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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by IDKrisis »

Dr_Cosmobyte wrote:I... i can't say i don't like the idea here. BUT, just to compliment the theme, i would make a Rubber Band Rifle to replace the plasma rifle and a Super Rubber Band Launcher to replace the BFG =ppppppp
I just think there should be some reality-bending weapons to suit the weird themes of the later levels. The Going Down wad always left me with the feeling that the hero - or perhaps the world - was going slowly insane.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by tony10125 »

I don't know if this was reported already but the projectiles of Hellbound's minigun get stuck on ceilings in vanilla puff mode and make a really annoying sound. I'm using V3.3
Btw, Thanks for making my favorite gameplay mod. I can't play without it. :)
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by error666 »

i have a really small idea: Eviternity weapon set?
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by krutomisi »

Quick question for anybody familiar with the weapon sets, is there anything that uses alt fire besides the pistol?
I'm too hardwired to hitting R for reload, thinking of maybe swapping R/M2 in my binds

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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by StroggVorbis »

krutomisi wrote:Quick question for anybody familiar with the weapon sets, is there anything that uses alt fire besides the pistol?
I'm too hardwired to hitting R for reload, thinking of maybe swapping R/M2 in my binds

The Halderman device found in the TNT weaponset does. Chainsaw replacement.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Turbo »

I've recently finished playing Plutonia.wad using the corresponding weapon set, and it was a fun experience with reloading/chaingun ammo for pistol options enabled.
One small gripe I have is that the Plutonia revolver is overly ammo efficient compared to the light machinegun (28/32 vs 9/12 in damage), resulting in me cheesing a lot of the stationary enemies with the revolver from behind cover, which became somewhat of a bad habit, leaving me with more spare bullets than usual.

So I decided to try doubling the revolver's ammo consumption with the following state changes in /decorate/plutonia/pistol.dec:

Code: Select all

    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(CallACS("FD_pistolammo") == 1, 5) // If ammo is also enabled, we gotta check for the base bullet ammo for that gun
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(CallACS("FD_pistolreload") == 2, 2) // Checks if the reloading option is set to "balanced" for single bullet ammo consumption
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory ("FDPlutBullets", 2, "FireNoAmmoCheckDone")
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory ("FDPlutBullets", 1, "Dryfire")
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo ("Dryfire")
    Goto FireNoAmmoCheckDone
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory ("FDPlutBullets", 1, "FireNoAmmoCheckDone")
    Goto Dryfire
  FireNoMagButAmmo: // eat pant
    TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory ("FDPlutBullets", 2, TIF_NOTAKEINFINITE)
    Goto FireComplete

    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory ("FDPlutPistolAmmo", 0, "ReadyFull")
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(CallACS("FD_pistolammo") == 0, "Reloadery")
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory ("FDPlutBullets", 2, "Reloadery")
    Goto DryFire
  ReloadUseAmmo: // Used with the pistol ammo cvar
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory ("FDPlutPistolAmmo", 0, "ReloadFinish")
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory ("FDPlutBullets", 2, 1)
    Goto ReloadFinish
    TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory ("FDPlutPistolAmmo", 1)
    TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory ("FDPlutBullets", 2)
    Goto ReloadUseAmmo
This was tested without any problems using any of the related options, and it helped to balance the revolver a lot better IMO.

I also found a bug where the Plutonia and Doom 2 chainguns can fire twice even though there is only one bullet ammo left.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Stephen312312 »

I found a few issues:
  • When firing at a crowd of flying monsters with the Vendetta Machine as Vendettaguy, some of them are frozen in place after they get hit.
  • When playing as BTSXguy with his intended mapsets, the colors for the ammo and weapon pickups are off due to the new palette.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Yholl »

tony10125 wrote:I don't know if this was reported already but the projectiles of Hellbound's minigun get stuck on ceilings in vanilla puff mode and make a really annoying sound. I'm using V3.3
Btw, Thanks for making my favorite gameplay mod. I can't play without it. :)
Yeah, haven't gotten around to fixing it yet. Glad you're having fun.
error666 wrote:i have a really small idea: Eviternity weapon set?
There's nothing small about that.
Turbo wrote:This was tested without any problems using any of the related options, and it helped to balance the revolver a lot better IMO.
Mmm, sounds good, I'll add that to me list of things I should get around to doing before the heat death of the universe. Hopefully.
Turbo wrote:I also found a bug where the Plutonia and Doom 2 chainguns can fire twice even though there is only one bullet ammo left.
Stephen312312 wrote:When firing at a crowd of flying monsters with the Vendetta Machine as Vendettaguy, some of them are frozen in place after they get hit.
Sounds like you countered their movement with momentum.
Stephen312312 wrote:When playing as BTSXguy with his intended mapsets, the colors for the ammo and weapon pickups are off due to the new palette.
I recommend truecolor then.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Doctrine Gamer »

Nuclear weapons (Hellbound in the case of Final Doomer) are to give a lag / fps drop. :trippy:

Is there a nuclear weapon mod immune to this defect :?:

I haven't tested it yet but just looking at the trailer I was afraid of the Nuclear Bomb at the end of the video. :surprise:

Paranoia aside ... the quality of that way is incredible. :cheers:

Combining it with Shades of Doom + FloppyDisk is absurdly fun. :mrgreen:
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Stephen312312 »

I was thinking you should make a Whitemare Standalone HUD.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by northivanastan »

The Japanese Community Project is my favorite WAD, so naturally I was interested to find that there are GZDoom weapons specifically made for it :). The weapons feel like a fusion of things commonly associated with Japan and futuristic elements (maybe based on the space base levels, or just on Japanese cyberpunk). All of the weapons make me feel powerful, without making the levels to easy. The Katana is super satisfying to use, in particular. I also think that that the JPCP weapons would pair really well with Water Spirit, a three-level PWAD by burabojunior which feels like a sort of follow-up to the JPCP.

I like how these weapons lean on the OP side but don't go too far. As in, they are certainly more powerful than the default weapons, and they do make the game easier in most (but not all) cases, but they aren't so OP that they remove all of the threat from a level (as in something like Russian Overkill). Generally I prefer vanilla weapons, but if I were ever to use a weapon mod, it would probably be something like this one. Maybe when/if I replay JPCP or Water Spirit I will use this.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Recurracy »

The download link doesn't seem to work.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by cs89 »

Recurracy wrote:The download link doesn't seem to work.
Did you try to click "Save link as..." option?
For me, the downloading of this weapon mod is working with this way.
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by SpiderMalice »

Hello, I'd really, really love the mod if it wasn't for the walking speed, is there any way at all to change it to vanilla speed?
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Re: [3.3!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Sp4zzmatica »

SpiderMalice wrote:Hello, I'd really, really love the mod if it wasn't for the walking speed, is there any way at all to change it to vanilla speed?
Open the mod up in Slade and go to text file called DECORATE. You should see two lines called Player.Forwardmove and Player.Sidemove (it's under the section called Actor FDPlayerPawn : DoomPlayer). Either remove those two lines or comment them out. You should be good to go after that.

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