A few pints of slaughter, is all I ask.
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Not sure if there are any Mortal Kombat inspired mods out there but since it's my one of the two favourite games (the other one is Doom), I've decided to make one. This mod puts you in the shoes of the sadistic blood sorceress names Skarlet, where she is out for blood, ready to brutally slaughter anything that gets on her way. Similar to Doom Incarnate, this mod supports any sort of monster mod.
Link: https://mega.nz/#!QtAVFSia!3DM1xuGodlBQ ... MHYWTNc1_Q
Older versions
MEGA links
WIP: https://mega.nz/#!th5w2aRQ!GttcIpdSGLlM ... 5O9vFq3Ci4
MediaFire links
WIP: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pdonu3u5 ... P.pk3/file
Spoiler: Elements![]()
You can collect elemental essences to spice up the spells. You can equip them by pressing dedicated buttons.)
Element of Blaze: Deals fire DoT which is strong but last for a short amount of time.
Element of Poison: Deals poison DoT which is weak but lasts for long.
Element of Frost: Releases ice shards that rip through enemies.
Element of Thunder: Deals stun debuffs. Explosive projectiles also have a slight chance of getting struck by lightning.
Element of Darkness: Deals darkness DoT which is both strong and lasts long and releases projectiles that rip thru enemies.
Element of Chaos: Sends out chaos rays, dealing massive damage to the enemies (basically BFG-like damage).
Spoiler: Weapons
The number of weapons is currently kinda shallow, but the mod is kinda fresh, so there will be more later, much more (I can accept weapon ideas). Not to mention every weapon has 2 or more firemodes, you scroll through them by pressing the
reload button.
Ritual Dagger
Skarlet's trusty dagger, also your starting weapon. It's not that strong, but some of the spells are performed by it, so you'll perform them quicker if you are holding it.
1 - Swing: You basically swing the dagger, slicing your enemies. You can swing even faster by tapping the button.
2 - Vampiric Touch: The weapon is mostly the same, except you gain 10 HP per hit and get a slight damage buff. Each swing consumes 20 blood energy, whether you hit something or not. You
also need the vampiric touch scroll to unlock this firemode.
Blood Sword
Yup, you can craft weapons out of blood of your enemies. And they are surprisingly effective.
1 - Swing: Yup, same shit, different day- I mean, weapon.
2 - Force Slash: You focus blood energy on the sword and cast a blade projectile by swinging it. Can be charged. Takes 25-100 blood energy.
Blood Armblades
An excellent choice for melee combat, as it is proven by the Tarkatan.
1 - Chop chop: You start swinging your blades faster and faster by holding down the fire button.
2 - Blade Spark: You cast blade projectiles that bounce thru walls. Costs 15 blood energy.
Blood Lance
It deals slightly higher damage than the sword and has a very impressive range, even for a lance.
1 - Swing: Uh-huh.
2 - Lance Throw: You lunge a lance which has a very high impact damage and explodes violently due to its immense velocity. Can be charged. Takes 35-140 blood energy.
Blood Scythe
It's rather slow, but it's ideal for killing multiple enemies in one hit.
1 - Swing: You swing the scythe, you can also charge the attacks.
2 - Scythe Throw: You throw the scythe which can bounce from walls. It is stupidly good for crowd control. Takes 100 blood energy.
3 - Vampire's Edge: A far edgier version of the sword's Force Slash, except this one grants you health when the projectile is slicing thru the enemies. Takes 50-200 blood energy.
Blood Hammer
Works pretty similar to the scythe, except this one stuns the enemies for several seconds since its damage is trauma-based.
1 - Swing: Same thing. Also can be charged:
2 - Hammer Throw: You throw the hammer which deals immense impact damage and explodes. Takes 100 blood energy.
3 - Hammer Quake: You hit the ground with the hammer and all the enemies near you get stunned. Takes 150 blood energy.
Death's Hand
The wrath of Shinnok is in your hands, except this time it's much bloodier.
