RRWM [ver. 1.5.1] [2024-12-31]

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Re: [Release ver. 1.03a] RRWM

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.03a. Download the new release HERE (the link in the first post has been updated too).

This is a hotfix release related to certain recent changes in GZDoom's menu code that cause RRWM 1.03 to produce a script error in newer GZDoom builds.

There is currently ongoing work to bring Russian language support to RRWM, and while the translation has already been done, the underlying architecture is still being worked on. Since it relies on some experimental, yet-unfinished GZDoom features, it will require further revisions and refactoring after the next GZDoom version has been released, and this process may take some time. In the meantime, we do not want the old version to break.

This release also fixes slightly incorrect positioning of custom big fonts in the HUD.

Save files made with 1.03 should load and work fine with this new version.
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Re: [Release ver. 1.04] RRWM

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.04. Download the new release HERE (the link in the first post has been updated too).

NB: This release bumps the minimum required GZDoom version to 4.1.0.

This is a minor QoL improvement release. This release brings two new features:
  1. Support for Russian localization. When the language in GZDoom is set to Russian, the RRWM options menu, the HUD and various game messages are now also localized.
  2. Low ammo indicator. When the amount of ammo in your weapon's clip falls down to a certain (configurable) threshold, a message will appear below the crosshair to indicate that you probably need to reload soon. This feature can be enabled in the RRWM HUD options submenu. For details, please refer to the in-game help pages.
Save files made with 1.03a should load and work fine with this new version, even across different GZDoom versions (4.0.0 to 4.1.0 or 4.1.1).

  • Added Russian localization (see above).
  • Added low ammo indicator (see above).
  • Added CVAR names to menu help pages.
  • Removed the old obituary system and replaced it with a per-weapon / projectile obituary system for better localization support.
  • Fixed missing obituaries for certain weapons.
  • Switch to ZScript version 4.1
  • Some refactoring of HUD code
This version has been playtested in cooperative multiplayer with the Community Chest 4 PWAD.
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Re: [Release ver. 1.04] RRWM

Post by Player701 »

I've just checked if this mod works with the newly released GZDoom 4.2, and everything seems OK so far. I therefore recommend everyone who might be interested in this project to upgrade to GZDoom 4.2 whenever possible, because there is no guarantee that compatibility with old versions will be maintained. If anyone finds out that some of this mod's features do not work properly with 4.2, I will investigate these issues when I can.

I will do additional testing in the future myself, too - I haven't been working much on this lately since I usually don't play Doom in summer time. Rest assured, though, that this project is far from dead, but I consider bugfixes to be more important than new features. The feature set is deemed mostly complete at this point; further developments on this front may be considered later on, but what I think is most necessary (after playtesting, of course) is to get rid of borrowed sprites eventually. Unfortunately, I cannot accomplish this myself because I have no artistic skills whatsoever - I am merely a coder. So, if anyone wants to donate sprites to this project, please read the corresponding section in the first post ("Sprite contributions"). Thank you! :)
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Re: [Release ver. 1.05] RRWM

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.05. Download the new release HERE (the link in the first post has been updated too).

NB: This release bumps the minimum required GZDoom version to 4.2.0. Please always use the latest available GZDoom version, and if you experience script errors, be sure to report them here as soon as you can. Thank you very much!

This is a minor release. All save files should be backwards-compatible, unless migrating to a newer GZDoom version that can't load old saves. See full changelog below.
  • It is now possible to reduce rocket smoke count by 50% of the default value ("Enable rocket smoke" can be set to off, reduced (50%) and full (100%) instead of just on and off). Too much smoke has been known to cause performance issues on older GPUs, but some players may not want to get rid of it entirely.
  • Removed unnecessary extra space in the main options menu between the RRWM menu entry and the rest of entries (an empty line is added automatically since GZDoom 4.2.1)
  • Spawn casings and empty clips based on the player's relative ViewZ value instead of the fixed ViewHeight * CrouchFactor calculation. Using ViewZ takes view bobbing into account, making spawn positions slightly more accurate.
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Re: [Release ver. 1.1] RRWM

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.1. Download the new release HERE (the link in the first post has been updated too).

