WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3 IWAD

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by irukanjji »

i´ll try that and let you know
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Yelso »

irukanjji wrote:i´ll try that and let you know

Thank you! Would be a great companion to the wadsmoosh for normal doom. I can use episodic Wad for heretic so no problem there.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by irukanjji »

i try and i did it, now hexdd is a pwad and needs hexen to work, you can do the same, following this tutorial by ChapyOne in Doomworld Forum

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... or-gzdoom/
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by MrDowntempo »

How does one get the files that should be renamed to nerveu.wad, tntu.wad, and plutoniau.wad? I own the unity versions on steam and through bethesda. Finding Doom.wad Doom2.wad is no big deal. But finding where the others are stored is another matter. I did go through the game and tell it to download those. Does this have to do with the extra.wad file? Do they need to be downloaded and renamed 1 by 1 or something like that?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by wildweasel »

MrDowntempo wrote:How does one get the files that should be renamed to nerveu.wad, tntu.wad, and plutoniau.wad? I own the unity versions on steam and through bethesda. Finding Doom.wad Doom2.wad is no big deal. But finding where the others are stored is another matter. I did go through the game and tell it to download those. Does this have to do with the extra.wad file? Do they need to be downloaded and renamed 1 by 1 or something like that?
For some reason, the downloads are not stored externally as WAD files, and you will need an extractor. I think this one should work.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Gez »

MrDowntempo wrote:How does one get the files that should be renamed to nerveu.wad, tntu.wad, and plutoniau.wad? I own the unity versions on steam and through bethesda. Finding Doom.wad Doom2.wad is no big deal. But finding where the others are stored is another matter. I did go through the game and tell it to download those. Does this have to do with the extra.wad file? Do they need to be downloaded and renamed 1 by 1 or something like that?
See the technical information here.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by MrDowntempo »

wildweasel wrote:
MrDowntempo wrote:How does one get the files that should be renamed to nerveu.wad, tntu.wad, and plutoniau.wad? I own the unity versions on steam and through bethesda. Finding Doom.wad Doom2.wad is no big deal. But finding where the others are stored is another matter. I did go through the game and tell it to download those. Does this have to do with the extra.wad file? Do they need to be downloaded and renamed 1 by 1 or something like that?
For some reason, the downloads are not stored externally as WAD files, and you will need an extractor. I think this one should work.
That tool claims it is now obsolete on its GitHub page because the Doom/Doom2 wads can be extracted without the tool. It says the tool is now incompatible with the steam version, but should still be able to extract those additional wads from the Bethesda builds. I pointed it to the correct directory which was the same as the default. It was unable to find anything though.
Gez wrote:
MrDowntempo wrote:How does one get the files that should be renamed to nerveu.wad, tntu.wad, and plutoniau.wad? I own the unity versions on steam and through bethesda. Finding Doom.wad Doom2.wad is no big deal. But finding where the others are stored is another matter. I did go through the game and tell it to download those. Does this have to do with the extra.wad file? Do they need to be downloaded and renamed 1 by 1 or something like that?
See the technical information here.
Hmm.. My Directory structure is different than listed there, perhaps because of a newer or different build? I have a DOOM folder (not DOOM Classic) in my UserName/Saved Games/id Software/ folder, but it has no wads in it at all.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Gez »

They do not have the .wad extension. You want to find files named simply 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Without any extension. They're not .wad.


Also make sure to actually download the add-ons from within the Unity port. I believe the "Doom" folder is for Doom 2016. You'll want Doom II and Doom Classic, these folder will only appear if you download stuff or create save games.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Yarn366 »

I just now noticed that WadSmoosh plays S_INTRO during Sigil's end text. It's supposed to play the normal Doom end music, D_VICTOR.

Also, during the ending of TNT: Evilution, WadSmoosh plays T_DM2INT when it should play T_EVIL. (And don't forget about strangebit's report on basically the same issue in The Plutonia Experiment.)
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Gez »

Yarn366 wrote:I just now noticed that WadSmoosh plays S_INTRO during Sigil's end text. It's supposed to play the normal Doom end music, D_VICTOR.
I think that's a deliberate change so that the music is heard at least once in a playthrough... In Sigil it's used as the title screen music, but obviously in WadSmoosh you can only have one title screen music.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Cutmanmike »

First of all, thank you for making this.

Second, is it possible to have it create 100% unique lumps for all music tracks? I did this manually myself as I wanted to use some music replacement packs, but some things like the master levels and E4 of Doom 1 share music codes with other maps.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by TheArchvile »

Cutmanmike wrote:First of all, thank you for making this.

Second, is it possible to have it create 100% unique lumps for all music tracks? I did this manually myself as I wanted to use some music replacement packs, but some things like the master levels and E4 of Doom 1 share music codes with other maps.
I manually edited the name of the files in the mapinfos as to include some pieces of the new soundtracks made by the community (like the NRFTL one and the ML one).
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by yum13241 »

JPL wrote:Hi folks. Recently I've been learning the intricacies of how ZDoom reads resources, and created a tool others might find useful:

(this link will always have the most recent released version)

It reads available IWADs, Master Levels, and No Rest for the Living PWADs from a subfolder called "source_wads/" and creates a new PK3 with all the unique content from each merged together and organized into episodes via custom mapinfo data. All the music, intermission text and art, etc are correct for each episode.

Note: With the sole exception of SIGIL, non-official content, even stuff that was sold at retail by random companies like the Lost Episodes, is not supported! People in this thread have customized WadSmoosh to do this but it's outside the scope of what I wrote WadSmoosh to do and I have no intention of supporting it. Also please note that you don't need WadSmoosh to merge non-commercial content! Use a WAD editing tool like SLADE3 instead.

Here's what the episode select screen looks like:
The tool is called WadSmoosh. I wrote it in Python but a Windows EXE is included, as well as a shell script for running the source script on Linux and macOS (Python2 only, for the moment). It uses the wonderful OMGIFOL library to do all the lump extraction, and I used SLADE to build the texture definitions for each IWAD.

Other details of note:
- The full size pk3 is about 40mb uncompressed. (17MB with max ZIP compression, 11MB with 7zip compression - you'll have to do these yourself though)
- WadSmoosh does not apply any map fixes directly to maps, it relies on GZDoom's internal level compat process.
- WadSmoosh is smart enough to not include the Master Levels and NRftL levels if Doom 2 isn't present.

If you have any comments or run into any issues using this, let me know!

I get this weird error complaining about my Master Levels (OS: EndeavourOS, Linux (basically arch).

What do I do?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

yum13241 wrote: I get this weird error complaining about my Master Levels (OS: EndeavourOS, Linux (basically arch).
What do I do?
That error suggests that your version of TEETH.WAD has only 1 map in it - it should have 2, the second of which is the secret level.

The sha256sum of my version (and, afaik, the only unmodified official version) of TEETH.WAD is 629e2a6eb1a0234ef0f152384a01130b3d8cd0e44f6c292463dbc2d6ae34d14e. Is yours different?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by yum13241 »

JPL wrote:
yum13241 wrote: I get this weird error complaining about my Master Levels (OS: EndeavourOS, Linux (basically arch).
What do I do?
That error suggests that your version of TEETH.WAD has only 1 map in it - it should have 2, the second of which is the secret level.

The sha256sum of my version (and, afaik, the only unmodified official version) of TEETH.WAD is 629e2a6eb1a0234ef0f152384a01130b3d8cd0e44f6c292463dbc2d6ae34d14e. Is yours different?

I solved it by copy pasting my doom_complete.pk3 from a backup I have.

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