EDAY Vanilla 2019 for GZD/LZD/ZDoom2.8/Zandro

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EDAY Vanilla 2019 for GZD/LZD/ZDoom2.8/Zandro

Post by kalensar »

Works in GZD/LZD/DeltaTouch/Zandronum Single Player/ ZDoom 2.8

Download here : https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/ ... a-and-mods


3/26/22--- Major performance update. Reorganized the file structure and improved the performance value by like 5x. I can literally run smooth on a low-end with zero Precache Textures running now. Also!!! Maps are now renamed to Doom 2 format so IDCLEV now works. THe Secret Levels are still 40,41, 42. So Terminal Format is now Map Map05 as an example.
Important!! Music Mods are not compatible despite the map renaming. =(
This is due to Map ACS having control over music control. I will not rewrite the ACS to bypass for choice of music.

2/23/22--- Did a minor fix. PB3.0 now works without the Floor Check error running 24/7. Updated Working/ Fail lists.

12/6/21-- FIxed some missing sprites on Map EDAY30. The missing player turrets are replaced with Chaingunners.

11/29/21--- Fixed Blue door in Map EDAY16 so its now passable. Fixed Turretdudes by replacing them with Chaingunners.

11/15/21--- Current Update; Works on Zdoom2.8 (minor graphics errors but works!)
Works on Zandronum Singleplayer, testing on multiplayer doesnt seem to support it yet.

11/4/21---- Finalized (Hopefully). Fixed Mapinfo errors for Map31 looping. Improved Performance!

10/28/21-- Late bug fix. Fixed exit on map 31 so it goes to 32 proper. Unusual crop up because it didnt happen during my past play tests. But thanks to a player it was brought to my attention.

10/1/ 21 Fixed looping exit in Secret Map Eday 41. Now properly transfers you to where you are supposed to go.

This small project was an attempt to bring this excellent megawad to a wider audience. Its far from perfect but it does play fluently and pretty smoothly.

This product has been modified to include some Brutal Doom assets which is only the Level Enhancement mod fused with EDAY Betawad001 and the Edaymusic wad all in one PK3.

Some maps have been modified by myself to remove any "Missing File" flags for enemies such as the Brutal Doom Tanks, and other areas such maps 16, map 17 where there are Tanks. All replacements have been to maintain either the Enemy or Player advantage where the replacements were needed to be made.

Here's my test list of success on GZDoom 4.6.1;

PB 3.0-- FIXED the excessive weird smoke bug
Rage Weapons for Doom--Requires RageBase.pk3 and GZDoom RageWeapons.PK3
Brutal Weapons Only- Yes works fine.
Xim's GZdoom3 for Doom
Counterstrike Martian Offensive, most up to date version
Perfect Dark Brutal Doom V 2.0
EVP v 2.6 aka newest version
Hellrider newest version
Death Foretold D4T2.5
Doom Incarnate
Smooth Doom
Beautiful Doom v7.16
Halo Doom v1.5
Bloom v1.666-- Works but needs MAPINFO updated and it will work properly. I Modified my own Bloom Mapinfo in order for it to work properly.
Project Re-Blood
Weapons of Saturn
LTTD Link to the Doom v3.6
Heretic Heroes for Doom 2
Hideous Destructor
DN3Doom v1.07
DoomKraken's Monster Randomizer
Doom Thoth- any of them
SMEXUNMON- any of them
Weapons of Earth Revised
Project MSX- including its Weapons mod and Monsters only mod
Metroid Dreadnought
Space Hunter
NotS(Castlevania Weapons mod)
Highnoon Drifter
Lazarus 3 mod
HXRTC Gold Edition,-- Fixed the Smoke bug.
D4VClassic!!!---- Make a separate copy of D4VClassic. Open a Wad Editor and delete the ANIMDEF file. It will work. Make sure to rename the new copy to like D4V4EDAY or something.
Meatgrinder works!
EoA- Embers of Armageddon
Kals Sleek Doom Mod

Highway Acceleroid Booster
BrutalDoom Platinum 2.0

-DoomDynMus (Dynamic music mod)
-High Noon Drifter v1.2c
-Western Patch v2
-LegenDoom Lite v4.0
-Corruption Cards v2.0
COD- Black Warfare

