I wouldn't call our argument "uncivilized". This was a heated argument maybe. We will agree to disagree and I will ignore that threat. But thank you for your concern.Enjay wrote:OK people, this is starting to become uncivilised. Keep it nice or official warnings will follow.
Doom Exp
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- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: Florida
Re: Doom Exp
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- Joined: Fri May 10, 2019 8:19 am
- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: Florida
Re: Doom Exp

-----------[Version 1.9c Release]-----------
- Happy Thanksgiving!
Changelog v1.9c :
Code: Select all
- 2 New monster types added (Doom 3 Wraith & Superfast Melee Revenant).
- Armor piercing shotguns upgrade (rank 16).
- Small overlay for XP counter added.
- Most decapitation sprites reworked (Baron, Wraith and Arch Vile can now also lose their heads).
- Dismembered Arachnotron heads, Baron heads & Arachnorbqueen corpses can be shot.
- Added breakable tech pillars.
- Ammo counter for shoulder cannon fire mode icons.
- "No double damage" option added. When enabled the "50% monsters killed" level bonus will give you a berserk sphere instead.
- Wall latching On/Off option added.
- Berserk icon indicator added.
- Freeze cannon uses 80 cells and does less damage to boss monsters.
- Increased HP on some of the breakable decorations.
- Mortally Challenged difficulty has been made more challenging since it was pretty much just a joke. However some people don't like the Ultra Violence difficulty on Rip and Tear.
- Chainsaws spawn with additional fuel canisters around them.

Wraiths are limited to melee attacks with their falx-like arms, and run forward to attack the player. They possess a so-called "teleportation" ability, disappearing for a few seconds before reappearing several feet ahead of their previous position.
Melee Revenant:
Unlike the revenant, the melee revenant has no missile attacks. He has less health but still packs a hell of a punch. His main strength is his high speed movement.
Armor piercing shotguns:
A new high rank upgrade for the shotguns has been added. The armor piercing ammo will rip and tear through hordes of monsters with ease.

Feel free to join our discord server for exclusive info or to share your thoughts and suggestions. Also get early access to development builds of the mod.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:09 am
Re: Doom Exp
Fuck yeah! Good changes and great mod.Officer D wrote: - Armor piercing shotguns upgrade (rank 16).
- "No double damage" option added. When enabled the "50% monsters killed" level bonus will give you a berserk sphere instead.
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- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: Florida
Re: Doom Exp
Some people disliked the double damage bonus, so that's why I made it optional. However, keep in mind. Any other difficulty besides "Mortally Challenged" increases the monsters health and aggressiveness. So for example the SSG will take 1 shot more for Demons, Revenants, Mancubi, Cacodemons, etc. and quite a few more for boss enemies, since instead of 4000HP the Cyberdemon has 6000. Also there are quite a few custom monster (when enabled) that are way more deadly and have more HP than the standard ones. I also increased the HP of the Spider Mastermind, so it has 9000 Health. This is when the double damage becomes useful imo.
However, with the alt fire mode upgrades and other later upgrades, I guess the double damage does become a little bit overpowered. So, I get it. =D
However, with the alt fire mode upgrades and other later upgrades, I guess the double damage does become a little bit overpowered. So, I get it. =D
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Re: Doom Exp
Would love to see the weapons that can be found expand exponentially. Other than that AWESOME mod! I love these mods than add experience/rank systems. Gives something to come back & keep playing for.
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- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: Florida
Re: Doom Exp

-----------[Version 2.0 Release]-----------
Get it here!
Credit goes to Lewisk3 and his Universal Glory Kills mod.
With it I was able to make Doom Exp specific glory kills.
I took the liberty and also added special pickups and added 3 variations of glory kill.

Changelog 2.0 :
Code: Select all
- Glory kills are now included.
- Custom drop items added (Health/Armor/Ammo).
- 3 different glory kill combos.
- Fixed chainsaw bug where it would spawn sparks in mid air.
- Took out the "Monster" flag for the lootboxes so you can't glory kill them.[/list]

