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Josko wrote:When I play I always type " resurrect " in the console to revive myself if I die, I always thought it was kind of the same thing as constantly saving.
But having the game constantly auto saving all the time, isn't it a bit cheating? Dying really has no consequense, might aswell go godmode lol.
IMO resurrect is exactly the same as godmode. Just that you have to type something. Quicksaving was in games since forever
hi. there may be a bug in [autoautosave version 1.4.2]. for mapsets with many monsters, when autosaving every 10 seconds for speedruns, the message [new active enemies] is displayed repetitively and endlessly. perhaps the message suppressing mechanism in autoautosave may be broken (eg. identical messages below x seconds between them should not be displayed, but still appears due to the bug)? is it possible to fix this, please? the info below may be useful:
autoautosave settings: autosavecount=360 m8f_aas_autosave_period=10 m8f_aas_save_on_time_period=true (all other "save on" are false)
all autoautosave voices are off. game music also off.
please let me know if you need any more info. many thanks in advance and happy new year!
StroggVorbis wrote:My gut feeling tells me the error lies with Brutal Doom.
hi again. i removed brutal doom as per your suggestion, and autoautosave worked. you are right. many thanks for pinpointing the issue.
edit: just for info, i confirmed autoautosave 1.4.2 is not compatible with the latest brutal doom 21.7.0. after some digging, most probably because of the +ISMONSTER tag being used by brutal doom to tag objects which are not monsters. autoautosave was also mentioned.
Lastly, the +ISMONSTER flag on the proximity grenades is what causes it. This can not only cause issues with mods that use that flag for things (imagine if for Legendoom, you had the option to make newly spawned monsters legendary and it affected the proximity grenades. I have no idea if it actually uses +ISMONSTER though.) like autoautosave but it works totally fine without +ISMONSTER. I can't really see why you added the flag but simply removing it solves those issues. Kinda reminds me of how Brutal Doom barrels (and mods that use them) often fuck up with mods like Keymaster and maybe Legendoom because they're set as monsters even if they really don't need to be.
Can you do an option for an autosave before exiting the level? when you play with randomized mods autosave on the start of a level can get borring because everything is still the same when you load the level and level reseting can be annoying
Can you please explain how saving before exiting the level would help in this situation?
Also, what do you mean by "level resetting can be annoying"? It's super quick, just bind "changemap *" to a key. It keeps your weapons and restarts the level.
i mean that when playing with randomized mods having to kill the exact same enemys over and over without any change because of the autosave can get a bit annoying because whats the fun of a randomizer if it doesnt randomize?
so i was thinking like you always get to a trigger or touch a button or kill a boss to change map and i was hoping that at the start of such trigger it sets a quicksave before the next level loads so when you start the level its always like your first time in that case a brand new set of enemys instead of saving at the start of a level and getting the same rolls over and over
boris225 wrote:
so i was thinking like you always get to a trigger or touch a button or kill a boss to change map and i was hoping that at the start of such trigger it sets a quicksave before the next level loads so when you start the level its always like your first time in that case a brand new set of enemys instead of saving at the start of a level and getting the same rolls over and over
wait i tested it and welp it doesnt work rip also im playing with corruption cards and i dont like every time i die i get to do the same cards again and if i do the changelevel it adds to the counter
That's because corruption cards has its only random seed that it uses. This mod is not to blame. Heck there's even an option to set the seed in the corruption cards options. This was most likely done so people can do races and stuff like that were having the same seed matters.