List of Failures:
Combined Arms 2.3-- Literally complained about a USA Flag decoration. Not replacing the sprite decoration.
D4D- DOOM 4 Doom-- Error over a custom blood texture used in Eday Vanilla. Not fixing.
Bloomv1.666-- Works but needs MAPINFO updated and it will work properly. I Modified my own Bloom Mapinfo in order for it to work properly.
Brutal Doom v 20b- fails because of ACS clash with the BDv21 ACS in Eday Vanilla
Project Brutality 2.03-Fails because of similar issue to BDv20b
DemonSteele--- Status is not diagnosed currently

BrutalDoom Expansion V21.11.3-- Fails on both sides for fixes. Brutalv21.11.3 are incompatible and cause far more bugs than the testing I tried to fix the difference with on both mods! I regretfully must add this to the Failure list.
Demo video here

Last edited by kalensar on Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:11 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by Ferretmanjcdenton »

I'm confused ...when loading the eday maps alone I get the same result ...
What's the change here ?
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

Ferretmanjcdenton wrote:I'm confused ...when loading the eday maps alone I get the same result ...
What's the change here ?
The difference is that without Brutal Doom you will enocounter all sorts of weird stuff like missing textures in Map06, Map10 with the fight at the portal will break and not finish it's exit sequence, Map05 barracks room will be missing all the beds and other things.

What this does is fix all those issues and replaces the Brutal Doom native Tanks, both enemy and Player drivable, with vanilla assets that will take their place. Example Map16 boss fight is a tank and will not appear if you do not have Brutal Doom or Brutal Weapons Only loaded thus breaking the map and gate that needs to open. That tank in that map is replaced with a Cyberdemon to fulfill the spiritual role of the battle as a hard fight in a confined area and opens the Boss script linked gate.

Map20s Tanks are replaced with player goodies for the drivable tanks like a backpack and a megasphere and the enemy tanks are replaced with Archviles because there was not a single Archvile in that map.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by Void Warrior »

A cool idea, kalensar, but when I wanted to check out your Lite version of EDAY, the map does not start at all with most mods. It works quite well with PB, but some errors occur in the code. It is better to test it for compatibility with mods.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

Void Warrior wrote:A cool idea, kalensar, but when I wanted to check out your Lite version of EDAY, the map does not start at all with most mods. It works quite well with PB, but some errors occur in the code. It is better to test it for compatibility with mods.
Here's my test list of success on GZDoom 4.6.1;

PB 3.0
Rage Weapons for Doom--Requires RageBase.pk3 and GZDoom RageWeapons.PK3
Brutal Weapons Only- Yes works fine.
Xim's GZdoom3 for Doom
Counterstrike Martian Offensive, most up to date version
Perfect Dark Brutal Doom V 2.0
EVP v 2.6 aka newest version
Hellrider newest version
Death Foretold D4T2.5
Doom Incarnate
Smooth Doom
Beautiful Doom v7.16
Halo Doom v1.5
Bloom v1.666-- Works but needs MAPINFO updated and it will work properly. I Modified my own Bloom Mapinfo in order for it to work properly.
Project Re-Blood
Weapons of Saturn
LTTD Link to the Doom v3.6
Heretic Heroes for Doom 2
Hideous Destructor
DN3Doom v1.07
DoomKraken's Monster Randomizer
Doom Thoth- any of them
SMEXUNMON- any of them
Weapons of Earth Revised
Project MSX- including its Weapons mod and Monsters only mod
Metroid Dreadnought
Space Hunter
NotS(Castlevania Weapons mod)
Highnoon Drifter
Lazarus 3 mod

List of Failures:
Combined Arms 2.3
D4D- DOOM 4 Doom
Bloomv1.666-- Works but needs MAPINFO updated and it will work properly. I Modified my own Bloom Mapinfo in order for it to work properly.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by RevanGarcia »

The following mods work with this map:

-DoomDynMus (Dynamic music mod)
-High Noon Drifter v1.2c
-Western Patch v2
-LegenDoom Lite v4.0
-Corruption Cards v2.0

