Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.1--

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Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.1--

Post by TheXGamer2020 »


Well the title explains everything,I've always liked how Rott would be if it was finished in it's original state...altough not made in the original wolfenstein engine,I thought in gzdoom would be way more dynamic since someone(Thandor.net) already made a wolf one...I've decided to remake in my own way instead of methodically following the original as it gives way to more creativity and most of the original weapons and enemies don't have a good relationship between the doom and rott ones...Still someday I could made a full TC respecting more the original way the developers envisoned it.Hope you like my version of it and enjoy as much as I did making it!


Comes in 4 tiers:Low,Medium,High,Boss

Your trustworthy pals that you can always rely on...(with the exception of the Rocket launcher.Ops!)

Well,everybody needs some friends! doesn't it?!
-Some enemies are equipped with armor meaning not all of your weapons are effective.You can either break them with enough fire or use a higher caliber type.
-Mechanical enemies always drop scrap when killed...try to catch 'em all and make some buddies(or a factory) or some ammo from the converters.(sorry for the joke :lol:)
-While it may seem brutal sometimes,keep in mind that you can use the enemy splash damage against them or make some drones to help save some ammo.
-There are some quirks involving the gameplay itself and some of the game items,try to discover them if you can.
-Different from doom,there are only 4 difficulty settings,each one drastically changes the enemy health,numbers(as usual) and the damage factor.
-This mod works really well with Target spy by M8f and it's very recommended to play with it.
-press the reload key when using the Scrapmaker to see the scrap costs.



-Multiplayer support(maybe)
-Clean up the zscript armor code
-Create an alternate fullscreen hud(FIXED)
-A very rare ghost bug when armored enemies lose their protection(FIXED?)
-The scrap that comes from the mechanical enemies sometimes can't be picked up (FIXED)
-A more unique custom menu without being a shameful rip from "Return of the triad" by Elzee
-Cutting overpatrol nets with the knife(?)
-Rott themed textures and music
-Make an Oscuro and Darian bosses(?)
-AND ESPECIALLY THE POWERUPS(don't you say you didn't liked them!?)

-WildWeasel for the bullet sounds
-Player701 for the armor hit sound code
-Elzee for the Main menu selection
-Xaser for psychic blood coin code
-AReyeP and MCS for in world ammo sprites
-and many other details mixed from a lot of sources...


V.1.0 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
V.2.0 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
V.2.1 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
Last edited by TheXGamer2020 on Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:53 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]

Post by Enjay »

Nice idea. I've always wondered about the original vision for RotT too. I don't suppose you have any plans to make some maps to go with it do you?
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

Huh, bit of a nifty little mod. I am trying it out a bit, even though using a bit of a companion mod for funsies with such a thing like Corruption Cards is netting me an extreme abundance of 9mm ammo after a good point into a map. Not being able to do much with it since it is not like I can turn a bit of it back into scrap or something neat.

Although speaking of it, the scrap number in not able to form with upsizing the scale as I noticed it was hiding until the numbers started peeking out a little.
Maybe as a suggestion if to have a little thing telling how much scrap an item costs when using the Scrap Gun before we spam it to do fart sounds?

But then speaking of that though... :shucks:
I notice things like the factory and ally drones seem to count as enemies to ally monsters/companions and they will attack both the drones and the factory wasting the scrap I spend on them. Suppose you can make them not be targeted by other things on your side so they are not in danger of your own frendz too?
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]

Post by Captain J »

Splendid Gameplay Mod! I see some cool features like crafting ammo and drones to conserve your inventory. It gives the player tactical thoughts and can take advantage of. SMG is by far the most satisfying weapon i have ever used and the firing sound of it never gets old.
Spoiler: and here's the feedback
As usual, sorry if my feedback was sounded harsh since i have no hostile intentions. I totally appreciate your hard work and it's definitely nice to see that unused old RoTT sprites are being used for good. Very promising mod!
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]

Post by TheXGamer2020 »

Starman the Blaziken wrote:Huh, bit of a nifty little mod. I am trying it out a bit, even though using a bit of a companion mod for funsies with such a thing like Corruption Cards is netting me an extreme abundance of 9mm ammo after a good point into a map. Not being able to do much with it since it is not like I can turn a bit of it back into scrap or something neat.