Feel free to join our discord server for exclusive info or to share your thoughts and suggestions. Also get early access to development builds of the mod.
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Re: Doom Exp
Hi. Ive played more your mod and i have some suggestions what should you improve in my opinion
1. Please make stagger states more visible, its sometimes hard to see it, especially on wraiths. Also glory kill integration with quick doom blade would be amazing feature.
2. Please add some effect effect to bfg altfire. Its super powerfull attack but it just looks underpowered. I think you should add effect like serious bomb flash from serious sam but in red color, because flames.
3. Please rebalance shoulder flamethrower. It have defenietly too little number of shots when player have full ammo. And fuel is not super-common ammo type. I think adding +100 to max fuel ammo limit will do the job.
4. Please add diffrent alt fire for chaingun. It feels meh and visuals is meh i think. It works more like a auto-shotgun. It should feel like fast firing weapon. Maybe some accurate burst mode with little cooldown will work better?
5. Some fire resistance for player will be nice. Dying super fast from bfg flames/shoulder flamethrower its kinda bad, so bad.
I wish you luck with your project!
1. Please make stagger states more visible, its sometimes hard to see it, especially on wraiths. Also glory kill integration with quick doom blade would be amazing feature.
2. Please add some effect effect to bfg altfire. Its super powerfull attack but it just looks underpowered. I think you should add effect like serious bomb flash from serious sam but in red color, because flames.
3. Please rebalance shoulder flamethrower. It have defenietly too little number of shots when player have full ammo. And fuel is not super-common ammo type. I think adding +100 to max fuel ammo limit will do the job.
4. Please add diffrent alt fire for chaingun. It feels meh and visuals is meh i think. It works more like a auto-shotgun. It should feel like fast firing weapon. Maybe some accurate burst mode with little cooldown will work better?
5. Some fire resistance for player will be nice. Dying super fast from bfg flames/shoulder flamethrower its kinda bad, so bad.
I wish you luck with your project!
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- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
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Re: Doom Exp
The BFG alt fire actually already has a serious bomb like flash in 3 different colors depending on how much ammo you have, if Hud overlays is enabled. But I did add a different type of flash effect now for disabled Hud overlays. The quick Doom Blade will not be used to engage a glory kill, since it will slow gameplay down too much and some people don't want to use the glory kill feature. However the Doom Blade animation is already used for 2 glory kills.
The chaingun alt fire is a personal preference. I had people say they love it too. Personally I like it. You are free to edit the fire mode if you want.
Get it here!
Changelog v2.0a
The chaingun alt fire is a personal preference. I had people say they love it too. Personally I like it. You are free to edit the fire mode if you want.
Get it here!
Changelog v2.0a
Code: Select all
- Glory kills now do special kills or gib most monsters.
- Changed color of stagger effect to hopefully make more noticable.
- Rocket and Fuel ammo capacity increased.
- Reduced player damage taken by fire and grenades.
- Protection power up fully protects you from fire damage.
- Fixed monster alerts for some weapons (fire sounds will only alert monsters)
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2019 9:27 am
Re: Doom Exp
So... this is like a Doom Eternal Lite mode ... in Doom?
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:09 am
Re: Doom Exp
Yeah pretty much, but probably better ^^Tc_667 wrote:So... this is like a Doom Eternal Lite mode ... in Doom?
Btw, like new changes. This mod is getting better with each version. Especially like doomslayer difficulty + hi exp. Nice high risk gameplay without too much frustation and bullshit situations.
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2019 9:27 am
Re: Doom Exp
i guess i can still play modern games in doom then!jablon1000 wrote:Yeah pretty much, but probably better ^^Tc_667 wrote:So... this is like a Doom Eternal Lite mode ... in Doom?
Btw, like new changes. This mod is getting better with each version. Especially like doomslayer difficulty + hi exp. Nice high risk gameplay without too much frustation and bullshit situations.
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- Joined: Fri May 10, 2019 8:19 am
- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: Florida
Re: Doom Exp

-----------[Version 2.1 News]-----------
Doom Exp 2.1 is a big update and a lot of things have been reworked. Weapon upgrade tokens (Power Nodes) are now used to install weapon upgrades, making the progression more dynamic since you will be able to grind towards your desired weapon upgrades. Power nodes will randomly drop from monsters, will be given with rank up's, can be bought in the buy menu or are given by getting a 100% on any level.

Power Up's are also handled differently than in the previous versions. The power up icons are now all listed on the left side of the HUD and are greyed out, indicating not active. Over the buy menu you will be able to exchange power up's for Xp. After buying one the assigned icon will light up and a timer will appear next to it, indicating how long the power up is active for.
Pay to win mode:
A pay 2 win mode has been added. This will add an extra layer of difficulty to the game. In this mode no weapons will ever spawn. The only way to get weapons is through the Buy Menu - p2w specifics.
Health and Armor are less likely to spawn in maps. So utilizing glory kills, chainsaw alt fire and the buy menu are encouraged through this mode.

Get early access to development builds of the mod on our discord.
Semi complete changlog list from the 2.1 test versions on discord:
- Entire weapon upgrading script was rewritten (no more forced weapon switches)
Power up's are now temporary buyable upgrades.
Monsters drop additional Xp for special kills.
Icon indicators rearranged / redone.
Grapple hook grabs onto walls on/off switch added.
New Monster added (Enhanced Cacodemon).
Some ACS clean up for better performace.
Fixed modes resetting when under 1k Xp.
Fixed Chainsaw upgrade on wrong rank bug.
Fixed Chainsaw/Crucible retrigger bug.
Fixed upgraded crosshairs bug.
Fixed weapons taking ammo on infinite ammo power up.
Added +25 permanent health to buy menu.
Added +25 permanent ammo to buy menu.
Added Shotgun grapple hook to buy menu.
Added Jump boost to buy menu.
Added XP drops for breaking props.
Added XP drop for flipping off monsters.
p2w has it's own menu within the buy menu.
p2w weapon prices increased.
Power nodes added.
Alt fire upgrades must be bought with power nodes now.
All upgrades removed from rank system. XP or Power Nodes are now needed.
Higher ranks or completionist Tiers reward more power nodes.
Crucible and Shoulder Cannon are now buyable.
Wraith health lowered.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:09 am
Re: Doom Exp
Yeah nice changes. Looking forward for it.
Can you add ammo regeneration for crucible? I mean if you have for example 1 charge left better strategy is using it than keeping this one charge, because if you wait some time you will get 3 charges. Also moving it to 8 slot and no auto fire will make it better i think.
Can you add ammo regeneration for crucible? I mean if you have for example 1 charge left better strategy is using it than keeping this one charge, because if you wait some time you will get 3 charges. Also moving it to 8 slot and no auto fire will make it better i think.
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- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: Florida
Re: Doom Exp
Done! Also added a indicator similar to the dash icon.

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- Joined: Fri May 10, 2019 8:19 am
- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: Florida
Re: Doom Exp
Since there was this big fuss about the Hud face reflection. I added a similar effect for the power ups