NOTE: A "bddisablemapenhancements" pops every time a new level loads but otherwise, the mapset is playable.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

@RevanGarcia Thanks dude. I had Highnoon drifter already but thanks for the additions to the list. Added to the main post and credited.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

Added Russian Overkill to the working Success list.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by Ferretmanjcdenton »

Ohhh ... AWESOME..
Thanks a lot ..I was hoping someone fixes these maps someday..
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

Ferretmanjcdenton wrote:Ohhh ... AWESOME..
Thanks a lot ..I was hoping someone fixes these maps someday..
This isn't so much a fix as it is getting the 2019 beta working as a PWAD compatible other mods. This list of working mods tested so far is up in the description. Its a very pretty map set and works from start to finish, but I did not fix any of the texture errors that GZD complains about. What is fixed is all the points that would hang you up like at boss battles not working or triggers not working because of failed boss triggers such as Map 10 and Map 16 bosses. The Custom Bosses are all intact except for Map16 which replaced the Tank with a Cyberdemon. In map20 where there were Tanks as normal enemies, and as a player vehicle those have been replaced with Archviles and with player powerups where appropriate. The missing textures of props and walls, such as the the Nuke Plant walls and missing beds in Marine HQ map05 level, are fixed due to the splicing of the LevelEnhancements code of BD into the mapwad as a single PK3. The music wad is also present as well that Sgt Mark IV released for it.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

Applied a fix to the unusual smoke spawning bug that was affecting both PB3.0 and HXRTC Project. The fix fixed the bug in general.
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

Updated list of failures in main post to include BDv20b and PB 2.03
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by primavoltage »

QCDE mod (with or w/o custom monsters packs) don't work on it as well:

Script warning, "EDAY VANILLA (mod&vanilla safe).pk3:edaytest001.wad:decorate.trees" line 1332:
Tried to define class 'PalmTree' more than once. Renaming class to 'PalmTree@EDAY VANILLA (mod&vanilla safe).pk3@edaytest001.wad@decorate.trees'
Script warning, "QCDEv2.7.pk3:decorate/misc.qcd" line 359:
Tried to define class 'Timer' more than once. Renaming class to 'Timer@QCDEv2.7.pk3@decorate/misc.qcd'

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "QCDEv2.7.pk3:decorate/misc.qcd" line 360:
"powerup.duration" requires an actor of type "Powerup"

This was is used in ZDoom32 Source Port. The same goes with G/LZDoom as well but runs Zandronum perfectly fine.


Same goes with Doosk mod (with w/o Doosk Add-ons)
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by kalensar »

primavoltage wrote:QCDE mod (with or w/o custom monsters packs) don't work on it as well:

Script warning, "EDAY VANILLA (mod&vanilla safe).pk3:edaytest001.wad:decorate.trees" line 1332:
Tried to define class 'PalmTree' more than once. Renaming class to 'PalmTree@EDAY VANILLA (mod&vanilla safe).pk3@edaytest001.wad@decorate.trees'
Script warning, "QCDEv2.7.pk3:decorate/misc.qcd" line 359:
Tried to define class 'Timer' more than once. Renaming class to 'Timer@QCDEv2.7.pk3@decorate/misc.qcd'

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "QCDEv2.7.pk3:decorate/misc.qcd" line 360:
"powerup.duration" requires an actor of type "Powerup"

This was is used in ZDoom32 Source Port. The same goes with G/LZDoom as well but runs Zandronum perfectly fine.


Same goes with Doosk mod (with w/o Doosk Add-ons)
I don't really expect Eday Vanilla to work on old Zdoom due to the BDv21 ACS module. QCDE is trying to replace custom trees and failed. But it works on Zandronum just fine? I can't test on Zandronum so that is really cool to know!

I'll test Doosk and QCDE( if I can find it) to see whats up and if the trouble persists on GZ 4.6.1
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Re: EDAY Vanilla for vanilla and mods

Post by Serathis »

This will come very handy for Hideous Destructor! Eday works surpsingly well with that mapset!

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