-beta1

Google Drive

v1.2.0 Changes

This conversion aims to faithfully bring the original NES land of Hyrule to life in the GZDoom engine.

The DOOM and Zelda games have been huge sources of influence and inspiration for me personally. Now adays I find the fandoms and creator communities that have grown up with these franchises equally inspiring. I have long held dreams to see this world realized in 3D and to create a DOOM mod. This is my first project and I had a great time learning ZScript and the basics of how to develop something for the GZDoom engine.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to this community with your code, art, effort, and encouragement.

Download v1.1.0

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Mega Download

Google Drive Download

TL;DR 1.1.0 Update

This update brings a lot of bug fixes and quality of life improvments. If I had been better at planning, this would be the 1.0.0 release with the previous releases being marked as beta. It really feels so much better this time around. Thanks everyone for feedback and bug reports!

Notable changes (full list in changelog):

- Requires latest GZDoom, 4.7.1. I won't make it habbit to require version updates, but I really wanted to use the DrawPaused method introduced in 4.7.1 and it sets up to improve help screens in the future without requiring a version update.

- Many sprite updates and quality of life improvements migrated from Zelda 1 Redux

- Overworld overhauled! New textures, secrets remembered, and improved geometry really make Hyrule more fun to run around.

- Alt-fire boomerang! Instead of overhauling the weapon system generally (maybe still in the cards for future) I've decided to make the boomerang the alt-fire for all weapons (except Bow). It feels much more natural and reduces number of weapons to scroll through.

- Item display moved from automap to "Pause" screen.

Comparison Screenshots v1.0.3 - v1.1.0
Special Thanks for the 1.1.0 update

ShadowOne333 - for his Zelda 1 Redux project and permission to use updated sprites.

Exkodius - for Zelda TC. He posted an update which included much better fonts and menu asthetics and encouraged me to adopt what fit.

kalensar - for tons of feedback, encouragement, and a push in the right direction towards fixing Shield issues in the original release.

Notes, Differences, and Known Issues
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Change Log
Last edited by detwelve on Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:10 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Captain Ventris »

Okay, not every day someone drops a full TC out of nowhere!
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by kalensar »

I just tested it and there is some super promising event going on here. I Don't know how much you have completed but its definitely a lot! I too have built a LOZ style mod as more of a homage style rather than a full blown 1:1 TC like this one is.

I have a lot of personal built code and techniques that would help you a lot with turning this into an even closer replica for what you are shooting for! Stuff like reflecting and deflecting shields front facing shields (no graphics needed) that turn off when you attack and turn back on when done swinging, switching weapons without losing the sword and shield, item indicator code so you know what you have selected via the SBARINFO.

Seriously, hit me up on Discord at Dirk Nukem#9362 or even just here at ZDoom.
I'd love to contribute.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

Thanks! I'll take you up on that.

A consequence of doing this without any real preview or seeking input in advance is that I couldn't benefit as much from collaboration. It's actually been quite a bummer but I really wanted to have a more or less complete thing upon release because, given the nature of the project, I'm not sure how long I will be able to continue iterating now that it is public.

Doing such a large first project with a new technology means there are several things in the backend that I would like to improve and it sounds like some of your tools could help out. My whole HUD and inventory system could use work and I think there are some clear improvements that could be made to allow dual wielding and better item switching etc.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Captain J »

Nicely made, fairly accurate to the NES counterpart. It feels certainly fresh to see the 8bit classics in Doom format and Tloz is the one i always wanted to see. Couldn't beat Ganon because i can hardly remember which puzzles to solve but the gameplay plus style is retro to the core.
Spoiler: During the gameplay i did write some feedback for you. Click here!
Overall, this TC is fine! It certainly has potential to be extra accurate, especially graphic wise and i'm sure people would like to contribute more to this. Also Combined Arms' Past Linked class definitely might fit this like a glove.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

That was some great feedback. There are definitely some immediately actionable things in there. Thank you!
I will check out that Past Link class and the destructible wall stuff you linked as well.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by An00bus »

I've been waiting for this TC to be completed! However, could you use more assets from the original Legend of Zelda TC? Or did you both just happen to use sprites from the original NES version hence why it looks so faithful?? I know the creator of the first one wanted it to be completed anyway, maybe you could utilize what he's put out if you haven't already?
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by atarumoroboshi18 »

This looks incredible! I can't wait to test it out!
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by chronoteeth »

not trying to be a deterrant to this project but please put a seizure warning for your video.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by kalensar »

detwelve wrote:

This will help you with your Hub problems if you just follow the other hyperlinks. Good luck !
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Lakmir »

Hi! This crossed my Twitter feed today and I have to say it's incredibly neat - I've put in a bunch of time with it already, and have some feedback. As with the earlier poster, I'll drop it in a spoiler tag...
On the whole I have to say this is a really cool thing you've put together! Outside of my ladder issue I'm having an absolute blast with it, and now I have an enormous rabbit hole of doom mods to start traveling down thanks to you. Thanks :)
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

@Lakimir - Thanks for noting the issues you encountered! It's very helpful and I have some responses on them below.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

An00bus wrote:I've been waiting for this TC to be completed! However, could you use more assets from the original Legend of Zelda TC? Or did you both just happen to use sprites from the original NES version hence why it looks so faithful?? I know the creator of the first one wanted it to be completed anyway, maybe you could utilize what he's put out if you haven't already?
Thanks for the suggestions! That version is by Exkodius - we've emailed back and forth a couple of times and he's made suggestions for other things that might be helpful to pull in. Currently this version uses his Octorock sprites, the fairy mouse cursor, and the exit game questions. Aside from that, similarities are because both versions use the original NES sprites wherever possible.

I haven't extensively looked through the source of the other versions, but I know the others had a better menu experience and I think that Exkodius' has some features like a death animation for Stalfos that was really cool.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Lakmir »

detwelve wrote:Oh no! The mechanisms for this to work should be there. It's possible that I introduced this regression in testing or something. I'll verify and include this fix in a release as soon as possible (like today hopefully) along with any other game breaking issues.
Here's a copy of my save, if it helps.

Thanks again!
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

Thanks again, I have uploaded a v1.0.1 that has the critical fix for level 4 and smaller quick updates including a brightness bump for many areas.

Unfortunately, I don't think this updated version will be compatible with old saves. I'm very sorry such a bug made it into the 'release' version.

I'll continue updating things as more feedback comes in and I'm able to check out some of the suggestions, but hopefully won't need to turn around a new version with any critical fixes immediately.

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