NB: This release bumps the minimum required GZDoom version to 4.3.1, due to the use of the latest ZScript features and reliance on certain bug fixes (ahem). Please upgrade now.

Starting from this release, the HUD is also available as a separate package. It can be used with virtually any WAD, even if it's not compatible with RRWM itself. It can also be used in non-Doom games, although support for them is very basic, and the status bar is not available. NB: The HUD is STILL included in the main RRWM distribution. DO NOT ATTEMPT to load the HUD package alongside with rrwm.pk3, or you will get a script error.

Save files from 1.05 are fully backwards-compatible with this version, as long as GZDoom itself can load them.

This is a major release with a HUGE codebase update. No changes to the gameplay have been made (sorry!), but the entire HUD and some of the menu code have been rewritten completely from the ground up. The old code was not particularly extendable and generally did not meet today's coding standards, so I went ahead and made something that wasn't quite... er, well, let's just say I made Something Entirely New (or maybe not really) to replace it.
Spoiler: Technobabble
Performance warning: Due to increased complexity, the new code may result in a degraded experience on older entry-level CPUs. To rectify this problem, try the following steps:
  1. Make sure that the lag you're getting is due to the new HUD code, and not because of something else. Compare the performance with the previous version first. If the game still feels laggy, then it's either something else causing the slowdown, or your PC is simply not powerful enough to run RRWM smoothly. Sorry about that.
  2. If it has been determined that the new HUD is producing lag, switch to the alternative HUD. Starting with this version, alternative HUD has been extended and now shows the clip amount for the selected weapon (thanks to a new GZDoom feature). When the alternative HUD is enabled, the normal HUD will not be processed at all, freeing up CPU resources and (potentially) making the game run faster. For obvious reasons, none of the RRWM HUD options have any effect on the alternative HUD; you have to use the corresponding GZDoom options menu to configure it, just like you do when you run GZDoom without RRWM.
Other feature highlights:

Rocket ammo is now easier to find

Playtesting has revealed that small rocket ammo pickups are sometimes hard to spot, especially in dark areas. This has been rectified by making the pickups blink periodically.

Just relax and watch the blinkenlights

Please keep in mind that due to a technical limitation, this feature will not be activated if you're loading a save file made with an older RRWM version. However, it will start working immediately after transitioning to the next level.

Automatic DEHACKED detection

RRWM will now disable monster replacements if monsters are found to have been modified by a DEHACKED patch. DEHACKED is known to clash with modern modding tools, sometimes with unpredictable results. With this new feature, RRWM can stay on the safe side and still be compatible with WADs that use DEHACKED to tamper with certain monster types (the most common victim of such tampering in classic and limit-removing megawads is the Wolfenstein SS).

RRWM will report all monster types modified by DEHACKED during the GZDoom startup sequence, as long as these types are relevant (i.e. have RRWM replacements). A message will be printed to the console, informing the user that RRWM settings will not have any effect on the affected monster types.

You've been warned, but you can keep playing

Here is some more info on how this feature works:
  • Due to a technical limitation, DEHACKED patches loaded from the command line via "-deh" will not be detected. However, most PWADs that come with a standalone DEHACKED patch also have a copy of it within the WAD itself, and the .deh file is only needed when using the original Doom EXE.
  • Replacements are disabled selectively, not all at once. For example, if a DEHACKED patch tampers with the Wolfenstein SS, then only Wolfenstein SS replacements will be disabled.
  • There is no check for whether the tampering in question might actually cause any glitches. This would require a full-blown DEHACKED parser to be implemented within RRWM, along with some clever heuristics. While this is definitely not an impossible task, it is probably a bit too much for a project like this. However, it might be reconsidered if GZDoom implements a ZScript API for the DEHACKED subsystem (unlikely to happen).

Enemy health bar

You can now see the remaining health of the enemy you are currently targeting with your crosshair. (Note that it's not required to enable the crosshair for this to work)

I spy with my little crosshair

By default, this feature is disabled. It can be turned on in the RRWM HUD options menu. The maximum distance between you and the enemy at which their health bar is still visible is also configurable. Please keep in mind that setting the distance limit to a large value may lead to reduced performance in some cases (mostly huge open areas).