1 - Judgment Fist: You swing your fist and a giant bone fist gets launched. It deals great impact damage and it gets crushed into bone fragments which rip through anything on their path.
Takes 75 blood energy.
2 - Blood Trail: You cast a projectile that moves along the ground and erects tentacles as it moves. Takes 150 blood energy.
3 - Death's Claw: You summon a giant claw that moves along the ground and slices through anything like a hot knife through butter. Takes 200 blood energy.
4 - Devil's Palm: Anything on your sight gets crushed by a pair of giant bone hands. But you need to fully charge it and it takes 800 blood energy (you must be level 15 at least) and has a 60
seconds cooldown.
Spoiler: Spells
You get a surprisingly generous number of spells, even for this version. You need to level up to unlock and upgrade these spells, though (the levels required are shown in parantheses).
Blood Shot
One of the two starting spells. It's pretty basic, decent for taking out small enemies at long range. Each projectile takes 10 blood energy.
Level 1 - A significant increase in damage and projectile speed. (Level 1)
Level 2 - The enemies hit by the blood shot drop health bonuses. (Level 4)
Level 3 - The shots are hitscan. (Level 7)
Level 4 - The enemies hit by it also drop armour bonuses. (Level 13)
Level 5 - The shots go through 2 enemies. (Level 18)
Level 6 - The shots go through infinite amount of enemies. (Level 29)
Blood Ball
Your other starting spell. Moves slow but it deals splash damage upon impact. Takes 25 blood energy.
Level 1 - The projectile shoots a few blood shots upon impact. (3)
Level 2 - Blood shots home to their enemies. (9)
Level 3 - Blood shots bounce several times from surfaces. (17)
Level 4 - Significant increase in damage. (21)
Blood Stream (2)
You can cast a medium-ranged stream of blood. Pretty good for a big number of smaller enemies. Each projectile takes 2 blood energy.
Level 1 - The stream rips through enemies. (8)
Level 2 - Significant increase in rate of fire. (15)
Level 3 - The stream is not affected by gravity and now each projectile is much faster. (20)
Level 4 - The stream is a constant blood beam. (45)
Blood Clot (5)
You can cast a clot that acts like a proximity mine and detonates when enemies get near it. Each projectile takes 50 blood energy.
1 - The clots launch a few mini clots upon detonation. (12)
2 - The first three upgrades for blood ball. (26)
3 - Same as previous one, but for the mini clots. (38)
Bloodnado (6)
You can cast a tornado composed of blood magic that pulls any foe that comes near it to itself. Each projectile takes 75 blood energy.
Level 1 - Bloodnado shoots blood stream to its surroundings. (10)
Level 2 - Bloodnado shoots homing blood shots. (22)
Level 3 - Bloodnado shoots mini clots. (28)
Level 4 - Bloodnado explodes violently instead of fading out. (41)
Red Rain (11)
You can summon a cloud that rains blood on top of you. Grants offensive boosts. Takes 125 blood energy.
Level 1 - Hurts anything that get under the rain. (23)
Level 2 - Gives the player a 100% damage boost instead of 50%. (27)
Level 3 - Gives player a 25% speed boost. (35)
Level 4 - The enemies get killed explode violently, causing a chain reaction for hordes of smaller enemies. (47)
Krimson Shield (14)
You summon a shield around you that halves the damage you take. Takes 200 blood energy.
Level 1 - The player is immune against radiation. (33)
Level 2 - Refills the player's ethereal armour. (36)
Level 3 - Gives the player invulnerability. (48)
Blood Summon (18)
You summon golems that are invulnerable but have a lifespan of 20 seconds. The summon projectiles must hit the ground and reasonably far away from the walls otherwise it'll fail to spawn.
Takes 125 blood energy.
