Featuring Doom!
And Heretic!
Have you gotten bored of the Vanilla 3 classes in Hexen? Do you wish that there was something that made them different, but left room for another mod to change the world or monsters? Well, I got something that might fit for you! This mod changes all of the classes in many ways and each class requires a much different play style from what they may have had previously. And it also adds a new class!
Welcome to HexArcana!
In a surprising twist to fate I've pushed out another update! Definitely the last one for many years to come... This update drastically changes the Paladin class. For better or for worse. Good luck to you all and have fun.
V 1.0
HexArcana V3.1 -Major version download
HexArcana V3.0.2
HexArcana V3.0.1
HexArcana V3.0
Hexarcana V2.1
Hexarcana V2.0
Hexarcana V1.2
Hexarcana V1.1
Hexarcana V1.0
(In case the others don't work)
V2.1 (Russian?)
The new STUFF!
Stamina Potions: Replaces some of the Disks of Repulsion. How many it replaces is controllable via the options menu.
When consumed gives 25 Stamina, and 15 Arcane Blood.
NOTE: These will continue to spawn if you disable the Arcane Blood use and Stamina use in options, so if you do that make sure to set the spawn rate to 0.
Arcane Armor Shard: Replaces some of Doom's armor bonuses and some ammo types in Heretic, DOOM AND HERETIC ONLY. When used adds armor class to the player's total
armor class. +1 for Slayer, +2 for Magister, +3 for Vesper, +4 for Warlock.
Raven's Blessing: Replaces MegaSphere, DOOM ONLY. Does exactly what the MegaSphere does, except instead of giving the character 200 max health,
will only give character's max health +50, plus the 200 armor, which is represented as +10 armor class. Stacks with all other armor types.
Emerald Amulet: Replaces rad suit, DOOM ONLY. When used does the same as the rad suit.
Ring of the Unseen: Replaces Blur Sphere, DOOM AND HERETIC ONLY. When used does the same as the blur sphere.
Barbarian Class:
Max health is 150. Starts with 5 Armor Class.
Stamina (disabled in options). Caps at 100, gains fast from standing still and weilding gauntlets, slower while moving, no gain while sprinting
You can often still attack when stamina is depleted, but your attacks will be slower.
1st weapon: Fists.
Primary fire is a 3 punch combo, a quick right-left jab, then a heavy punch.
Secondary fire is a powerful overhead two handed strike which launches the
enemy backward, and is slightly damaged by hitting enemies and walls. It also briefly stuns the enemy.
Pressing the reload key, performs a flying punch, launching the player forward
dealing massive damage and launching the enemy back. When doing this you gain some damage resistance.
Having the Gauntlets equipped makes your stamina recharge faster.
All fist attacks can hurt invulnerable centaurs
2nd weapon: Axe.
Primary fire is a 3 hit combo, an overhead chop, a sideways slash, followed by a lefty punch.
The chop and the slash hit enemies in an area, the sideways slash has a MUCH larger area than the chop.
The punch can get through centaur guards.
Secondary charges up the axe and throws it into the fray as an electrical bomb that stuns enemies.
Pressing reload, throws the axe costing 10 Blue mana.
It deals a small area effect when it hits an enemy and has a boomerang
effect and returns a portion of the damage dealt back to the player when the axe
returns. If the axe gets caught on a wall on the way back you are forced to summon it back costing an extra 3 Blue mana.
You switch to the fists while the axe is away.
3rd weapon: Hammer.
Primary fire hits things with the hammer. Uses no mana, but has less range than the axe, and does much more damage.
Secondary throws the hammer, costing 14 Green mana but the hammer is affected
by gravity (adjustable in options) and deals a large amount of area damage.
Holding secondary fire, or pressing reload, uses 30 Green mana but does a large amount of damage,
causing a very wide damaging explosion and thrusting enemies away. Great for clearing up groups.
4th weapon: Quietus.
Primary fire can be charged to be a heavy damage slice, does slightly less than the hammer but has much more reach,
or just tapped for a quick slice that deals a moderate amount of damage.
Secondary fire uses 15 of both manas and launches a projectile with an exploding spiral that rips through enemies
Holding secondary, or pressing the reload key, spawns a cone of flames in front of you damaging
everything in the radius over time costing 20 of both manas.
Flechette: Now is thrown further than before, though retains its basic utility.
Thaumaturge Class:
Max Health is 50. Starts with 1 Armor Class.
Arcane Blood. Caps at 100, 15 from Stamina Potion. Regenerates slowly.
Stamina. Caps at 100, 25 from Stamina Potion. Regenerates rapidly. Regenerates much faster when depleted, but is unusable until 70 is regenerated.