Changelog (UI):
  • The fullscreen HUD, status bar, and menu help screens have been reimplemented from scratch using the widget system. This is mostly an under-the-hood change - see the spoiler text above in the first section for details.
  • Added fallback logic to make the HUD work in non-Doom games. This doesn't mean these games are officially supported, but the HUD is now guaranteed to not break when playing them.
  • Added a health bar that displays the health of the enemy that is currently being targeted by the player's crosshair. This feature is disabled by default; it can be enabled in the RRWM HUD options menu.
  • Added a weapon slots indicator that is displayed above the ammo counters (but below the ammo table, if it's enabled). The indicator can be disabled in the RRWM HUD options menu.
  • The health indicator will now start fading out and back in repeatedly when the player's health is low. The definition for "low" is by default 25 health or less; this can be customised in the RRWM HUD options menu. The animation can be turned off entirely by setting the threshold value to 0 - the health meter will not animate when the player is dead.
  • The inventory bar now features smooth scrolling to the selected item. (You will not notice this unless you play with a mapset that has custom inventory items)
  • The inventory bar now displays the name of the selected item above the item's icon. This feature can be disabled in the HUD options menu. (Again, this is only relevant when there are inventory items in the game)
  • Added a setting to disable the use of small key icons in the fullscreen HUD. There are a few known PWADs that replace these icons so that they make less sense outside of the status bar (Jenesis is one such example). If this setting is off, keys will be represented by their sprites instead (or by their alternative HUD icons, if any).
  • The order in which the HUD displays active powerups has been reversed: the most recently picked up powerup will appear at the bottom of the list. (The Adrenaline is an exception, since it automatically positions itself at a specific place in the inventory chain to work properly, so it will always be at the top)
  • Added support for RRWM weapons to the alternative HUD - it now displays the amount of ammo left in the selected weapon's clip.
  • The description text on option help screens can now be smoothly scrolled, courtesy of ScrollView and the animation subsystem.
Changelog (other):
  • Added basic DEHACKED detection. Monster types found to have been tampered with by DEHACKED will not be replaced with their RRWM equivalents. This improves compatibility with certain PWADs (see below for some examples).
  • Most (but not all) item pickup sounds will no longer override each other if they're different. Unfortunately, it's not possible to apply this change to every sound without replacing every single item, at least for now (see here for details).
  • Changed extra sound channel numbers to random values to avoid potential clashes.
  • Small rocket ammo pickups will now constantly blink to attract more attention and make them easier to find in dark areas.
  • Moving effect actors (casings, empty clips, smoke etc.) are now affected by wind sector specials.
  • Changed: The Chainsaw will now also alert monsters when starting up / powering down.
  • Fixed: The Chainsaw now respects the infinite ammo setting and powerup.
  • Fixed: Some of the Chainsaw's sprites shared their names with those of vanilla weapon's. This severely increased the probability of a PWAD accidentally replacing them, so the offending sprites have been renamed.
Additional information:

This version has been playtested in single player with the following PWADs:
We have also done some multiplayer testing with TNT: Revilution*. Also thanks to Void Weaver and TDRR for additional performance testing.

* PWAD is fully compatible with RRWM starting from this version thanks to the DEHACKED detection feature
Last edited by Player701 on Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Release ver. 1.1] RRWM

Post by AvzinElkein »

I wonder what RRWM is short for.
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Re: [Release ver. 1.1] RRWM

Post by Player701 »

The answer lies in the old and unsupported version of the mod released on idgames in 2010. Now it doesn't stand for anything at all, and remains as it were simply because I couldn't think of a better name. I admit I'm not too good at making up names, especially when they aren't in my native language. I'm sorry about that. :(
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2 / 2020-10-04]

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.2. Download the new release HERE. Standalone HUD package can be found here. The links in the first post have been updated too.

This is a major release with several new features and bugfixes. Full changelog is provided at the bottom of this post.
Spoiler: NB: Regarding old save files
New feature highlights:

Laser sight
Thanks to StroggVorbis for suggesting this feature.