Level 1 - Blood golems are much more aggressive. (25)
Level 2 - Blood golems now shoot blood balls instead of blood shots. (37)
Level 3 - Blood golems have a lifespan of 30 seconds instead of 20. (44)
Bleeding Edge (19)
You summon a bunch of stakes in a spread pattern. Takes 40 blood energy.
Level 1 - The spell can be charged up to 4 times. (31)
Level 2 - The stakes bounce off floors several times. (42)
Level 3 - The stakes also bounce off actors. (46)
Blood Ritual (24)
You drain your life essence to unleash deadly flames against anything near you. This damages you, even if you are invulnerable. The ritual costs 80 blood energy per seconds.
Level 1 - Far less blood energy required to perform blood ritual. (40)
Level 2 - Significantly increased range for blood ritual. (49)
Exploding Necrosis (30)
Unleash a gigantic blood ball that rips through anything and explodes violently.
Level 1 - Leaves a bunch of blood clots which don't harm the player. (32)
Level 2 - Shoots out homing blood shots. (34)
Level 3 - Shoots out blood stream to its surroundings. (39)
Level 3 - Shoots out homing blood balls. (43)
Level 4 - Sets anything near it on fire (50)
Spoiler: Powerups
Blood Amulet: It grants 200 health and ethereal armor and blood energy regeneration.
Gemstone of Vitality: This mysterious gemstone pumps bloodlust to its wielder. Upon pickup, the player gains health from blood energy dropped from enemies.
Eye of the Dragon King: Although it's just an imitation of the real thing, it's still pretty effective. The player doesn't lose any blood energy by picking it up.
Scroll of Blood Code: Makes the player invulnerable and quadruples their damage.
Scroll of the Wanderer: Reveals the entirety of the map.
Scroll of Destruction: Basically this mod's version of quad damage. It obviously multiplies the damage of the player by four.
Nitara's Blessing: Gives you ability to fly for a minute. Also gives you slight vampirism bonus.
Swordsman's Blindfold: Despite being a poor attempt of Kenshi's blindfold, it still manages to keep the souls inside them for a minute after someone wields it. The souls allow the player
to see things better at the dark.
Elemental Talisman: Increases the essence capacity by 10%.
Spoiler: Screenshots
Spoiler: Credits
NetherRealm Studios: Duh.
Mike12: The base for player sprite.
Raven Software: The back skirt for the player sprite and sound effect for elemental talisman.
ID Software: Sound effects for blood code and scroll of destruction.
DBThanatos: Blood shot health & armor sprites and the black hole sprites.
Mor'ladim: Blood container and gemstone of vitality sprites.
MagicWazard: Blood code sprites.
Hayabusa: Bloody head sprites.
Captain Awesome: Gore pack, marine victim and hanged marine sprites.
TODM: Hanging marine sprites.
Captain Toenail: More hanging marines & Skulltag gore sprites.
MDK: Marine corpse sprites.
Anarchist: Hanged player sprites.
scalliano: Impaled scientist sprites.
Croteam: A bunch of blood energy and blood gemstone sound effects.
People Can Fly: Blood energy and level up sound effects.
Daedalus: Blood energy, blood code and ethereal armor sound effects.
Electronic Arts: Blood amulet sound effects.
PillowBlaster: Sound effects for scroll of destruction and essence potion sound effects.
Blizzard: Essence potion sound effects
Red Hook: Wanderer's scroll sound effect.
FlyingWildHog: Weapon / spell charge sound effect.
Valve: Bloodnado loop sound effect.
Westwood: Blaze necrosis ball explosion sound effect.
rotten-eyed: MK11 Skarlet model rip.
romero1718: MK9 Skarlet and Shao Kahn, MKX Sub-Zero and Shinnok prop rips.
Capcom: Blood Scythe model.
Vados: Blood Scythe model rip.
stan423321: For the flying script for Nitara's blessing.
Zhs2: Same as the above.
Tiffli: For ripping the models for Blood Armblades.
mortalkombatwarehouse: Big credits to this site for almost all of the icons in this game.