WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3 IWAD

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Yarn366 »

Which episodes are appearing for you? Given what you've said so far, these are the episodes you should be seeing (besides No Rest for the Living):
  • Knee-Deep in the Dead
  • The Shores of Hell
  • Inferno
  • Thy Flesh Consumed
  • Hell on Earth
  • TNT: Evilution
  • The Plutonia Experiment
In WadSmoosh, NRFTL maps use the NV_MAP0x naming scheme. Does entering "map nv_map01" (without quotes) in the console take you to the first level?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

nes bros wrote:what am I doing wrong? it doesn't show nrftl, and I did make sure to add nerve.wad. the correct one.
[edit]: for reference, I have d2, ultimate doom, plutonia, tnt, and nerve.
Not sure how to troubleshoot this if the nerve.wad file is in your source_wads alongside the others, and it's not showing up in the episode list. Do you see anything in the wadsmoosh.log about it? Where is your nerve.wad file from? Mine is from the BFG edition, is 3819855 bytes, has a MAP01 through MAP08, and an md5sum of 967d5ae23daf45196212ae1b605da3b0.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by strangebit »

I made a version of the Plutonia MIDI Pack that works with WadSmoosh (by renaming the MIDI pack files to use P_ prefixes :rock:), and I noticed that the endgame PLUBOSS music is wrong when compared using PLUTONIA.WAD. It should play P_EVIL but it plays P_THE_DA. They are identical-sounding tracks normally in Plutonia, but not in the MIDI pack, so that's where the mistake was made.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Yarn366 »

I've got some more things to report:
  • If the widescreen pack is loaded with WadSmoosh, then the Doom 2 title graphic is shown instead of WadSmoosh's. One way to resolve this is to rename the TITLEPIC lump to something else (such as WSTITLE) and set that lump as the title graphic in mapinfo.txt's GameInfo block; the line to add takes the form of TitlePage = "<lump>". Note that you still need to include a lump named TITLEPIC for GZDoom to recognize WadSmoosh properly; a zero-byte lump should work.
  • "SUCKS" is not displayed when the player takes an hour or more to complete a level. This happens because GZDoom's actual default "sucks" time is 0 hours, not 1, and WadSmoosh sets the "sucks" time at the end of mapinfo.txt inside a "defaultmap" block. This fails to work because the "sucks" time is being defined after the maps (it has to be defined before them), and "defaultmap" and "adddefaultmap" blocks do not carry over to other files (only "gamedefaults" - not to be confused with "GameInfo" - does that). One way to fix this is to ensure that the beginning of every mapinfo lump containing map definitions has a "defaultmap" block that sets SuckTime to 1. Another way is to make another mapinfo lump containing at least the "SuckTime = 1" line inside a "gamedefaults" block (not "defaultmap" or "adddefaultmap"!), and then set that lump as the first include entry in mapinfo.txt. (The attached save file should let you test this quickly. It places you at the end of E1M1 and has the elapsed time set to 59:50.)
  • It's not necessary to include the names of the Xbox secret levels with WadSmoosh since GZDoom already includes them. ("E1M10: Sewers" was added recently, and "MAP33: Betray" has been included for years.) Removing these two names from WadSmoosh would allow them to be translated. (GZDoom uses the same keywords for these names as WadSmoosh, so there's no need to also change the mapinfo lumps.)
  • WadSmoosh isn't actually configured to extract the title patches from No Rest for the Living. (The titles still look OK on the intermission screen only because GZDoom displays them using its included Doom font if the title patch is missing.)
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by DarkTalon25 »

Having a bit of trouble with my doom_complete.pk3. Every time I try to use it with Zdoom 2.8.1, I get the following fatal error:
Script error, "doom_complete.pk3:menudef.txt" line 10:
Unknown keyword 'AddOptionMenu'
With GZdoom 4.5.0, meanwhile, I get this:
Script error, "doom_complete.pk3:cvarinfo.txt" line 1:
cvar 'ws_finaldoom_texswap' already exists
Assistance would be much appreciated.
If it means anything, I also had HEXEN.wad and HEXDD.wad in the source_wads WadSmoosh folder and did not delete delete_me.txt.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

DarkTalon25 wrote:Having a bit of trouble with my doom_complete.pk3. Every time I try to use it with Zdoom 2.8.1, I get the following fatal error:
Script error, "doom_complete.pk3:menudef.txt" line 10:
Unknown keyword 'AddOptionMenu'
With GZdoom 4.5.0, meanwhile, I get this:
Script error, "doom_complete.pk3:cvarinfo.txt" line 1:
cvar 'ws_finaldoom_texswap' already exists
Assistance would be much appreciated.
If it means anything, I also had HEXEN.wad and HEXDD.wad in the source_wads WadSmoosh folder and did not delete delete_me.txt.
ZDoom versions from that far back aren't supported.

The most likely cause of a "Cvar already exists" error is loading doom_complete.pk3 as both an IWAD and a PWAD. If you verify that that's not what's happening, let me know and we can investigate further.