The pistol is generally considered the weakest and least useful weapon in vanilla Doom, and RRWM's version of this weapon doesn't make much of a difference. Not anymore! Find the option called "Enable sniping" in the RRWM options menu and set it to "Laser sight only". New players will already have this mode enabled by default. Now you can use the "weapon zoom" key to toggle the pistol's built-in laser sight!

Cast a light on the walls and lives...

With the laser turned on, the pistol will fire perfectly accurate shots, but you will not be able to fire automatically by pressing and holding the fire button. However, there is also no extra delay between shots, so everything boils down to how fast you can pull the trigger. To make sure the pistol always remains useful as a long-range sniping weapon, in this mode it is not possible to snipe with the chaingun (aka the "Zen-II handgun", courtesy of Zen Dynamics by Xaser).

Vertical bullet spread
Thanks to StroggVorbis for suggesting this feature.

As we all know, all hitscan weapons in vanilla Doom, except the super shotgun, only have horizontal spread. RRWM has always respected this behavior and never attempted to change it - until now. For those who would prefer a more modern gameplay experience, there is now a new option to enable vertical spread for all hitscan weapons. It is disabled by default but can be enabled at any time during the game. To compensate for lower accuracy, horizontal spread will be slightly reduced from vanilla values. Note that the new option affects monsters as well.

Partial ammo pickup

Normally, when you pick up an ammo item, any ammo that would overflow the maximum that you can carry with you is wasted (gone forever). If you often experience ammunition shortages or just want to save as much ammo as you can, RRWM now has an option to make you happy! When partial ammo pickup is enabled, excess ammo left from picking up an ammo item, a weapon, or a backpack* will remain on the ground - come back for it when you're running low again!

Save ammo. Every shell counts!

The new option can be turned on at any time during the game, although it does have some limitations:
  • The chainsaw is unaffected, since it does not have an ammo pickup associated with it.
  • In multiplayer, everything subject to "items respawn" and/or "weapons stay" gameplay options is unaffected as well.
  • Dropped items and weapons can always be partially picked up, even in multiplayer. However...
  • ...there is exactly one exception to the above: weapons dropped by other players on death, if the corresponding gameplay option is enabled. This is because a dropped weapon can contain a large amount of ammo, which in turn could result in generation of an excessively large number of residual pickups.**
* Due to technical limitations, partial pickup will not work for backpacks in saved games until the next level.
** This limitation can be worked around with another newly-introduced RRWM option called "Drop extra ammo on death". Because it is reserved mostly for special cases, its full description is not given here, so please refer to the in-game help for details.

Separate slot for super armor

The super armor, available in RRWM since its first release by means of an option called "Add more armor types", provides 100% protection against all incoming damage, effectively acting as a second health bar. However, 100% protection instantly turns to 0% when the armor is depleted, making it somewhat of a double-edged sword. For extra difficult PWADs this drawback can now be circumvented with a new option that puts the super armor into a separate armor slot. This means that you can wear it simultaneously with any other type of armor, and the other armor will immediately take over as your primary means of protection as soon as the super armor wears out. It's similar to the game Unreal, where an item called the Shield Belt functions the same way.

Independent, together

  • In this mode, it is not possible to replenish the super armor with bonuses. Its capacity can only be restored by picking up another super armor.
  • While wearing the super armor, you can pick up other armors and bonuses normally.
  • For technical reasons, the new option is made persistent and will only take effect in a new game.

Menu overhaul

Because of the large number of customization options available, the RRWM options menu can be difficult to navigate for some people. To alleviate this problem, all options have been split into 4 categories: general gameplay options, weapons options, cosmetic options, and HUD options. A new root-level menu is now provided, with submenus to filter options by their category and scope. For those who prefer the original layout, it is still available under "Classic view" - it is the first menu item in the new root-level menu, so just press Enter twice if you want to customize everything the old-fashioned way.

GROUP BY or WHERE? Why not both?

