I don't know if the subject has been addressed (one way or another) in the thread, but I personally would feel Gearbox could be enhanced further with some nice unobtrusive sounds (e.g. a simple click or quiet short beep when going through options and a slightly firmer confirmation click or beep on selection (and possibly a "no selection made" cancel sound for the final icing on the cake)). Sounds are by no means essential, but I think it would be nice.
Also, I notice that the original post says "Tag property is also nice to have". I have tried a few mods with weapon tags but the only time I see tags displayed is when I use WeapPrev/WeapNext (which I do not currently have set to trigger Gearbox - though that is likely to change

[Edit] Something else that I thought might be a "nice to have": I don't see an obvious way to disable the Gearbox unless I simply don't load the PK3. Might it be possible to extend the style selector to "Blocks", "Wheel" and "None" (or somewhere else in the menu) so that the mod could remain loaded but inactive in situations where a player might want to original behaviour?
Associated with this, it is currently possible to have the mod active but only respond to the number/slot keys and not weapprev/next. However, I don't think that it is possible to have it respond to weapprev/next only and leave the number keys with their Doom functionality. Could it be?
I'm not sure how useful (or achievable) either of these are, but they struck me as things that would make sense to have as options.[/edit]