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Hey guys, so I've got a couple of updates to share. First thing, I finally updated the first post with up-to-date information and a bunch of newer screenshots. There's a quick description of the new weapons and powerups for anyone interested in them. I might do the same for the new demons at some point. Anyways, hopefully that resolves any confusion about the project and better describes what its all about. I'll also try to revolve map screenshots as more maps are finished.
Second thing, here are screenshots of the 2 new DM maps I made recently. This first map is called Helafex Station; its a medium-sized, somewhat flat layout, nothing too special. I detailed this one to resemble the first setting that appears in episode 1; one thing you may notice is Cage's new sky texture.
And this latest map is called Dynahammer. Cage worked on some industrial textures for a setting that will appear in episode 2, and I really wanted to give them a spin. I made this particular layout specifically with this theme in mind and I think it came out very nice. It's a fairly large map with lots of height variation.
Hopefully I'll have more mapping stuffs to show off soon
Faaaaantabulous maps and eye candy!! The skybox at the 1st map looks amazing, unique and just and glorious. Honestly i just can't wait for this, but i'll try-
Hey thanks for the kind words everyone . I just finished up the lighting work on another DM map, so here's another progress report/screenshot dump for you guys.
This map is called "Demonic Cryonics", and its a reskin/revamp of a 32in24 map I made years ago (Marmalade Murder Mansion). Part of the ice-themed setting will have demonic areas, so this is a practice in that intended style. It was also a nice excuse to use the Supplice fireblu texture
And this map (that I literally finished up a few minutes ago) is called "Stratobase Becrux". This one was an exercise for the decrepit floating techbase setting (which will make up the 2nd half of episode 1). There should be lots of new texture stuff in this map that hasn't been seen yet. The layout for this one is brand new a well.
I'm probably going to take a break from the DM stuff and start focusing on the main gameplay maps in the coming months. Actually I had been working on a layout for the floating base setting, but it was turning into a struggle to finish. So the above DM map was made as a way to practice with that setting and the textures that go with it.
Anyways, I'll try to remember and post some more progress reports in here in the future.
I still can't help but feel like these were somehow ripped from the recesses of my own imagination... not that I'm trying to claim any sort of credit for this, no! I mean more that I've imagined worlds that looked like Doom maps, but about as colorful and detailed as these maps here. While I'm barely a mapper, and an artist nowhere near Cage's caliber, it just feels so... satisfying... to finally be able to play a mapset made by a team of dedicated modders who were able to take this concept and actually make something out of it.
What I mean to say more, is... in essence, this mapset feels like a dream come true.
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates here! I forgot to mention a while back that I talked a bit about the project on my webzone (the tl;dr is basically that I couldn't do much work on the project because of some personal issues). But I've slowly been making some mapping progress the past couple of months. So I'll share some screenshots with you guys.
The gameplay pass on Romeda is done, and I decided to see if I could work in some portals to add just a bit more depth to some areas. I haven't done anything of substance with portals before, and this seemed like the perfect time to learn how to use them. These shots were taken while I was doing a testing run, just to show off some of the areas where I added portal details.
Lately I've been working on cleaning up Cryoferron before doing its gameplay pass, so I'm adding some portal details to it as well.
So far these portals have been used mostly for detail purposes. But I would like to do more gameplay-oriented things with them in the future if I can wrap my head around some decent concepts. Once I finish up the gameplay pass on Cryoferron, I'll finally start working on some new maps and stop reposting this old stuff
Looks absolutely incredible! I love the use of color and how clean the texture and sprite work is. And that second area (top right) has an amazing sense of depth and scale to it.
Life might get in the way of finishing this, but I'm still appreciating the eye-candy you're putting out.
This looks amazing and also like it's going to melt some computers. I can already smell the tidal wave of "wtf this sucks I only get 10fps" coming to shore.