How to make Build games work with Raze

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Graf Zahl
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Graf Zahl »

Even then you can't combine two root cons. The actual code both will load would inevitably clash.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by NightFright »

I guess it's because eduke.con always needs to include game.con, and if you try to load that twice, it won't end well.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by NightFright »

From the v1.02 changelog, I can see this about GAMEINFO:
- used the newly added game ID as reference for GAMEINFO to autoselect which game to start a mod with.
How would this work? So far, I know about these valid entries for GAMEINFO:

Code: Select all

startuptitle = "<mod name>"
con = "<con name>"
def = "<def name>"

Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Guest »

I have followed the guide to use Blood with Raze but i'm getting a "unable to find game data" fatal error

I have the CD "One Unit Whole Blood" and use the files from that, as told by the tutorial. Did it 3 times to make sure i'm doing it right. I only get this error.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Talon1024 »

The GOG version of Shadow Warrior places all of the Twin Dragon files into the "dragon" folder. I removed the Sw.exe, Sw.grp, etc., leaving only the .ART, .VOC, and .MAP files in addition to ZFCIN.ANM, and then I zipped it up into a zip named "".

Apparently, Raze is not recognizing this zip file as Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragon, and I don't know why.

Here's a list of the files in my

Code: Select all

   Length      Date    Time    Name
 ---------  ---------- -----   ----
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $AIRPORT.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $BATH.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $BOAT.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $DMSHRIN.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $DMWOODS.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $GARDEN.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $HIDTEMP.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $NEWMINE.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $OUTPOST.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $PLAX1.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $REFINER.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $SHORE.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $TANK.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $VOLCANO.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   $WHIRL.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   AMOEBA03.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   BMBFLY.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   DRUMCHNT.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   HELI.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   JG94024.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   JG94039.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   JGEN06.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LANI089.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LANI091.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LANI093.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LANI095.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LOADER.IAF
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVALRT.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVAMB.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVEXPL.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVFLAME.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVMETEOR.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVMETEXP.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVPAIN.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVRISE.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVSIZZLE.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   LVSWIM.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPALRT.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPAMB.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPBLADE.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPELEC.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPOOKY1.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPPAIN.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPSCRM.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   SPTLPRT.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   TANK.MAP
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   TILES021.ART
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   TILES022.ART
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   TILES023.ART
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   VOID1.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   VOID2.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   VOID4.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   VOID5.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   WIND4.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z16004.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z16012.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z16022.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z16027.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z16043.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z17010.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z17025.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   Z17052.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC1.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC2.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC3.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC4.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC5.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC6.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC7.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC8.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZC9.VOC
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZFCIN.ANM
[REDACTED]  2021-05-22 15:08   ZWALK5.VOC
 ---------                     -------
[REDACTED]                     73 files
Last edited by Talon1024 on Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Graf Zahl »

It doesn't get recognized because there is no record for it. The only files it can detect are some GRPs that can be found on various download sites.

This version of it will work: ... win-dragon

Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Guest »


I've installed Raze 1.1.3 for Mac and put tthe duke3d grp file into the /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/raze/data folder but it doesn't work.
I've got this message:

Log started: 2021-09-12 16:03:11
iMac12,1 running macOS High Sierra 10.13.13 (17G9016) 64-bit Intel

Execution could not continue.
Unable to find any game data. Please verify your settings.
Install game data files in subfolders of '/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/raze'
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Acoma »

might be wrong place to ask/suggest but would there be any chance of making LucasArt's "Outlaws" work with raze?
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by wildweasel »

Acoma wrote:might be wrong place to ask/suggest but would there be any chance of making LucasArt's "Outlaws" work with raze?
Outlaws does not run on Build.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by InsanityBringer »

Eventually The Force Engine will support Outlaws with the kinds of features you'd expect from Raze.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Graf Zahl »

Yeah, can't wait for that. Both Dark Forces and Outlaws are in desperate need of having proper support for modern systems.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by luciusDXL »

Despite a similar feature-set, the Jedi engine is very different from Build internally - not just in general code structure and quality but at the algorithm level as well. Anyway, thanks for pointing out The Force Engine, InsanityBringer. :)
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Typharius »

Thanks a lot for this great guide, I had every single game and every expansion up and running within 30 minutes! I'm not sure if it's worth adding that you can zip up the optional Deathwish CD tracks with the other files and it works great. Just in case newcomers to using source ports are unsure.

Edit: I do have a quick question regarding NAM/WW2 GI, the Steam versions do not have a NAM.CON or WW2GI.CON, NAM has a GAME.CON, WW2GI has lots of .CON files, as well as a GAME.CON. Which should be put into the folder? I tried GAME.CON for both, they both work, but I get a warning message from Raze on startup for either of them saying 'Expected a define or move label, but found an action label instead' for a few lines in the GAME.CON file and 'Expected an identifier, got a numeric literal 100' as well for NAM.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by NightFright »

The reply comes quite late, but I am not really familiar with the Steam releases of NAM or WW2 GI. Placing unrenamed game.con files in the same folder as other groupfiles isn't a great idea in general since there might be conflicts. The least you would have to do is to rename the game.con file and load it manually with command line parameters (assuming Raze supports that).

As for the Death Wish CD soundtrack: I wasn't even aware that it existed, just knew about the MIDIs. I will see if I get it working tomorrow and add info about it ASAP in that case.
Last edited by NightFright on Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze

Post by Graf Zahl »

WW2GI contains all CONs in its GRP - you only need that one file to play the game.
For NAM, the main CON is not in the GRP. If you want to put everything in the same folder, copy NAM.GRP and GAME.CON - but rename the latter to NAM.CON. Then everything should work as intended.

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