2025-1-20 v1.2.0:
- New minimap!
- Full screen HUD support
- Inventory displayed on HUD now
- Full inventory display returned to automap
- Incorporated Shane.lee.shin's better looped music
- Improved overworld geometry
- Add end game cast call
- More helpful overworld F1 help screen
- Weapon order updated to match inventory slot order
- Changed the way boss spawning works to eliminate any possibility that they do not spawn
- Changed tornado spawning when using the whistle. Tornados now spawn in front of the player
- Maps renamed to better match their level number and dungeon name
- Remove item respawn sound for store items
- Revert to ZScript 4.5.0 for LZDoom/Retropie compatibility
Bug fixes
- The 10th enemy drop logic has been fixed
- Bomb damage (4) now applies evenly across the entire explosion radius
- Fix bug where bomb upgrade could be purchased more than once from the same dungeon
- Fix bug where it was possible to expend multiple keys when unlocking a door
- Player can no longer damage themselves by running into thier own sword projectile
- Entering a dungeon or back into the overworld should correctly orient the player
- Fixed bug where Ganon's 4th phase could be avoided
- Fix bug where using the Whistle in level 7 would not shrink the last boss if the previous Digdogger was not killed
2021-1-30 v1.1.0:
- Many new sprites and textures from
Zelda 1 Redux ROM hack
- New fonts by
- Some new translations from the
Legends of Localization project.
- Item display moved to the Pause screen making the automap more usable. Leverages new DrawPaused method introduced in GZDoom 4.7.1.
- Added the BRIGHT modifer to rupee sprites so they are easier to see in the black dungeon rooms.
- Rupee count increased to 999
- Fairy drops now wander around
- Implement missing loot logic to force specific drops on the 11th and 16th consecutive kill without being hit
- Teleport fog and enemy projectiles are no longer affected by time freeze
- Spawn logic has been improved to eliminate things like occasional Octorocks in the water or a monster stuck to the wall.
- Menu improvements
- Boomerang has been changed from a selectable weapon to the alt-fire for all weapons except Bow
- Sword reach extended about 20%
- Sword speed increased
- Sword projectiles will now expire after traveling roughly one "screen" length
- Bomb explosion radius doubled
- Initial bomb limit increased to 10
- Blue boomerang distance extended
- No longer auto switch to Bomb or Bow when new ammo is picked up after reaching 0 (this was a pain particularly when using the bow with near 0 rupees). Leverages the WEAPON.NOAUTOSWITCHTO flag made available in GZDoom 4.7.0.
- Shield is now a spawned actor which should result in a more natural feeling block and decouples it from the HUD.
- Shield no longer works when Bow is equiped
- The Big Shield graphics changed to the Hylian Shield graphics. This provides a better visual distinction between the "small" and "big" shields when viewed from a 1st person perspective.
- Candle fire distance traveled increased by 30%
- Fix blue candle de/select animations not maintaining their no-flame state
- Major mapping changes include new geometry to open the world up a bit and hopefully take care of some glitches I've seen reported
- Bomb walls will now only trigger when hit by bombs
- Overworld will now remember bombed walls and burned bushes
- Bomb wall and secret bush textures are now slightly differentiated (thanks to the sprite makeover from Zelda 1 Redux!)
- Ghosts in the graveyard now behave like in the original game where there is a lead ghost and killing them will kill the others
- Add road signs to warp rooms
- Increased brightness of cave exit light
- Price textures have been cleaned up
- Bomb walls will now only trigger when hit by bombs
- Triforce rooms have been redesigned. I hope this isn't too controversial. The triforce rooms that were approached from the side were awkward and I observed players and myself not knowing which direction to turn. The goal here was to make the triforce visible from the moment you can see into the room, which is more consisent to the original's intent, I think.
- Spike Traps now play the sound effect from Ocarina of Time when they move
- Fix bug where Spike Traps would disappear if they hit a Wizzrobe in ghost state
- Balance changes for Wizzrobe. Nerfed by increasing the vulnerable time before and after they fire. Blue wizzrobes got a buff though - previously they were firing the weaker version of the wand projectile by mistake.
- Fix bug where wizzrobe projectile was spawning fire after the player picked up Book.
- Make snake monsters easier to hit
- Increase Lanmola health
- Add brightmaps to many monster's eyes so they show up in dark rooms
- Fix Manhandla floating away when bombed
- Fix Princess Zelda not changing dress color if you picked up the Red Ring
2021-10-18 v1.0.3:
- Improve Blue Candle so that it is easy to tell when it can be used again after firing.
- Fix bug where monster corpse would damage player during time stop.
- Darknut no longer shoots swords projectile.
- Peahat now flashes like other monsters when damaged.
- Replace grunt/oof sound that comes from players falling or use fail.
- Fix various spawners that might have closed a door too soon if approached slowly.
- Fix level 9 room crash (middle sand room with Patra).
- Fix the one spike trap in level 9 that would not move after stairs are revealed.
- Add pickup sound to Lion Key.
- Fix issue where shield disapears and Doomguy would make a weird face if you tried to use a weapon prior to picking up the wooden sword or when affected by Bubble.
2021-10-7 v1.0.2:
- Fix Gleeok sub-boss in Level 6. Gleeok had about a 50/50 chance to spawn outside the map.
- Fix money game doors. The door next to where you start the game worked all of the time but the others would only work if you visited the start one first.
- Stalfos no longer shoots swords. Stalfos only did this in the 2nd quest.
- Fix a broken stair leading to level 6.
- Add Legend of Doom start title.
2021-10-4 v1.0.1:
- Fix Level 4. The initial release had a bugged ladder pickup that wouldn't let you go over water after picking up, making level 4 impossible to complete. If you're in this state, you can still go on to the overworld and later levels, the bug only affects the level 4 dungeon itself.
- Brightness has been increased in treasure rooms, caves, and dungeon areas between rooms. Is it still too dark?
- Lower Aquamentus trigger distance to prevent potentially getting stuck in the door.
- Fix block in level 1 that could be pushed multiple times.
- Add a couple of missing pickup messages
- Fix exit for shop near the SE shore.
2021-10-2 v1.0.0:
- Initial release