[Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] v3.1 released (p204)

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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by ZikShadow »

Ninlhil wrote:Have you guys considered making the Luger and the Walther more different in their function? Like making the Walther a suppressed weapon, and reducing its damage accordingly? There just seems to be no real difference between the two pistols.
The Luger's more accurate with no autofire while the Walther's slightly higher in damage and has autofire, I feel like they're different enough. In any case, suppressed weapons generally don't really lose velocity, if anything you'd probably gain velocity and have reduced recoil from the extra weight + longer barrel from attaching a suppressor on. The myth exists 'cause people tend to use subsonic ammo in those weapons to reduce audio even further, and subsonic ammo's called that specifically because it's slower to the point where it doesn't emit noise 'cause it's not breaking the sound barrier, hence the weaker output. A good compromise I feel to not having a whole new ammo is to probably not to make the bullet weaker, but slower in travel time.

I did actually implement a Welrod in to BoA through an addon (that's still currently in progress, so I won't divulge much), and it certainly breaks a few of the stealth maps. Less threat from enemies when you can just shoot the alarms from a distance without anyone hearing.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by undeadmonk354 »

I've enjoyed the Blade of Agony mod, but there's two questions to ask.

One: Is there going to be an expansion set in Japan?
and two: How are the upcoming BOA addons with custom enemies, custom weapons and custom maps?
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by doomjedi »

One: Is there going to be an expansion set in Japan?
No, at least not from BoA team.
and two: How are the upcoming BOA addons with custom enemies, custom weapons and custom maps?
I'm not aware of anything regarding custom maps from BoA team (and can those be called "custom" if those would be from BoA makers?).
There will be BoA update that will add...additional optional functionality.
Custom maps - hope modding community is up for it. Would be interesting.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by Andretti »

The tesla cannon does absolutely no damage. Am I supposed to do something else other than holding down LMB or RMB? It doesn't work even in melee range.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by Marcelus »

Game is masterpiece but performance is not good. May someone help please how good set this game for smooth gameplay ? I have random big lags and I try every combination settings but this help only little. I turn off post effect,filters, AA etc... Fps are 60+ but with lags.. :( Other games via gzdoom runs without problems.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by Solid_Beard »

Ninlhil wrote:Have you guys considered making the Luger and the Walther more different in their function? Like making the Walther a suppressed weapon, and reducing its damage accordingly? There just seems to be no real difference between the two pistols.
Personally I would have made the Walther and the Luger unique weapons for the enemies.
The Walther as a standard sidearm carried only by soldiers with weak but fair damage, faster rate of fire and somewhat accurate.
The Luger like a powerful version of the Walther only carried by Officer's, with high damage, slower rate of fire (not too slow like a Desert Eagle) and accurate, making the Officers even more dangerous.
doomjedi wrote:
Custom maps - hope modding community is up for it. Would be interesting.
Really ?
I mean considering how complex this game is, particularly the addition of 3d models, graphic effects and scripted events might be not very easy to make custom maps with the same quality of BOA. You might consider to making tutorial's videos in case someone is willing to try making any maps with that kind of quality.
Though, that would be cool if someone would make a reimagining of Escape from Wolfenstein episode in the veins of BOA and interesting changes.

Speaking about ideas, would be interesting if someone makes an original soundtrack for BOA that is inspired from the music of MoH/CoD and Wolfenstein so it would have a soundtrack that is consistent with the feeling of playing a Wolfenstein theme game.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by doomjedi »

...Time for best and most detailed BoA review ever:

https://www.gamepressure.com/editorials ... JMjHyIHgpw

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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by SLON »

doomjedi wrote:...Time for best and most detailed BoA review ever:

https://www.gamepressure.com/editorials ... JMjHyIHgpw

Some zoomer's ass burn as hell in the comments.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by doomjedi »

SLON wrote:Some zoomer's ass burn as hell in the comments.
I figured I'd snoop and see what else this user has commented on. All short and no constructive feedback on anything.
I thought it was a spam account. Still could be. The comments can be pretty entertaining
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by Captain J »

Hah that one comment be like "P u r e G a r b a g e ! !"

