Also, thanks for releasing it exactly on my birthday (March 1st)

I ripped most of the textures Breathless have so it can be a posibillityOzymandias81 wrote:Hope something for similar for Breathless will happen one day
paradust wrote:It's a real shame there is no music. The CD32 version had a fantastic CD sountrack by Bjorn Lynne. I got the original copy of the game - if you'd like (and if you think this wouldn't cause any copyright issues), I can provide a copy of the tracks.
You can use this, if you want the CD32 Music. And if you're wondering, Arc said he doesn't feel like the CD32 Music is appropriate tone-wise, as he'd like to compose more darker, ambient music for the levels, so there's your explanation, as to why there's no music.Dude27th wrote:I offer to this project the CD32 Music:!KR91VKQb!Val45keN7_6e ... z3e-86DUCU
I know that QuakeDoomNukem made a version of this before (And thank you for the music files! ^^) but I wanted to make a cleaner version in hopes that it gets merged in the main file at some point.
It's still optional and you can activate it in the "Project Osiris" options menu
I'm going to make some darker ambient tracks for the in-game music at some point, but multiple people have requested the CD32 music be added, so I will probably include them into the mod as an option when I get round to doing that. In the mean time check out Dude27th's file if you want this.paradust wrote:- It's a real shame there is no music. The CD32 version had a fantastic CD sountrack by Bjorn Lynne. I got the original copy of the game - if you'd like (and if you think this wouldn't cause any copyright issues), I can provide a copy of the tracks.
I want this too! Unfortunately Zombie Killer's ACS Footsteps mod doesn't seem to do anything with 3D water areas. I do have a plan for a workaround and will look into it for a future update.paradust wrote:The splash footsteps rarely come on when walking over shallow water.
Yeah I love the water in the original, but I am told that currently in GZDoom texture shaders can't affect anything behind them, so no can do for now, sorry!paradust wrote:The water itself - it would be great if the ripples actually distorted everything like in the original, although I suspect this is a limitation of the current engine (I cannot believe a game from 1995 has an actual technical advantage over some modern engines!!!).
The issue with this is, in Doom enemies tend try to get towards you instead of just wandering, so having them active at all times could end up with them bunching together up against walls and ruining the flow of encounters. There are also certain enemies that I'd rather remain in a specific place for ambushes and stuff, since I've changed a lot of enemy placements for the sake of balance. I'll see what I can do with this though, I think there is a 'randomly wander' function in the engine so I may be able to make use of it.paradust wrote:I noticed that the baddies are in idle state until they spot you. Is this inherent in the new engine? The reason I am asking is that, if I remember correctly, in AB3D they would all actively look for you from the moment the map was loaded. Thanks to this, you could not spot an enemy in the same place twice.
Sorry about this - it's very tricky to balance. Maybe the new update is better for you. I had to reduce the grenade gravity to have it travel further so there's still some high bouncing especially from high places, but it should be nicer for general use hopefully!paradust wrote:The grenades feel a tad too bouncy - especially when dropping them down into lower levels.
I did have it more like this, but I felt like it made the shotgun a bit too powerful, and I like the idea of it having it's own short range, high damage niche rather than being another medium-range option like the Plasma. I'll take it under consideration and will see if more people think the same thing though.paradust wrote:I would make the spread of the shotgun much more concentrated. The original shotgun used slugs, which made it close to a railgun. Now, while I like the idea of using buckshot, I would tighten up the spread radius. I just remember that picking off aliens from medium distance with a few well-placed shots was extremely satisfying.
Yup, look into A_Wander (instead of or working alongside A_Chase), it should provide what you seek.ArcturusDeluxe wrote:The issue with this is, in Doom enemies tend try to get towards you instead of just wandering, so having them active at all times could end up with them bunching together up against walls and ruining the flow of encounters. There are also certain enemies that I'd rather remain in a specific place for ambushes and stuff, since I've changed a lot of enemy placements for the sake of balance. I'll see what I can do with this though, I think there is a 'randomly wander' function in the engine so I may be able to make use of it.
I'm not the author but someone mentioned the higher tier enemies lack rotations, so that may be worth looking into perhaps, just as a suggestion.paradust wrote:p.s. I used to do pixel graphics in DPaint back in the day. Let me know if you got anything that needs work on (although seeing how you designed the HUD - which just oozes awesomeness - I don't think you'll need it).
I started working on a Gloom TC for GZDoom some years ago, converted everything up to the first hell level before I got bored. Gloom is far less fun than Alien Breed 3D in the long run with only three enemy types per episode and no real difference between the weapons. Still, I got so far, I think I will eventually come back to it and finish it.Dynamo wrote: By the way, are there any plans for the sequel to this game to receive a similar treatment in the future? Or maybe some other Amiga FPS (someone mentioned Breathless, and I'm gonna mention Genetic Species)? If not that's fine, just figured I'd ask.
I ripped some resources from Breathless (nearly all textures plus screens, fonts and soundtrack) maybe someone like ImpieTwo would make a remake out of then, also i was able to rip the gun used in Gloom Deluxe (tbh, that was easy af, just needed to decrunch the sprite fileDynamo wrote: By the way, are there any plans for the sequel to this game to receive a similar treatment in the future? Or maybe some other Amiga FPS (someone mentioned Breathless, and I'm gonna mention Genetic Species)? If not that's fine, just figured I'd ask.
I hope you do. Your TC is actually better than the port that someone has done recently from the Amiga sources.Cherno wrote:I started working on a Gloom TC for GZDoom some years ago, converted everything up to the first hell level before I got bored. Gloom is far less fun than Alien Breed 3D in the long run with only three enemy types per episode and no real difference between the weapons. Still, I got so far, I think I will eventually come back to it and finish it.Dynamo wrote: By the way, are there any plans for the sequel to this game to receive a similar treatment in the future? Or maybe some other Amiga FPS (someone mentioned Breathless, and I'm gonna mention Genetic Species)? If not that's fine, just figured I'd ask.
If you could throw your Breathless stuff my way, I'd be grateful. I've been wanting to do a Breathless TC for a few years now but have been unable to figure out the file format for the textures. And it would be a great motivation to finally learn doom mapping...Rayman The Hedgehog wrote: I ripped some resources from Breathless (nearly all textures plus screens, fonts and soundtrack) maybe someone like ImpieTwo would make a remake out of then, also i was able to rip the gun used in Gloom Deluxe (tbh, that was easy af, just needed to decrunch the sprite file
and throw it in the sprite viewer the source code have)