[v1.7.2] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

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[v1.7.2] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Mikk- »

So this is just a fun little gameplay mod that adds Universal Headshots, Backstabs and Critical Hits. It's highly customisable, and rather good fun!

You can disable any and all of the features in this mod. Modify how often Crits land, alter the damage output, disable visual cues or even change the sound effect!

Note to modders: if you want your melee weapons to be recognised by the mod's Backstab feature just make sure your custom melee attack is using a puff with the 'Melee' damageType. Critical Shots should catch it after that, unless you're using some jank method of calling melee attacks.

Download here!


Code: Select all

mk-crits v1.7.2 changelog

	- fixed crashes with project brutality & other similar mods

	- added fallback state to critical hit stun

	- added new visual fx 'custom colour flash'
		- can be configured to any colour

	- added new sound fx 'bloodborne parry'

mk-crits v1.7.1 changelog
	- Fixed an issue where even single headshots deal reduced damage

	- Fixed error messages in startup log

mk-crits v1.7 changelog

	- New feature: Critical incoming damage multiplier
		- Enemies in the stunned state can take extra damage. 
		- To revert to old crits, set the "Stunned Damage Multiplier" to 1
	- Added new cvars to balance Crits & Headshots
		- Crits:
			- No Fast Crits: spam-firing a fast weapon will render you unable to land critical hits on an enemy
				when they next enter their missile state. You must use timing to achieve a crit.
			- Prevent Damage Stacking: Performing a headshot or backstab on a stunned enemy by default will deal
				the damage for the attack + the stunned damage factor. this switch disabled the stunned damage multiplication
				those attacks.
		- Headshots
			- Hitscan & Projectile split: I have decided to split the headshot factor into hitscan and projectile mainly because projectiles
				can deal much more damage than hitscan attacks (1d8 vs 1d3), meaning it is no longer as easy to melt a monster with plasma headshots.
			- Reduce Stacked Headshots: this new slider makes it so the damage of stacked headshots (i.e. from a shotgun) deal reduced damage. 
				The first pellet to hit will deal the full headshot multiplier, but any subsequent pellets will be modified by this cvar.
				The range is a multiplier of 0.0 - 1.0, a value of 0 means that any subsequent pellets will receive no boosted damage, whereas 
				a value of 1.0 means that every pellet will deal full headshot damage (the old behaviour).
	- Added 2 cvars that control how often (if at all) headshots & backstabs gib. 
		- Default:
			The damage is not modified in any way, sometimes an attack will gib, sometimes it will not
			depends wholly on the damage dealt
		- Always:
			If the shot is enough to kill the monster, it will be forced into its Extreme Death.
			This is acheived by modifying the damage to the monster's SpawnHealth * 2.
		- Never:
			If the shot is enough to kill the monster, any excess damage is subtracted so it will never enter 
			it's XDeath state via a headshot/backstab
			This is achieved by modifying the damage to the monster's remaining health.
		These only ever apply if the damage dealt is enough to actually kill the monster, so it does not affect gameplay. It will however cause some
		funny business with mods like DamNums, because the damage reported may be much lower, or higher than initially dealt.
		(e.g. if backstabs never gib, and you land a berserk backstab on a zombieman the damage will always be 20 or lower, where it should be like, 200-2000)
	- Added Team Fortress 2 Critical Hit visual FX.
	- Reworked the entire system from an Event Handler, to an inventory item
		- means little for the end user, but is more flexible in some ways.
	- Revamped how the menu system into seperate submenus for Criticals, Headshots & Backstabs.
		- This is mainly to accompany the new balance cvars, it makes the menus look tidier.
	- Removed the insta-kill cutoff feature, it seemed kinda useless in retrospect.
Last edited by Mikk- on Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:43 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: [v1.0] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Lagi »

nice, I was wondering if someone would do stuff like this, so I could use it with my mod [pls :wink: ]. I cannot open your .pk with Slade.

headshot and backstab is great, because it elevate the gameplay, requiring (or rather rewarding) skillful play. While critical is just a random hit chance? :/ Would be great to land critical strike only in some monster opening times like: when he attack, when he is in pain, when he is unaware (in Spawn state).

headshot need to turn off AutoAim - its quite obvious, but worth to mention.

the backstab angle requirment is too harsh. Sometimes I work out, very nice flank position or the monster turn slightly (still showing back) and I was not rewarded with flash >: - [

Graphical effects (some magic flashes) dont fit to doom games. I expect gore ( head blownout, brains, blood fountains :) ).
Headshot sound effect is bad.

Apparently I can do backstab only with fist (in doom)? Make sens, that backstab with shotgun shells do the same damage as from front :D
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Re: [v1.0] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Mikk- »