Passive: Kinetic Shield. All hitscan attacks deal 1/5 the damage.
Ability: LifeTap. Damage yourself to refuel your Arcane Blood. 10 HP for 30 AB. Bind a control for it in the controls options.
Ability: Repulsion Wave. Functions similarly to the Disc of Repulsion. Sends projectiles back to their originators and knocks back enemies.
Bind a control for it in the controls options. Costs 20 Arcane Blood.
Ability: Arcane Boost. Tap into your Arcane Blood to improve your arsenal. Makes weapon attacks cost Arcane Blood.
Bind a control for it in the controls options.
Ability: Teleport. Thaumaturge can teleport to a selected location. Bound to the reload key. Costs 25 Stamina.
Holding the button extends the distance and Stamina cost.
Will teleport to furthest available distance while Arcane Boost is active and will cost 3 Arcane Blood and 50 Stamina.
Press fire while aiming at an enemy to insta-kill them for 20 Arcane Blood.
Holding alt fire will allow you to snap your destination marker to enemies. If you teleport into enemies without killing them you will stun them.
Ability: Blink. Thaumaturge will teleport instantaneously in a direction that the player is holding. Bound to the Zoom key. Costs 25 Stamina.
Will have an explosive effect based on what weapon is currently active while Arcane Boost is active costing 2 Arcane blood.
Can only blink downwards while airborn.
1st weapon: Telekinsesis
Primary fire, when tapped, throws a stone at an enemy. Boosted it fires 3 stones in quick succession costing 2 Arcane Blood.
When held, then released, the Primary will throw a concentrated ball of kinetic energy
which shortly explodes dealing damage to enemies and knocking them back.
When powered, this ball will seek enemies and exist much longer giving it much more range.
Alt Fire can activate switches and open doors at long range, but only just after pressing it. Holding will not work.
Alt Fire is primarily useful to pick up enemies. While holding enemies they will be stunned,
and your Stamina will drain, but you can use enemies to block projectiles.
While Arcane Boost is Active and you have Stamina available, you will damage enemies that are being held
by 5% of their current health, or a minimum of 10 damage.
Pressing Fire while holding an enemy will launch them in the direction you are facing, and will damage them and anything they collide with.
You are able to pick up and launch many explosive decorations such as Doom's explosive barrels,
as well as the MoonScourge's dropped moon, and the Thaumaturge flechette.
2nd weapon: Fire and Ice
Primary fire blows out a cone of fire, does not cause pain state.
Short range, goes through enemies, and does little damage individually, but can be held and drains enemy health rapidly.
Powered up blows out a much more long and narrow cone of frost shards. Drains Arcane Blood at about 1/2rd the rate of Blue Mana.
Frost shards do slightly more damage than the cold blast but move a lot faster and go a lot further.
Secondary throws an ice ball that costs 7 Blue mana, and is gravity affected (adjustable in options).
Powered up throws A much larger fireball. Costs 7 AB.
3rd weapon: Shockball
Primary fire throws an orb of electricity, costs 12 Green mana. The orb will shock nearby enemies constantly.
Powered up it shocks faster and does more damage. Costs 6 Arcane Blood as well.
Secondary, costs 5 Green mana, throws a lightning bolt that cuts through enemies, does decent
damage to enemies it goes through and nearby enemies. Powered up it does more damage and has a broader
damage radius to hit nearby enemies. Costs 3 Arcane Blood as well.
4th weapon: MoonScourge
Primary fire launches a moon at enemies which explodes sending out a shower of bomblets, as well as 6 shards which bounce around and seek enemies.
These shards will randomly select an enemy and chase it down until it hits it, then it will select another enemy. They will hit at least 11 enemies
unless they cannot find one to target for 20 seconds then they will die. Costs 6 of each mana.
Powered up it does more damage and will spawn 10 shards. Costs 6 Arcane Blood as well.
Alt Fire charges up the MoonScourge and when released fires a nondamaging rail attack. Where it hits it will summon a rain of lasers which will
directly target random enemies in the area. The more charged the MoonScourge and the more enemies around, the more lasers there will be.
At full charge instead of many small lasers, there will be a massive laser which does very high damage to enemies directly beneath it and an explosion
which will deal heavy damage enemies in a very wide area. Costs 3 of each mana per charge. Full charge costs 25 of each mana.
Powered will summon small meteors instead of lasers, which deal area damage when they hit.
Full charge will summon a very large meteor which does much
more damage and the flame wall it produces extends much further. Also costs 2 Arcane Blood per charge. Full charge costs 15 Arcane Blood.