  • Supplemented the sniping option with a new mode that enables the use of the pistol's laser sight.
  • Provided an option to enable vertical bullet spread.
  • Optimized rocket smoke because it caused lag even on high-end machines when too many rockets were present.
  • To save ammo, an option to enable partial ammo pickup has been introduced.
  • Like in Unreal, you can now wear the super armor in a separate slot by enabling a newly-added option.
  • Increased clip capacity of the super shotgun from 8 to 10.
  • Got rid of a bug that caused railgun puff to always face the same direction.
  • Hitting enemies with the sped-up fists (with Adrenaline) will now always gib them.
  • The damage formula for the fists has been fixed to correspond to vanilla.
  • Menu subsystem has been overhauled to allow filtering options by category and scope.
  • Adrenaline icon no longer stays on top of the HUD powerup list.
  • You could sometimes hear identical pickup sounds play at the same time - this has been fixed now.
  • Better arrangement of options in the classic options menu for easier navigation.
  • Endless amounts of minor tweaks, fixes, refactoring, code cleanup and restyling.

Playtesting log:

Stay safe, have a nice day and enjoy!

P.S. Still looking for help with rocket launcher sprites...
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2.1] [2020-10-09]

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.2.1. Download the new release HERE. Standalone HUD package can be found here. The links in the first post have been updated too.

Save files from the previous version should be fully backwards-compatible with this version.

This is a minor release with a new UI feature: an option that enables the use of thematic icons for HUD level statistics counters. It is already enabled by default and will take effect in saved games as well. If you want to turn it off, check out the RRWM HUD options submenu and look for "Show icons for level statistics counters".

Originally, I wanted to use the icons from the Unity Doom port; due to potential legal issues and the time needed to sort them out, this feature was not included in the 1.2 release. However, Nash showed up out of the blue and provided an alternate set of icons that look just as good as the Unity ones. Thank you very much, Nash!

This release also includes another external contribution, namely, adapted rocket launcher muzzle flash sprites by doomplayer. Now it looks more like the launcher's shooting a missile rather than doing a flame attack, which is what these sprites were originally intended to represent. Thank you a lot, doomplayer!


If you haven't seen the latest major release yet, also check out the 1.2 release notes.
  • Refreshed the look of HUD level statistics counters by adding special icons (they can be turned off if unwanted).
  • Repaired an issue where the pistol showed an incorrect animation when players tried to fire it with no ammo and the laser sight was on.
  • Weapon and UI code refactoring.
  • Muzzle flash sprite update for the rocket launcher.

Playtesting log

Happy hunting!
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2.2] [2020-10-16]

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.2.2. Download the new release HERE. Standalone HUD package can be found here. The links in the first post have been updated too.

Save files from the previous version should be fully backwards-compatible with this version.

This is a minor release with a new UI feature as well as several small improvements and bugfixes. Full changelog is provided at the bottom of this post.

Feature highlights:

Have you ever jumped into the heat of battle, switching to a powerful weapon only to discover that it's not loaded? Hey, even I have. Cycling through all of your weapons and making sure that you haven't forgotten to reload them is also not fun. Since it's not fun, it's not done often, and that's why it's so easy to make such mistakes. For quite some time, I've been trying to come up with a solution to counteract this problem, and now it's finally here:

Seeing red? Reload!

If you aren't getting it, let me explain. It's actually very simple: the more red you see, the less ammo you have. Of course we're talking about the ammo in your magazines, not in reserves - for the latter, there is the ammo table. A very bright and solid red background means that the weapon is empty - reload it now before you go in guns blazing!

If you have more than one weapon in the same slot, the background of the corresponding slot indicator is split horizontally into several parts of equal size, each of them associated with one of the slot's weapons. Normally, this only applies to the two shotguns (and only when you have both of them). Of course, if you decide to reconfigure the slots yourself (via the "setslot" console command), the HUD will honor your changes! Nothing there is hard-coded. And you can also disable the new indicators entirely if you don't like them for whatever reason. Just go to the RRWM HUD options submenu and look for "Show clip indicators" to turn them off (or back on).

Besides the HUD update and a few bugfixes, this release also improves the behavior of debris objects (casings and empty clips). A few days ago, I was playing through NOVA III MAP11, which features, among other things, moving conveyor belts. I noticed that when casings fell off a conveyor belt, they just plummeted straight down and remained perfectly stationary. "Not good" - I thought to myself, and decided to extend the code a bit. Now if a casing or an empty clip is thrown off a ledge for some reason, it will resume playing its animation and will also start bouncing again (if it was a casing) when it hits the ground.

