MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.9.1)

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MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.9.1)

Post by MundyC »

“Doom Junior... Good and good for you.”
- Electronic Entertainment Magazine

MeenTC is a standalone IWAD for GZDoom that recreates the gameplay of I.M. Meen, an edutainment FPS from 1995 by the infamous Russian-American game studio Animation Magic.

All 36 levels from the original have been remade; every enemy, boss, item, and decoration is here. However, some things have been tweaked to make it a more enjoyable experience than the original. Various pieces of cut content have also been added back into the game, as well as some brand-new secret levels for the bravest bookworms out there.

Download: Here! (v0.9.1)
NOTE: I advise using GZDoom v4.8.1 due to recent FMV cutscene developments.
In addition, this TC uses the Raven inventory system for items and secondary fire for melee weapon handedness, so be wary of that.



Do I need the Doom/Doom II WAD to play this?
Nope. As long as you have GZDoom, you can select it in the game file menu and play it without any issues. If you don't have any other IWADs, MeenTC will automatically boot up.

Can I play this TC with my favorite gameplay mod?
You can try, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you really want your Doomguy/character to rely on magic wands and melee weapons for 99% of the game.

Are the cutscenes present?
Mostly! The intro and two final level cutscenes play in full, but the rest of them only have their audio play in-game. Once GZDoom adds support for cutscenes that play in the middle of a level, this will change.

How about the scroll editing screens?
Sadly, no. I could try to hack something together with the Strife dialogue system, but it would take an ungodly amount of time and be very unwieldy.

How do I get Gnorris to go away?
Punch him in the face. No, seriously, it'll make him disappear.

What difficulty should I play on?
I advise Play Level 3, as it's the hardest level from the original game. If you're curious, PL4 replaces certain monsters with their next tier (so the Tower spiders now have two HP, Dungeon spiders have three, and so on), while PL5 is basically PL4 with fast monsters.

Is this TC tied to the CD-i Zelda fan remakes?
While I did help in the development of both games, MeenTC was a completely separate project from the CD-i remakes, with (basically) no ties to it.

Are you going to make a TC for Chill Manor?
Maybe. There has been recent progress on ripping the graphics for Chill Manor, but not all of them have been obtained yet. Who knows, maybe it'll happen in the near future?

Something broke! Can you fix it, please?
I'll see what I can do, but I don't think there are any bugs in the TC that require a brand new patch.

  • Me: Created pretty much everything in the TC.
  • The Unhappy Orchestra: Made the I.M. Meen theme MIDI that plays in the main menu.
  • Animation Magic and Simon & Schuster: Made the original game.
Last edited by MundyC on Thu Oct 31, 2024 3:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by Rachael »

This is amazing, and quite impressive, especially for a first post. Good job.

I haven't ever played this game before, or even heard of it, but from playing the TC it looks interesting.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by Valken »

Can we coop play this? I've been getting the family into living room casual doom... One day we will move up to family PB night!
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by MundyC »

Rachael wrote:This is amazing, and quite impressive, especially for a first post. Good job.

I haven't ever played this game before, or even heard of it, but from playing the TC it looks interesting.
Thank you! :D
Valken wrote:Can we coop play this? I've been getting the family into living room casual doom... One day we will move up to family PB night!
Unfortunately, no. I didn't put co-op support in mainly because there are no third-person sprites for Scott/Katie, so you wouldn't be able to see the other player.

I'll think about doing something with co-op whenever I get around to v0.9.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by spoone »

I'm too lazy to figure it out, what content was cut from the 0.8 version that is in this one. I did notice the punching seemed smoother in this one compared to the last version. Stupid question also, is it possible for Doom to do the grammatical error like in the original game? I'm not expecting you to do a full on remake i'm just asking.

Edit: Oops I didn't see the spoiler section or the scroll editing part either. My fault.
Last edited by spoone on Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by spoone »

Rachael wrote:This is amazing, and quite impressive, especially for a first post. Good job.

I haven't ever played this game before, or even heard of it, but from playing the TC it looks interesting.
From someone who actually owns the original on cd, this is pretty faithful the only thing missing is every time before you'd rescue a kid you'd have to fix a grammatical error in a story. I think you actually could turn that feature off, but I always found it fun and there's a whole intro cutscene explaining who Meen is in song style. The intro is hilariously bad, but I guess for the time it worked.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by Wiw »

It's pretty neat! All that's missing is the cutscenes and the puzzles. They can probably be worked in somehow, right?
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by MundyC »

Wiw wrote:It's pretty neat! All that's missing is the cutscenes and the puzzles. They can probably be worked in somehow, right?
Thanks. If I knew more about ZScript, I would definitely try to include at least one of them.

I actually tried to put the intro cutscene's graphics in through a TITLEMAP. It worked, but it took like 15 seconds to load all the frames and massively desynced the audio, so I had to scrap it.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by Wiw »

I suppose what you could do is have it load the frames first before playing the music.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by Zenon »

Looks real nice so far.
My only complaint is the hud. As long as I have items, I can't see the status bar face to have an idea of how much health I have.
I guess now we have a reason to get the I.M. Meen OPL Bank
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by MundyC »

Zenon wrote:Looks real nice so far.
My only complaint is the hud. As long as I have items, I can't see the status bar face to have an idea of how much health I have.
I guess now we have a reason to get the I.M. Meen OPL Bank
Good point. When I get around to working on v0.9, I'll shift the inventory menu up so that it won't cover the status bar.
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by Wiw »

I suppose one other idea is to put the scrolls in a Strife dialogue tree. By that same token, you could probably put part of the cutscenes as the portrait. Would that be okay?
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by RedGhost »

Hi all, just played through the MeenTC and loved it! MundyC - great job on this! Loved the new stuff too, although it was weird to see vertical gameplay in I.M. Meen. Keep up the good work!
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.8.5)

Post by Captain J »

I certainly had a blast playing this special TC. It's very faithful and yet new to the original I.M. MEEN!
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Re: MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom (v0.9)

Post by MundyC »

Version 0.9 of MeenTC (lovingly nicknamed "The (Kinda, Sorta) Cutscene Update") has been released! This update contains a small handful of FMV cutscenes, co-op support, accuracy improvements, and other small goodies.

The full changelog can be seen below. Please note that you'll need to acquire the latest GZDoom update, v4.8.1, to properly play this MeenTC update.

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