Although speaking of it, the scrap number in not able to form with upsizing the scale as I noticed it was hiding until the numbers started peeking out a little.
Maybe as a suggestion if to have a little thing telling how much scrap an item costs when using the Scrap Gun before we spam it to do fart sounds?

But then speaking of that though... :shucks:
I notice things like the factory and ally drones seem to count as enemies to ally monsters/companions and they will attack both the drones and the factory wasting the scrap I spend on them. Suppose you can make them not be targeted by other things on your side so they are not in danger of your own frendz too?
Well...that last part is very strange...they always seems to work for me,I will see if i can find some testers to check it out

Also...I forgot to tell you that this mod is incompatible with any other mods so...sorry for that.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]

Post by TheXGamer2020 »

Enjay wrote:Nice idea. I've always wondered about the original vision for RotT too. I don't suppose you have any plans to make some maps to go with it do you?
Of course!!! I do have some ideas,but i don't think it will be cool with the standart doom textures and my mapping skills suffers a little...(although i could try it)

I will post anytime if i do plan a full TC :thumb:
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

TheXGamer2020 wrote:
Starman the Blaziken wrote:Huh, bit of a nifty little mod. I am trying it out a bit, even though using a bit of a companion mod for funsies with such a thing like Corruption Cards is netting me an extreme abundance of 9mm ammo after a good point into a map. Not being able to do much with it since it is not like I can turn a bit of it back into scrap or something neat.

Although speaking of it, the scrap number in not able to form with upsizing the scale as I noticed it was hiding until the numbers started peeking out a little.
Maybe as a suggestion if to have a little thing telling how much scrap an item costs when using the Scrap Gun before we spam it to do fart sounds?

But then speaking of that though... :shucks:
I notice things like the factory and ally drones seem to count as enemies to ally monsters/companions and they will attack both the drones and the factory wasting the scrap I spend on them. Suppose you can make them not be targeted by other things on your side so they are not in danger of your own frendz too?
Well...that last part is very strange...they always seems to work for me,I will see if i can find some testers to check it out

Also...I forgot to tell you that this mod is incompatible with any other mods so...sorry for that.
I did summon allies via command and they did attack too. Not just what the mods have shown for me.
Edit: Not sure if you seen though, but both the factory and ally drones on the map show up in the non-counted enemy color just if you might not know.
Last edited by Starman the Blaziken on Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]

Post by TheXGamer2020 »

Captain J wrote:Splendid Gameplay Mod! I see some cool features like crafting ammo and drones to conserve your inventory. It gives the player tactical thoughts and can take advantage of. SMG is by far the most satisfying weapon i have ever used and the firing sound of it never gets old.
Spoiler: and here's the feedback
As usual, sorry if my feedback was sounded harsh since i have no hostile intentions. I totally appreciate your hard work and it's definitely nice to see that unused old RoTT sprites are being used for good. Very promising mod!
Whoa WHOA!!! hold on to it.I do know there is a lot of problems(especially with the coding) but my jam is art, so i will try and see what i can do to make it better.