Of course all that will happen only if the object hasn't disappeared yet. To ensure some of them always remain on the map, go to RRWM cosmetic options submenu and set the queue length to something other than 0. Or disable it entirely if you prefer your maps cluttered with trash (like me :P).

  • Hacked up a new UI feature to display weapon clip amounts underneath the slot indicators.
  • Empty clips and casings will now resume playing their animation and/or bouncing when thrown off ledges by wind or conveyor belts.
  • You will no longer see non-RRWM Chaingun Guys suddenly switching to vanilla look if you're playing with a PWAD that provides a new sprite set for them.
  • The HUD package had mangled Russian texts - this crisis has now been averted. (Sorry about that!)
  • Hunted down an issue where it was possible to initiate an automatic reload while dying.
  • Empty clips and casings will no longer remain on the map indefinitely (regardless of the queue settings) if they somehow get stuck in their animation loop.
  • Revised some text strings and moved text color constants from the language files to script code.
  • Exterminated a few minor bugs.

Playtesting log:

Have fun!
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2.2] [2020-10-16]

Post by wildweasel »

Player701 wrote:
Seeing red? Reload!
That is a really clever little widget. I might have to give this mod a proper look now.
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2.2] [2020-10-16]

Post by Player701 »

Hey, haven't seen a comment here for a long while :)

I only hope the fact that most of the artwork here is from third-party sources doesn't bother you much - I've worked mostly alone on this, and since my primary skill is coding, I've had to pull sprites from several other mods that are much older than this project. The code is nearly 100% original work, though.
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2.2] [2020-10-16]

Post by wildweasel »

Player701 wrote:Hey, haven't seen a comment here for a long while :)

I only hope the fact that most of the artwork here is from third-party sources doesn't bother you much - I've worked mostly alone on this, and since my primary skill is coding, I've had to pull sprites from several other mods that are much older than this project. The code is nearly 100% original work, though.
Honestly I don't so much mind where resources come from anymore (not even the Duke guns, really), as long as you're putting in the effort to make them feel good to use. It's all about the combination of the sound and the graphic, how the animation works, any auxiliary effects that are part of it. I haven't really spent a lot of time on the mod thus far, but the only thing I personally have a problem with is that pistol sound. I just cannot think of a single kind of pistol that it fits well with.
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2.2] [2020-10-16]

Post by Player701 »

wildweasel wrote:the only thing I personally have a problem with is that pistol sound. I just cannot think of a single kind of pistol that it fits well with.
Thanks for the feedback! I've never had issues with the pistol sound myself, but I agree that perhaps it does sound somewhat underwhelming. Maybe I'll be able to source a better sound for the next release. I already have a few ideas in mind :P
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Re: RRWM [ver. 1.2.3] [2020-10-30]

Post by Player701 »

RRWM has been updated to version 1.2.3. Download the new release HERE. Standalone HUD package can be found here. The links in the first post have been updated too.

Save files from the previous version should be fully backwards-compatible with this version.

This is a minor release with some QoL fixes and improvements. Full changelog is provided at the bottom of this post.

If you have ever experienced problems while reloading the shotgun, please try this update out and see if it works better now.
Spoiler: Explanation
This version also contains a new HUD feature borrowed from GZDoom's alternative HUD - individual level statistics counters for cooperative games. For example, in addition to the total number of monsters killed on the level, you can now see how many you've killed personally. The same goes for items and secrets.


Note that individual counters are only displayed in cooperative games, but the corresponding HUD option ("Show individual statistics in coop", enabled by default) can be adjusted in any game mode except deathmatch.

  • 🔧 Fixed: Shotgun reloading sequence can no longer be accidentally interrupted.
  • 💎 Updated pistol firing sounds.
  • 🔧 Travelling to a different level no longer breaks weapon state if CHANGELEVEL_PRERAISEWEAPON flag was used.
  • 💎 Updated HUD level statistics widget with individual counters.
  • ⚙️ Refactored HUD code for level statistics counters.
  • ⚙️ Extracted all UI widget subsystem code and moved it to a separate subfolder to ease its potential reuse.

Playtesting log:

Peace and long life! 🖖

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