Graphical 'freeze' with Intel HD Graphics?

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Graphical 'freeze' with Intel HD Graphics?

Post by CanisLaticanis »

I'm encountering a strange issue where GZDoom's graphics 'freeze' - the game continues as normal, but the display is stuck on one particular frame.

As far as I can tell it's not crashing the renderer - console output via the 'logfile' function shows nothing unusual whatsoever, and the mouse cursor does show up and render correctly.

I currently cannot seem to roll back drivers, unfortunately (the option is unavailable), so that does not appear to be a solution I can enact.

EDIT: I have found a previous driver version, installed it, and I am in the process of testing if this resolves the issue - I'll make a full post if it resolves the problem, with some instructions on what to look for version-wise.
Last edited by CanisLaticanis on Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Graphical 'freeze' with Intel HD Graphics?

Post by Rachael »

This is a known problem, and unfortunately I don't think there's any fix. The only thing you can do is try your system manufacturer's drivers.
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Re: Graphical 'freeze' with Intel HD Graphics?

Post by CanisLaticanis »

Okay, I've been playing a lot of Doom with the older driver, and it appears the rollback worked.

For reference, the driver version for my Intel Core i5 is, released August 23rd 2018. The exact version/release date may vary depending on your processor.

Hopefully this helps anyone else who's having this issue.

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