Lagi wrote:nice, I was wondering if someone would do stuff like this, so I could use it with my mod [pls :wink: ]. I cannot open your .pk with Slade.
There was a typo in my .pk3 building script which was messing with things. v1.1 should fix that. You're welcome to use this in your own projects.
headshot and backstab is great, because it elevate the gameplay, requiring (or rather rewarding) skillful play. While critical is just a random hit chance? :/ Would be great to land critical strike only in some monster opening times like: when he attack, when he is in pain, when he is unaware (in Spawn state).
Yeah crits were a kind of last-minute addition, I might change them up a bit for a later release.
headshot need to turn off AutoAim - its quite obvious, but worth to mention.
I wouldn't have noticed that, thanks to me never using autoaim.
the backstab angle requirment is too harsh. Sometimes I work out, very nice flank position or the monster turn slightly (still showing back) and I was not rewarded with flash >: - [
I guess that's just an unfortunate quirk of the system. The angle is 45 degrees either side of the back, so you have a 90 degree arc to work with.
Graphical effects (some magic flashes) dont fit to doom games. I expect gore ( head blownout, brains, blood fountains :) ).
Headshot sound effect is bad.
If you dislike the audiovisual cues, I suggest you either change them or disable them in the options menu.
I didn't have any other effects (visual and sound) to work with at the time, I figured just a little bit of audiovisual feedback was required. I'd like to experiment with better effects, but at a later time. I'm welcome to any submissions/requests in that regard
Apparently I can do backstab only with fist (in doom)? Make sens, that backstab with shotgun shells do the same damage as from front :D
Yes, backstabs are only for melee attacks, it would be rather overpowered to allow backstabbing with a BFG!

Also v1.1 is released, I've tried to make backstabbing more universal by adding a catch mechanism for the melee attack damagetype. Also fixing the .zip/.pk3 structure so it no longer breaks when opening with slade.
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Enjay »

Cool mod. I look forward to trying it in anger later on but it seems nice so far. You're probably aware but:

Code: Select all

Script warning, "mk-crits[20200404].pk3:zscript.txt" line 214:
Truncation of floating point value
Script warning, "mk-crits[20200404].pk3:zscript.txt" line 222:
Truncation of floating point value
Script warning, "mk-crits[20200404].pk3:zscript.txt" line 223:
Truncation of floating point value
Script warning, "mk-crits[20200404].pk3:zscript.txt" line 228:
Truncation of floating point value
Script warning, "mk-crits[20200404].pk3:zscript.txt" line 255:
Truncation of floating point value
Console warnings with developer messages enabled.
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Mikk- »

Thanks for noticing that Enjay! I forgot to re-enable developer options after a recent ini-wipe. These will be fixed in the next update, whenever that may be (probably tomorrow, now)
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Lagi »

Code: Select all

// Height is the factor of which the head is calculated from the actor's 'Height' variable. 

const headshot_height = 0.2;
was hoping this use a hitBOX (top/bottom/left/right - threshold).
As you mention in code heretic gargoyle has wings higher that head, also:
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Mikk- »

Lagi wrote:

Code: Select all

// Height is the factor of which the head is calculated from the actor's 'Height' variable. 

const headshot_height = 0.2;
was hoping this use a hitBOX (top/bottom/left/right - threshold).
As you mention in code heretic gargoyle has wings higher that head, also:
Well I'm sorry my mod doesn't meet your expectations, here. I have another version of universal headshots here. That uses actors for headshots. also it's incredibly easy to add new monsters to the array, so just plugging in "Beast" into the "headshots_ignore" array would simply make the WereDragon unable to be headshot.
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Lagi »

im sorry that you feel pity for me :D

woo, what a lovely head hitbox that seem to be it! thanks
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Samarai1000 »

This is very nicely done! While I understand the visuals probably aren't to everyone's tastes, there's only so much you can do while retaining universal compatibility, and they are optional. I'm probably going to use the headshots in what I'm working on, but how hard would it be for me to add specific monster death states for headshots? Preferably seperate Death and XDeath states for headshot kills, but beggars can't be choosers, and I have no clue how ZScript works.
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Mikk- »

For a custom monster's death state you can just have custom death/xdeath states labelled as: "Death.Headshot" or "XDeath.Headshot". Nothing else required, well aside from sprites. re: the visuals, I might end up finding/making several visual sprites and have them toggleable by CVar, so you could have a bloody mess, or some other visual graphic aside from the current ones. Though that's just a case of coding new effects and making/finding their respective sprites.
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Re: [v1.1] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by BradmanX »

Hey, I've tried out the mod, gotta say it's pretty neat, do you think you could maybe add an option to make the backstab and/or the headshot an instant kill for non-boss enemies, enemies up to a certain player-defined health value, and/or damage past a certain player defined value?
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Re: [v1.2] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Mikk- »

Interesting ideas! I adapted one of your ideas and implemented it. You can now insta-kill monsters with low base-hp. This can be disabled entirely, however.

crits have also been overhauled, they are no longer random, and are in fact only achievable if you damage an enemy at the very beginning of their attack frames. You can try this out now in version 1.2, download link on main page.
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Re: [v1.2] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Lagi »

Excellent! Its very skillful game now.
I swear I can feel, when trooper is about to shoot :D Honestly its rather lottery. But this risk is like in casino (i never been in casino). Great fun.

Head shot is too easy.

I have still problem with mastering backstabing. I sometimes freeze the game, to make myself sure it work. Plus running around with fist, was not a way to make your life easier at the first place :D . I think its because the enemies are turning too fast, and I have to count on infights.

Need to give another go, much fun - great job Mikk

you cannot backstab with chainsaw - :D

backstab is impossible in normal game. Doom monsters are always aware where you are. I try to walk around them, but they "hear" me. Maybe if backstab was combine with some sneak mechanism (like when you crouch, monster dont detect you (unless in very front 45 cone of view), as if you were invisible).
Backstab arch should be 135 degree IMO, and it still be hard, I would set it to 180 degree (half of side monster frame).
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Re: [v1.2] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by jankespro12 »

Can you add sounds from Team Fortress 2?
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Re: [v1.2] Critical Shots - Headshots, Backstabs and Crits!

Post by Tohg7. »

Could you make instakill headshots togglable so 4x damage headshots can be used for people who prefer it?

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