This has been irking me for some time. No, not the Easter egg... but people's reaction to it.
JoeyTD wrote:1) the blowjob secret is a slab at the "wholesome" trend with Isabelle
I guess as someone who made a boomer shooter based on ponies that ended up going a completely different direction, I am biased here... but honestly I like content like this, in fiction, where wholesome stuff is twisted. I'd rather this kind of shit happen in fiction than in real life.
JoeyTD wrote:2) itsmeveronica is a furry (sex ain't as forbidden there is it is here)
Honestly, same, speaking as a long-time closeted Furry.
I get tired of this "porn bad" mentality the internet has developed due to America's bullshit puritan mindset and corporations bowing to NSFW panic due to a few bad apples, rather than dealing with the bad apples.
I know it's risky with the real shit, but this is just some drawn cartoon.
I get it skirted the rules of the forum (and I'm not necessarily encouraging people to break the rules purposfully), but that doesn't make it morally fucked in this specific case.
I know Veronica has been questionable at best sometimes (and I've witnessed it), but this is not something I'm exactly going to lose sleep, and certainly not give them shit over some easter egg that you have to go out of your way to get. Hell, you can't even access it without cheating.
Frankly I found this NSFW easter egg hilarious and reminds me of some of the injokes and easter eggs we're putting in our project - albeit Veronica did not beat around the bush and just went up to 11.
I guess that's just our sense of humor. It's not for everyone but it doesn't make it "bad".