Hexen or Heretic WADs, or any other kind of file, in the source_wads/ dir shouldn't cause a problem; WadSmoosh only looks for stuff on a small allow-list and ignores everything else.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

Yarn366 wrote:I've got some more things to report:
These are good fixes, thank you. They'll be in the next release, no ETA on when I'll get to it.
Yarn366 wrote:
  • If the widescreen pack is loaded with WadSmoosh, then the Doom 2 title graphic is shown instead of WadSmoosh's. One way to resolve this is to rename the TITLEPIC lump to something else (such as WSTITLE) and set that lump as the title graphic in mapinfo.txt's GameInfo block; the line to add takes the form of TitlePage = "<lump>". Note that you still need to include a lump named TITLEPIC for GZDoom to recognize WadSmoosh properly; a zero-byte lump should work.
Wouldn't this break custom title screens? ie WADs that include their own TITLEPIC?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by DarkTalon25 »

JPL wrote:ZDoom versions from that far back aren't supported.
Unfortunate, but logical.
JPL wrote:The most likely cause of a "Cvar already exists" error is loading doom_complete.pk3 as both an IWAD and a PWAD. If you verify that that's not what's happening, let me know and we can investigate further.
I don't think I did that, but I could probably experiment with it on my end. In any case, it's working now. Thanks for responding anyway.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Rachael »

JPL wrote:Wouldn't this break custom title screens? ie WADs that include their own TITLEPIC?
Yes, it would.

I've removed .doom2 from wadsmoosh's filter name in GZDoom's iwadinfo.txt.

Turns out this guy was right after all - otherwise, it would have been a senseless and overcomplicated process of me forcing you and Nash to work together to make the unique titlescreen work had I stuck with what it was originally. I don't think any mods used the old filter name anyhow. (Inevitably I am sure one will be discovered, though...)

In the long run though it may be better for you to adopt your own iwadinfo.txt and rename to doom_complete.ipk3 anyhow, though. That way you can control your own settings in this project. If you need help with that, you can get in touch with me, I can help you make it work.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

Rachael wrote:
JPL wrote:Wouldn't this break custom title screens? ie WADs that include their own TITLEPIC?
Yes, it would.

I've removed .doom2 from wadsmoosh's filter name in GZDoom's iwadinfo.txt.

Turns out this guy was right after all - otherwise, it would have been a senseless and overcomplicated process of me forcing you and Nash to work together to make the unique titlescreen work had I stuck with what it was originally. I don't think any mods used the old filter name anyhow. (Inevitably I am sure one will be discovered, though...)

In the long run though it may be better for you to adopt your own iwadinfo.txt and rename to doom_complete.ipk3 anyhow, though. That way you can control your own settings in this project. If you need help with that, you can get in touch with me, I can help you make it work.
Ahh, thanks, I wouldn't have thought that that change would fix it.

Re: wadsmoosh's own iwadinfo.txt, I'd probably just want to copy-paste its entry from GZDoom's iwadinfo.txt (starting at line 356, it looks like) for a starting point, right?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Rachael »

That's a starting point - yes.

Code: Select all

	Name = "DOOM: Complete: WadSmoosh"
	Autoname = "doom.id.wadsmoosh"
	Game = "Doom"
	Config = "Doom"
	Compatibility = "Shorttex"
	IWADName = "doom_complete.ipk3"      
	BannerColors = "a8 00 00", "a8 a8 a8"
	IgnoreTitlePatches = 1
Theoretically this could be the complete lump. (I think)
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Error while Creating Doom Complete

Post by doomguy214 »

ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name SIGILTEX
extracting data_sigil...
Extracting pk3/graphics/SIGILINT.lmp
Extracting pk3/graphics/SIGILEND.lmp
Extracting map E5M1...
Extracting map E5M2...
Extracting map E5M3...
Extracting map E5M4...
Extracting map E5M5...
Extracting map E5M6...
Extracting map E5M7...
Extracting map E5M8...
Extracting map E5M9...
WAD sigil_shreds not found
WAD doomu not found
WAD doom2u not found
WAD nerveu not found
WAD tntu not found
WAD plutoniau not found
WAD extras not found
Using Master Levels ordering from masterlevels_order_xaser.txt
Processing Master Levels...
Extracting source_wads/ATTACK.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map01.wad
Extracting source_wads/CANYON.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map02.wad
Extracting source_wads/CATWALK.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map03.wad
Extracting source_wads/FISTULA.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map04.wad
Extracting source_wads/COMBINE.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map05.wad
Extracting source_wads/SUBSPACE.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map06.wad
Extracting source_wads/PARADOX.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map07.wad
Extracting source_wads/SUBTERRA.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map08.wad
Extracting source_wads/GARRISON.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map09.wad
Extracting source_wads/BLACKTWR.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map10.wad
Extracting source_wads/VIRGIL.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map11.wad
Extracting source_wads/MINOS.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map12.wad
Extracting source_wads/NESSUS.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map13.wad
Extracting source_wads/GERYON.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map14.wad
Extracting source_wads/VESPERAS.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map15.wad
Extracting source_wads/MANOR.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map16.wad
Extracting source_wads/TTRAP.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map17.wad
Extracting source_wads/TEETH.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map18.wad
Extracting source_wads/BLOODSEA.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map19.wad
Extracting source_wads/MEPHISTO.WAD to pk3/maps/ML_map20.wad
Extracting source_wads/TEETH.WAD map32 to pk3/maps/ML_map21.wad
Extracting RSKY1 lump from source_wads/COMBINE.WAD as ML_SKY1
Extracting STARS lump from source_wads/MANOR.WAD as ML_SKY2
Extracting RSKY1 lump from source_wads/VIRGIL.WAD as ML_SKY3
Copying GENMIDI.lmp
Compressing doom_complete.pk3...
Generated doom_complete.pk3 (19.2 MB) with 171 maps in 10 episodes in 42.74 seconds.
1 errors found, see wadsmoosh.log for details.

I am using sigil from https://www.moddb.com/games/doom/addons/sigil
Still Error

Even tried this still getting Error 3 in place of 1
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by wildweasel »

Your version of SIGIL is too old - try the 1.21 release from here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/level ... igil_v1_21
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by AvzinElkein »

Does WADSmoosh do Betray/Sewers?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Gez »

No, and these maps suck anyway.

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