Download (PK3, 10.9 MB)
Additional info:
1) You should use at least GZDoom 4.2.4 for this since I am using a new MAPINFO function allowing to show author names on the level stats/tally screen.
2) Some maps had to be edited to make packaging along with other maps possible, avoiding sound and graphics conflicts.
3) PWADs containing more than one level were split, with health and inventory maintained during level transitions.
4) Separately released maps belonging together (as a series) are bundled, but health and inventory is reset during level transitions.
5) "The River of Fire, Part 3": This map requires jumping.
6) Notable map changes:
- "Blood, Fire, Death": Second map omitted since you basically just die there
- "Enchanter": Line #1786 edited in second level to fix a texture problem
- "The Remote Outpost": Specials for lines #346+1180 changed from 28 to 26 (green --> blue access door)
- "The River of Fire, Part 3": TITLEMAP omitted
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Included maps & credits:
Code: Select all
Adrian Hanekom .................. "Where Serpents ever Dwell" (2011)
Azamael ......................... "Blood, Fire, Death" (2010)
Charlie Reis .................... "The Seven Chambers" (1997)
Chris Klie ...................... "Smudge" (1995), 3 maps
Christopher Lutz ................ "Icebound" (2011), "Reclamation" (2001), "Torture" (2001)
David Dibble .................... "Enchanter" (1999), 2 maps
David J. Reid ................... "Wyvern Heights" (1995)
DooMBoy ......................... "The Abandoned City" (2004)
Draconio ........................ "The Sewers of D'sparil, Part 1" (2004)
ETTiNGRiNDER .................... "Coven" (2012), "Mountain King's Domain" (2015), "Valley of Saints" (2013)
Eric Alm ........................ "The Sewers of D'sparil, Part 2" (2004)
Hisymak ......................... "New Dungeons" (2010)
Joe ............................. "Camelot" (1995)
J.C. 'SailorScout' Bengtson ..... "The Fiery Crater" (2000), "The Fiery Descent" (1999), "Water Castle" (1999), "Water City" (1997)
J. Keith Foster ................. "Die Trying" (1995)
John 'Dr. Sleep' Anderson ....... "Recant" (1995)
Keith Phipps .................... "The Subterranean River" (1995)
Ken Phipps ...................... "Burial Ground" (2000), "Dark Mountain" (1998), "Dark Mountain II" (1999), "Desert Crypt" (1998), "Shadowy Forest" (2000)
Lüt ............................. "The Sewers of D'sparil, Part 3" (2004)
Mike 'Impie' MacDee ............. "Max Saga: The Doom Dragon" (2014)
MorbidBrute ..................... "Emerald Bathhouse" (2016)
Pablo Dictter ................... "Heart of Fire" (2001), "The River of Fire" (2000), "The River of Fire, Part 3" (2010), 2 maps
Paul Corfiatis .................. "Candy Choppers" (2001), "Lucifer's Spell" (2007)
PCA Joseph ...................... "Ascent from the Depths" (1996)
PillowBlaster ................... "The Dragonmaw"
Pritesh 'Ice' Mistry ............ "D'sparil's Lost Keep" (2000)
Robert Eckhardt ................. "The Crypts" (2003)
Samuel 'Kaiser' Villarreal ...... "Town of Witchcraft" (2007)
Sarge Baldy ..................... "The Remote Outpost" (2005)
SFoZ911 ......................... "Town of Aquafort" (2012)
SlayeR .......................... "Fortress of D'sparil" (2002)
Travers Dunne ................... "Avatar's Demise" (1997)
Wraith .......................... "Alfa 4" (2015)