Flechette: Now floats in mid air and explodes when enemies draw near. Will stay for about a minute before self destructing.
Can be held and launched with Telekinesis.
Paladin Class:
Max Health is 100. Starts with 2 Armor Class.
Stamina same as the Fighter (disabled in options)
ArcaneBlood is gained by killing enemies with either the Mace of Contrition or the Primary of the Wraithverge
Pressing reload on all weapons will activate the the FireStorm's rage mode, if the FireStorm is obtained
1st weapon: Mace of Contrition
Primary fire deals a moderate amount of damage to enemies with moderate melee reach and costing Stamina.
Upon killing an enemy 2-6 Arcane Blood is returned. After a swing, if you are not holding down the attack button
the screen will flash and a noise will sound. If you press attack during this time you will perform a heavy swing, knocking back enemies in an area.
This attack costs 12 Stamina.
You can still attack with the mace if you have no Stamina, but it will be much slower.
Secondary fire casts a self buff. Holding the button will charge the spell. Also will knock enemies and projectiles away upon spell initiation.
First charge will cost 4 Arcane Blood and gives you 20 Stamina.
Second charge will cost 15 Blue mana as well as an additional 5 Arcane Blood. It heals 15-20 health.
Third charge will cost 15 Green mana as well as an additional 4 Arcane Blood.
It gives 1 Armor class up to a max of 18 in addition to healing an additional 20 health.
2nd weapon: Bow of Bow-ery
Primary fire shoots an arrow. Can be charged by holding the button. Each arrow costs 2 Blue mana.
Damage and projectile speed are increased by charging the bow.
Stamina will drain while holding the charged bow.
When enraged, holding primary will rapidly fire arrows at medium strength.
Secondary fires an electric arrow costing 15 Blue mana. When the arrow lands it causes a chain lightning effect.
When enraged, the secondary launches a flaming arrow that spawns a seeking fireball.
3rd weapon: Flames
Tapping Primary fire will punch enemies engulfing them in a shower of embers. Costs 4 green mana.
Holding Primary fire briefly will launch a fireball which will explode and a pinwheel of flames will expand outward. Costs 6 green mana.
When enraged the punch and the fireball become more potent.
Alt fire, when tapped will summon a pillar of flame wherever you are looking. Costs 4 green mana.
When held briefly will summon 4 large flame pillars in front of you dealing heavy damage to anything caught within. Costs 9 green mana.
When continuing to be held, after the 4 large pillars, you will maintain a swirling vortex of fire around you. Continuously drains green mana.
Pressing reload will enrage you summoning a small ring of fire around you, which slightly damages enemies and continuously damages you.
This buffs weapon's attacks. Press reload again to dismiss the ring and end Enragement.
4th weapon: Wraithverge
Primary fire spawns a floating flame that teleports to an enemy within range and burns them.
If the enemy dies it will teleport to another enemy within range, if there is one. If
there isn't one, it will float in wait for an enemy to enter its range. It will disappear after
a certain amount of time. It costs 15 of both manas and returns Arcane Blood on enemy death.
Enragement fires a ball of swirling spirits which will fly out and attack nearby enemies.
Secondary is the vanilla attack because it's badass and impossible to improve. So I unimproved it.
It costs 18 of both manas and now also 30 Arcane Blood. It lauches a ball that bursts
into 4 spirits which seek out enemies and tear them to shreds.
While Enraged spawns 4 spirits which are MUCH faster and more aggressive than normal ones.
Flechette: The Magister now throws his Flechette and it breaks on the enemy or the ground engulfing the area in a torrent of holy fire.
Max Health is 100. Starts with 1 Armor Class.
ArcaneBlood is gained over time or from Stamina Potions
Has 5 bats constantly flying around him.
Pressing reload on all weapons, or holding alt fire, will send out one of your 5 bats to attack. The attack differs based on the equipped weapon.
1st: Excalibat
Primary fire bashes enemies over the head with the bat.
Secondary fire will perform a powerful swing launching enemies away.
Your bats will automatically attack nearby enemies, but this can be disabled in the options.
Sending out your bats causes them to fly out and seek an enemy, damage them a small amount, then return. Costs 1 Arcane Blood.
2nd: Fire Bats
Primary fire launches 3 bats forward which fly in a haphazard manner leaving behind a burning trail damaging nearby enemies. Costs 5 Blue Mana.
Secondary fire launches a volatile bat which flies fast in a straight line, until it sees a nearby enemy.
It then directs itself toward the enemy and explodes on them. Costs 8 Blue Mana.
Sending out your bats, they will seek an enemy, damage it more than normal, and set it aflame, dealing damage over time. Costs 4 Arcane Blood.
