Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.0 OFFICIAL RELEASE

Post by HeemboGlobin »

Kazudra wrote:It's not NashGore, it's Smooth Doom's Blood system, something gets lost in translation and every Gib with colored blood will make 1 red splash.
Solution; Remove the entire blood system letting NashGore work freely.
I replaced the GORE.txt in Smooth Doom's DECO folder with the one you provided (is that what I was supposed to do?) and I seem to still be getting the same issue as before with cacos. Did I mess up or is something not working as intended?

EDIT: I didn't realize till now, the caco blood bug seems to be something that happens even when running the latest unmodified version of Smooth Doom with no additional addons, dang. Not sure how I didn't notice it before. Guess I'll go post about this issue on the Smooth Doom thread.
Last edited by HeemboGlobin on Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by sibullski »

As far as bludtype is concerned I have a few questions. There are some mods it doesn't seem to work with. For example DoomRL monsters doesn't show any kind of new nashgore effects even when I go into the mod and change the bludtype to RedBlood, GreenBlood, BlueBlood. Another mod I'm having issues with is Complex doom. It does work meaning I can see all the new gore effects but the gibbing is definitely different from your gore mod.
I would appreciate your help to fix this but with that being said I don't expect you to if it seems like a hassle or you have better things to do I mean it is a free mod. I Just thought I would ask is all.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by Nash »

@sibullski - I'll take a look at those two mods. Thanks for reporting.

For Complex Doom, where NashGore gibbing effects does not work - I suspect this is the same problem that I faced with Don Ramon's Duke3D mods - and that is, the monsters don't actually have any XDeath states and are instead using custom damage types and custom death states. >_< We'll see.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by sibullski »

Thank for taking a look at them. And also you're welcome I'm happy to report it.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by ChrisHighwind »

I'm curious to see how well this would work with Chex Quest 3. I know there's Brutal Doom for that, but the latest version of that mod makes some door textures all wavy and weird.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by BradmanX »

ChrisHighwind wrote:I'm curious to see how well this would work with Chex Quest 3. I know there's Brutal Doom for that, but the latest version of that mod makes some door textures all wavy and weird.
Chex Quest 3's enemies don't bleed or gib, so unless you're loading it with an addon that replaces the enemies (Apart from Stylish Hell, since those enemies don't seem to bleed or gib either), loading Nashgore with it would probably be pretty pointless
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by DosDoomer »

Can you run this with dosbox?
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by wildweasel »

DosDoomer wrote:Can you run this with dosbox?
I'm curious as to why you need this, or any other Gzdoom mod, to work in DOS.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by Caligari87 »

It's DosDoomer's schtick. He posts on just about everything asking if it can be run under Dos. I don't think he knows the difference between "DosBox" and "Doom" because he never specifies vanilla doom, boom, old zdoom, etc.

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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by wildweasel »

Caligari87 wrote:It's DosDoomer's schtick. He posts on just about everything asking if it can be run under Dos. I don't think he knows the difference between "DosBox" and "Doom" because he never specifies vanilla doom, boom, old zdoom, etc.

Even still, I'd love to hear his explanation for it.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by WallyTheBoogieBug »

on the topic of universal gibbing, why not instead of injecting a whole new death state (since its not possible), you just add a new system that spawns some gibs after an overkill if they lack an xdeath? a lot of doom enemies like the mancubus and baron showcase their bodies breaking apart every death anyway. this would just be flashing that up a bit with a few gibs spraying out during their normal death. if ya give it some time before it occurs and spawn them low to the ground and throw em up like quake i think itd look fine for most enemies in the game. maybe on the same tic a cyberdemon's explosion would begin would look good for most of doom's cast

could also give it a catchy name to highlight its not true gibbing, like "overkills" or something.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by Kazudra »

Liquid Check?
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by AL-97 »

I used Nash's Blood Mod for several years until Gore Mod got released. Both are my very favourite blood mods. You just can't get any better than this, yet I'm sure that gibable corpses feature will make the mod even more awesome.

Recently I've been playing the Faspons mod with Nash's Gore and noticed that Hell Knights, Barons and Cacodemons do not spawn any blood effects. You can get a bloody wall decal if you to shoot a monster in front of a wall, but they do not summon any flying blood effects regardless of whatever weapon you are to use on them. Is there any edit I can do to fix this?

Using latest stable GZDoom v4.3.3. Load order is Faspons first, Nash's Gore second.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by Rowsol »

AL-97 wrote: Recently I've been playing the Faspons mod with Nash's Gore and noticed that Hell Knights, Barons and Cacodemons do not spawn any blood effects. You can get a bloody wall decal if you to shoot a monster in front of a wall, but they do not summon any flying blood effects regardless of whatever weapon you are to use on them. Is there any edit I can do to fix this?
Just comment out
BloodType "GreenHitBlood"
From the hellknight and the same line from the other actors.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

Post by AL-97 »

Thank you for the quick answer, Bryan!

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