High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .500

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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by mofumofu »

Thanks, I didn't know about that option...
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by Bochulain »

Linz wrote:Anyone know any western music packs?
Don't know any music packs, but I do want to say that Flashback to Hell (https://www.doomworld.com/files/file/17 ... k-to-hell/) map 08, Deceptions and Snares sounds like it'd be the soundtrack to HND altogether. Soundtrack credits call it "So Strange" by PRIMEVAL and Jimmy. Not sure if it's just the music, but the level ends up feeling really appropriate too. Ending of FtH doesn't track, though, since it's a "Bad" ending, and Corzo isn't the kind to get stuck that easy.
Captain J wrote:It's true that Dynamite suits both perfectly and retrospectively to the western spaghetti theme, but i think small, light compact hand grenades would do because you throw them quickly and bounce on everywhere in the game. Feels like it's something dyna would never do.

I love the grenades because the anachronism adds to Corzo's planes-hopping persona. They're too modern for a cowboy, and too old for a space marine.

Umm... I'm not a Corzo fanboy. I just like the mod and the last two comments were relevant to Corzo. End of disclaimer.
StroggVorbis wrote:On a side note: In Strife the player has a MaxStepHeight of 16, while all other games have 24. AFAIK, it's not possible to change that inside HND's options menu.
Wait... Was that an unrelated comment, or did I miss a Strife support meta-mod for HND? I'm always looking for something to make Strife worth playing again. Samsara and Guncaster were fun and gave me hope that people still care about that game. It tried so hard and managed to do a lot with the limited tech of the time. If only it had been more fun to play.
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by Bochulain »

Linz wrote:Anyone know any western music packs?
Oh hey, I was just poking around and found Dinosaur Nerd made this a couple years ago. It contains a western soundtrack:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/q3b79lnbx ... r.zip/file

It also nerfs the boomerang, nerfs the bow (HND's sniper rifle) so that it takes two shots to down the weakest enemy, turns the Grasa into a 100% accurate weak hitscan stunlocker, and buffs the shotgun. Then it replaces all the enemies with western variants similarly to "The Western Patch," except it includes enemies that are resistant/immune to your starting loadout, so you'll need either the Gate or the Mask to fight them. So... enternainment value may vary?
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by combolynch »

How do I disable dual grease guns? It's way too op for me.
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by Gollgagh »

open zactors/weapons/wep5-smgs.zsc

go all the way down to the bottom and change the entire Pickup: function from (I've modified mine slightly already)

Code: Select all

        TNT1 A 1
            if (CountInv("SMGs") == 1)
            else if (CountInv("SMG") == 1)
                if (CountInv("UsingSMGs") == 1) { A_SelectWeapon("SMGs"); }
                if (CountInv("SMGAmmo1") > 0) { A_GiveInventory("SMGAmmo2",CountInv("SMGAmmo1") + 60); }

Code: Select all

        TNT1 A 1
            if (CountInv("SMG") == 1)
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by Alptraum »

Sometimes i check mod to see if it got updated. NGL it runs good and no need for an update but still... :D
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by TheHit_61x »

I have a question, How do I activate/use the items like radio etc.?
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by TheHit_61x »

Bochulain wrote:
Linz wrote:Anyone know any western music packs?
Oh hey, I was just poking around and found Dinosaur Nerd made this a couple years ago. It contains a western soundtrack:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/q3b79lnbx ... r.zip/file

It also nerfs the boomerang, nerfs the bow (HND's sniper rifle) so that it takes two shots to down the weakest enemy, turns the Grasa into a 100% accurate weak hitscan stunlocker, and buffs the shotgun. Then it replaces all the enemies with western variants similarly to "The Western Patch," except it includes enemies that are resistant/immune to your starting loadout, so you'll need either the Gate or the Mask to fight them. So... enternainment value may vary?

Ive been looking around for this version for quite sometime now, the mediafire link is dead and I asked Dinosaur Nerd if he could re upload it but he was not able to find a copy of this file on his computer. Is there any way that you could share a copy of the file here?
If you can I will contact Dino on discord and let him know he can grab it here so he can reupload it and archive it because there were multiple people on his discord that wanted to give this one a shot.
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by eLeR »

A great mod, and I haven't seen its full capabilities yet. However, I decided to use some other climates than Western ones.
Last edited by eLeR on Mon Aug 30, 2021 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by jprutsman »

The Strange Aeons compatibility still spawns the AK instead of the Grease gun.
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by Vphurple Izumi »

Great mod, like it a lot simple yet a ton of fun indeed,

only one "problem" so far the grease gun/chaingun replacement, when you pick up two of them and go akimbo/dual wielding, there is no way to go back.
But if ya using IDKFA then you can change between dual wielding and single by pressings the "4" key.

Not sure if its intentionally or a bug, but would like to have it without the cheat to save up on some ammo for my trigger-happy butt XD
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by combolynch »

Gollgagh wrote:open zactors/weapons/wep5-smgs.zsc

go all the way down to the bottom and change the entire Pickup: function from (I've modified mine slightly already)

Code: Select all

        TNT1 A 1
            if (CountInv("SMGs") == 1)
            else if (CountInv("SMG") == 1)
                if (CountInv("UsingSMGs") == 1) { A_SelectWeapon("SMGs"); }
                if (CountInv("SMGAmmo1") > 0) { A_GiveInventory("SMGAmmo2",CountInv("SMGAmmo1") + 60); }

Code: Select all

        TNT1 A 1
            if (CountInv("SMG") == 1)
Thank you very much!! I know it's been a while but I got to study for colleage examination :wink: :wink:
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by eLeR »

I played this mod a bit. He is brilliant. I enjoy playing with him. If there was anything I had to pay attention to, it would be the way a grenade is thrown. Its flight parabola is very limited, no matter how high we aim the grenade, it flies the same. Ricochetes are very unreal, as if the grenade was made of rubber. This is best seen in the videos below.

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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by Captain J »

That's an interesting way to embed the whole 4 videos in one post. I mean in a good way, because i seriously never thought about that until now. Also i love the map pack of choice!
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Re: High Noon Drifter v1.2 - Between God, the Devil, and a .

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

I am replaying this right now after so many years and I am really enjoying it! :thumb:

However, and this is not your fault at all, I have noticed a strange issue when playing with my custom monster pack that replaces the Doom Imp with Realm667's CyberImp: now, the armor coins all appear as severed CyberImp cybernetic limbs! :shock: It does not seem to have any impact on the gameplay, it is just something that I have never experienced before.

EDIT: It seems like loading my monster pack before the mod fixes my issue.

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