Anyhoo i really don't want to bring something might be heavy to you dev team but i've been wondering: Is C3M1_A is a homage to the project, Sonderkommando Revolt? I don't know more about it 'cept i saw the old trailer of this and soon became Operation Eisenfaust: Origins after having some controversy. I'm seeing textures and sprites kinda resembles to the original project's.

And please don't get me wrong. Although making a fiction about Holocaust and Auschwitz can be sensitive to begin with, but still i think it's effective enough to tell players how terrible the Holocaust was and how Nazis got screwed in the head real hard. Modern Wolfenstein series plus this are doing such a great job of making players aware of war atrocities.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by Ozymandias81 »

@Captain J
Yes there are several influences and resources (converted into hires) from Sonderkommando
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by salahmander2 »

Played through this mod from start to finish. I am EXTREMELY impressed with the quality that was put into this and enjoyed every minutes of it. I do have a couple of bugs to report however... the flat crater things seems to cut off some parts of sprites for some reason. And also, the ending said Hitler's corpse was never recovered... no wonder, I couldn't even see him during battle, but yet I've seen in one gameplay video that he came up perfectly fine, did I have a setting that somehow erased his graphic?

And one other thing, how did you go 3 episodes without referencing Downfall?!
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by Solid_Beard »

Captain J wrote:And please don't get me wrong. Although making a fiction about Holocaust and Auschwitz can be sensitive to begin with, but still i think it's effective enough to tell players how terrible the Holocaust was and how Nazis got screwed in the head real hard. Modern Wolfenstein series plus this are doing such a great job of making players aware of war atrocities.
Years ago, I express my concern about the inclusion of a holocaust themed level in the game on facebook, for a game that has a ww2 pulp, sci fi and supernatural themes that having a level set in a concentration camp felt out of place for me. I didn't like the idea about this, but I still remember that friendly conversation with Doomjedi that changed my mind about it that I was quite open with the inclusion of that level.

Now I'm quite surprised that it didn't spark any controversy about it.
Ozymandias81 wrote:@Captain J
Yes there are several influences and resources (converted into hires) from Sonderkommando
Interesting, talk about "not everything is to be thrown away".
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by Tormentor667 »

salahmander2 wrote:Played through this mod from start to finish. I am EXTREMELY impressed with the quality that was put into this and enjoyed every minutes of it. I do have a couple of bugs to report however... the flat crater things seems to cut off some parts of sprites for some reason. And also, the ending said Hitler's corpse was never recovered... no wonder, I couldn't even see him during battle, but yet I've seen in one gameplay video that he came up perfectly fine, did I have a setting that somehow erased his graphic? And one other thing, how did you go 3 episodes without referencing Downfall?!
Thanks kindly for your words, we are happy that you enjoyed the game :) Regarding the Hitler issue: It has been reported a few times now, but we were never able to reproduce it during the testing stages. In the meantime we found a possible solution that will be introduced in v3.1. Regarding Downfall: There are Hitler sprites around that are a direct inspiration from Downfall.
Captain J wrote:Anyhoo i really don't want to bring something might be heavy to you dev team but i've been wondering: Is C3M1_A is a homage to the project, Sonderkommando Revolt? I don't know more about it 'cept i saw the old trailer of this and soon became Operation Eisenfaust: Origins after having some controversy. I'm seeing textures and sprites kinda resembles to the original project's.
Well, we somehow consider (in the spirit of DoomJedi) the concentration camp level in Chapter 3 as a very light version of "Sonder". We took hours of talk, feedback from various sources and discussed the map for a very long time until it ended up as it does now. We tried to be as sensitive as possible, still trying to visualize the cruelties without being disrespectful to what has happened (and believe me: as a German, I need to be more careful with that topic than anyone else). Hopefully we achieved what we wanted to do.
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Re: [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Release (v3.0)

Post by salahmander2 »

I'm glad you did take some direct inspiration from Downfall after all, more ways than one in fact. I never came across Krebs or Jodl. Makes sense. Krebs had to tend to his fish and Jodl most likely objected to Hitler's plan and left. :P

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