This is a standalone IWAD (.ipk3) that contains the absolute bare minimum assets needed to cleanly start the engine with no errors or warnings.
- Contains a custom palette made by me from scratch - this palette is libre and you therefore won't run into any legal issues.
- Contains basic lumps, some basic textures and graphics, a basic player sprite, some basic ZScript classes and a simple test map.
Should be easy to modify - just do a search-and-replace for everything 'MyStandaloneGame' and 'My Standalone Game' and you're good to go.
The game starts with modern-style controls (WASD + mouselook) and unfiltered textures, while everything else is left to engine defaults. You are of course free to edit your game defaults as you please - just edit defbinds.lmp and defcvars.lmp.
TIP: Use Rachael's config converter utility to generate your game's defaults based off your personal config files! Generally, the procedure would be to load up your IWAD in a fresh installation of GZDoom/LZDoom, run the game, set the options to your heart's content, exit the game, rename the INI to 'gzdoom.ini', place the INI in the same folder as convert-config, then use convert-config like this:
Code: Select all
// Replace 'MyStandaloneGame' with the name of your custom game, defined in IWADINFO
convert-config MyStandaloneGame
You must start the game using the following command to properly load it as a custom game IWAD:
Code: Select all
gzdoom.exe -iwad MyStandaloneGame.ipk3
lzdoom.exe -iwad MyStandaloneGame.ipk3
Compatible with GZDoom 4.5.0 and LZDoom 3.87b.
Happy game making!
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