First things first(in the order of your feedback):

-I also noticied how tough they are but it was proposital since they are slow and take extra damage from 7.62mm like the PSR and the LMG and lastly i wanted to make the enemies health pool multiples of 25 to estabilish a proportion in regards to the extra damage they take from different sources (if more complains about it rises I could low their health a little) --PROBABLY--

-Proposital,Just to constantly remember you about it --NOPE--

-Noted,gonna change it --WILL WORK--

-hehe,this is a funny one...I had made a tank in the unused zscript code name Triad Infantry fighting vehicle(replaces Mancubus) but i've removed it since it was to impractical,and guess what? it would drop 25 scrap when it was destroyed...Also I forgot to tell you to bind the keys to it into the menu,my fault. --DEPENDS--

-Indeed, not only they are great friend killers but also excellent suiciders(there is a lot out there without being dead simple from doom like the one from freedoom)I am also getting annoyed by their shouting. --PARTIAL--

-Noted,gonna change it --WILL WORK--

-Yup,to compensate for their durability and sheer firepower --NOPE--

-LUDICROUS GIBS!!! Unfortunately,it's missing the eye :cry:

-See WEAPON spoiler section(alternate fires unguided ones) --NOPE--

-Hmmm...I will create some better in world sprites for the ammo(to give more ammo) since it doesn't make sense the actual little purple clip. --WILL WORK--

-This one is a little complicated...since it replaces the chaingun and the plasma rifle I thought it would balance it out from the 64 of the chaingun and the plasma rifle.I will see if I can change from 64 to the full 128(or give a drop chance for the Uberpatrol),but it will depend on the people answers --DEPENDS--

-Noted,gonna change it --WILL WORK--

-It's the corpse. --NOPE--

-Dang it...I will see to it since I take a LOOOOT of resources from a LOOOT of games (e.g. ,the turrets sounds are from TF2 and the factory from AOE3) don't worry in the due time i will post the credits :thumb: --WILL DO FIRST--

-Well,no infringement intention but I really liked your mod(sorry i will change it)

Caramba,there goes my keyboard kkkkkkk hope I answered all of your doubts!!!
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--BETA--

Post by Captain J »

-I also noticied how tough they are but it was proposital since they are slow and take extra damage from 7.62mm like the PSR and the LMG and lastly i wanted to make the enemies health pool multiples of 25 to estabilish a proportion in regards to the extra damage they take from different sources (if more complains about it rises I could low their health a little) --PROBABLY--
With powerful weapons it gets easier, granted. But if you're happen to have nothing but only SMG, like in post first level, they usually comes in group and have to consume a lot of ammo. They eventually surround me since they give me few ammo. It suffers so much in UV difficulty and Triad Overpatrols drop no ammo but armor so yeah.
-hehe,this is a funny one...I had made a tank in the unused zscript code name Triad Infantry fighting vehicle(replaces Mancubus) but i've removed it since it was to impractical,and guess what? it would drop 25 scrap when it was destroyed...Also I forgot to tell you to bind the keys to it into the menu,my fault. --DEPENDS--
I do know there are key binds for crafting ammo and how to use them. It's just me wanting to get scrap easily. And that's why i thought about converting ammo, not scrap, my own ammo into well, scraps. Thanks for the fun trivia btw.
-This one is a little complicated...since it replaces the chaingun and the plasma rifle I thought it would balance it out from the 64 of the chaingun and the plasma rifle.I will see if I can change from 64 to the full 128(or give a drop chance for the Uberpatrol),but it will depend on the people answers --DEPENDS--
No no no i mean i want HMG to fire just once when i click once. I'm not talking about the spawning rate of it. It spawns just fine.

Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful reply. It's my bad about forgetting about the Alt-Fire of Heat Seeker. Glad to know how to use it properly now!
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--BETA--

Post by TheXGamer2020 »

