So, in a previous post I said someone found a debug feature in GZDoom that sort of works like slow-mo, devs already said it is not currently a "modding feature" but more of a sort of buggy thing they implemented a while ago for testing purpouses. This is the i_timescale parameter. SgtMarkIV released a video talking about it and a simple mod that binds the console command to a key and adds a soundFX to make it feel like actual slow mo. There are several issues with i_timescale but the major thing seems to be that it messes with THE WHOLE engine, so i.e opening the console while on a lower timescale would make it open slower too, etc.
Having toyed around with it, I can say it works just well enough that it doesn't create major problems and the mini mod that binds it to a key makes it super useful for recording cool footage and such.
And so, while playing EoA (a DOOM2016 mod) I just sat thinking, man, the Gearbox weapon wheel would be just perfect for this if would toggle some sort of slow-mo like DOOM 2016 does.
I then just went ahead and learned did it with AutoHotkey haha here's a video demo I recorded:
I basically:
a) Bound alt to hold-release wapon wheel toggle.
b) Bound numpad8 to slow-mo toggle.
c) Made an AH script that sends a numapd8 key press each time I press alt AND also when I release alt. This toggles slow-mo on when pressing alt to open the wheel and toggles it off when I release alt to select a weapon. (0ω0)b
Here's the AH script for anyone interested, you can also find the "slow-mo" mod in as an attachment in this post.
Spoiler:I think using i_timescale in its current state CAN be problematic, but maybe it could be implemented as an experimental feature within Gearbox?