Captain J wrote:
-I also noticied how tough they are but it was proposital since they are slow and take extra damage from 7.62mm like the PSR and the LMG and lastly i wanted to make the enemies health pool multiples of 25 to estabilish a proportion in regards to the extra damage they take from different sources (if more complains about it rises I could low their health a little) --PROBABLY--
With powerful weapons it gets easier, granted. But if you're happen to have nothing but only SMG, like in post first level, they usually comes in group and have to consume a lot of ammo. They eventually surround me since they give me few ammo. It suffers so much in UV difficulty and Triad Overpatrols drop no ammo but armor so yeah.
-hehe,this is a funny one...I had made a tank in the unused zscript code name Triad Infantry fighting vehicle(replaces Mancubus) but i've removed it since it was to impractical,and guess what? it would drop 25 scrap when it was destroyed...Also I forgot to tell you to bind the keys to it into the menu,my fault. --DEPENDS--
I do know there are key binds for crafting ammo and how to use them. It's just me wanting to get scrap easily. And that's why i thought about converting ammo, not scrap, my own ammo into well, scraps. Thanks for the fun trivia btw.
-This one is a little complicated...since it replaces the chaingun and the plasma rifle I thought it would balance it out from the 64 of the chaingun and the plasma rifle.I will see if I can change from 64 to the full 128(or give a drop chance for the Uberpatrol),but it will depend on the people answers --DEPENDS--
No no no i mean i want HMG to fire just once when i click once. I'm not talking about the spawning rate of it. It spawns just fine.

Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful reply. It's my bad about forgetting about the Alt-Fire of Heat Seeker. Glad to know how to use it properly now!
Well then be good,and keep on dooming!!! P.S.:did you had any problems with the drones and the factory?I mean,they fired at each other and also at you?

"And that's why i thought about converting ammo, not scrap, my own ammo into well, scraps." that's a good idea! Thanks, I will post an update later.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.1.0-

Post by MrRumbleRoses »

i can just randomly see this working for the WolfenDoom mods. but i know it's kinda strict. i honestly wish in a way, that WolfenDoom maps were made for gameplay usage. but i doubt it'll ever happen
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.1.0-

Post by Dunya »

Hey, really cool mod, man! I once thought of doing something similar with these unused resources from Wolf3d Part II, and now I see this project. Yes, it is obvious that the mod is sorely lacking the presence of thematic maps or at least a texture pack in the ROTT style. That would be even better, but even so, you did a really cool thing. If you are planning to make maps or a texture pack, then I can advise you to take the Wolf3D Texture Pack by Craneo viewtopic.php?f=46&t=72849 as a basis, if he does not mind.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.1.0-

Post by TheXGamer2020 »

Dunya wrote:Hey, really cool mod, man! I once thought of doing something similar with these unused resources from Wolf3d Part II, and now I see this project. Yes, it is obvious that the mod is sorely lacking the presence of thematic maps or at least a texture pack in the ROTT style. That would be even better, but even so, you did a really cool thing. If you are planning to make maps or a texture pack, then I can advise you to take the Wolf3D Texture Pack by Craneo viewtopic.php?f=46&t=72849 as a basis, if he does not mind.
Thanks! Also don't miss the update today! I will bring new gameplay features and some bug fixes(I think so). Also about the textures...when I have some time I will make a separated texture and music files in the download section for those interested in giving it a more ROTT vibe.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by Whoah »

Now this is a mod I've been wanting to see for some time! Those unused ROTT assets really needed some love, so it's cool as hell to see them used in a project to such a degree. After playing the new 2.0 version for a bit, I've accumulated some feedback. For reference, I was playing Whispers of Satan on the "Will Of Iron Knees Of Jello" difficulty setting.
Aaaaand those are the most major specific feedback points I was able to come up with! In short, this mod can be really fun and has some really stellar ideas, but it feels unnecessarily brutal and unbalanced at times. I feel there needs to be more opportunities for the player to be able to avoid damage, because as it stands, I find myself more concerned with stunlocking and killing the enemies as quick as possible to better ration my health, rather than prioritizing more lethal targets and switching between weapons to suit the situation. This means playing the mod often feels like I'm trying to scrape past each encounter with one finger on the quicksave button at all times.

But regardless, I hope this feedback helped, and I really wanna see what else you have planned because I am truly a sucker for ROTT. Good work, and good luck! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.1.0-

Post by Gamerwarrior117 »

interesting concept. but works very well.

only thing missing is the levels.

would wolf 3d hd mod work with this?

nevermind. it does. works well.

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