3rd: ExtraPlanar Bats
Primary fire summons a stream of bats that fly out at supersonic speeds and damage any enemy they collide with. Costs 8 Green Mana per stream.
Secondary fire summons up to 2 ethereal bats in front of the player, then one energy orb. After being summoned pressing Primary will fire the bats
instantaneously in a line. They will stop at the first enemy hit, except the energy orb, which goes through all enemys in a line.
Costs 4 green mana per summon.
Sending out your bats, they will instantaneously attack wherever you are looking, then fly back. Costs 5 Arcane Blood.
4th: Swarm Bats
Primary fire sends a swarm of bats to attack your enemies. Hold fire to maintain them and aim at an enemy to send the swarm to attack them.
Drains green mana as they attack.
Secondary fire sends out a large swarm of bats which seek out enemies and damage them until they die or the bats time out.
Sending out your bats, they will seek and continuously attack enemies until they time out, then they return. Costs 12 Arcane Blood.
Flechette: A bat carrying the flechette flies where you are looking until it hits a wall or sees an enemy.
When it sees an enemy it divebombs them exploding the flechette.
Projectile Gravity Modifier: Default: 1
Adjust this slider to change how gravity affects certain projectiles. Doesn't change the effect on arrows.
Alt hold performs reload effect: Default: NO
An alternate control scheme where holding alt fire will do the same function as pressing the reload key. No longer works as well as it used to,
but affects all Barbarian and Vesper attacks, and no longer affects Thaumaturge and Paladin in any way.
Disable Stamina: Default: OFF
When ON, will remove the Stamina bar from the HUD, and any attack or effect that would have drained Stamina will no longer do so.
Disable Arcane Blood: Default: OFF
Same as Disable Stamina, but for Arcane Blood.
Percentage to replace Repulsion Disks Default: 50
What portion of Disks of repulsion are replaced by Stamina potions.
0: no Stamina potions will spawn, only Disks will spawn.
100: Only Stamina potions will spawn, no Disks will spawn.
Toggle the AutoBats: Default: ON
When OFF, will disable the Vesper's personal bats from attacking nearby enemies while the Excalibat is equipped.
Toggle bats flying around player Default: ON
When OFF, the 5 bats flying around the Vesper player will not be visible, though the bats will still be available to attack.
Toggle transparent enemies Default: ON
When OFF, the enemies picked up by the Thaumaturge telekinesis will no longer be transparent, but be solid.
Enable AutoUse low Stamina/AB Default: ON
When your Stamina or Arcane Blood hits a certain point, if you have any Stamina potions in your inventory it will automatically be used.
AutoUse limit Default: Stamina: 25, Arcane Blood: 15
These are the points where a Stamina potion will be used if you have one.
Toggle HUD Counts Default: ON
Allows you to turn off the display on the HUD which shows how many of each respective item you have at a glance.
Spoiler:I WILL end up making small changes as time goes by, and suggestions and critiques are welcome.
Many thanks to Boondorl, Agent_Ash aka Jekyll Grim Payne, PhantomBeta, 3Saster, Cherno, Marisa Kirisame, inkoalawetrust, Lewisk3, and everyone else on the discord.
Huge thanks to the people on the Schizm discord as well for their input and testing.
ClassBasedPickup by Agent_Ash aka Jekyll Grim Payne
Mace sprites, idle, swing, and casting are by Lagi
Rage mode cast and dismiss sprites, cleric hand snap by Lagi
FireHammer sprites are by DEAD_FiSH
The structure of WarlockSpells as well as the sprites is by DEAD_FiSH, heavily modified by myself
The concept and implementation of the Stamina Potions was by DEAD_FiSH as well as Stamina and Arcane Blood
The Bow Sprites are by Bethesda Softworks, Raven Software, Monolith Productions, DonaldDuck and edited by Gothic. Found at Realm 667.
Some Bow sprites have been edited by myself.
Meteor explosion sprite is from Duke Nukem.
Meteor Sprite is by Cmdr G on OpenGameArt.org
Meteor summon circle and Arcane shard halo by NeoWorm, edited by me.
Widescreen HUD sprites on Mace, Fists, Axe, Hammer, and Quietus taken from Cronos Unleashed by Rip and Tear
AxeThrow Sprites from WrathofCronos by Thetis, though those sprites may have been done by Neoworm, it wasn't clear in the WrathofCronos credits
Mace Backswing and a portion of the casting sprites by NeoWorm
AxeSlash Sprites and Telekinesis blast sprites by eharper256
Code for the AxeSlash sprites by eharper256
Sprites for Ring of The Unseen are from Black Isle Studios, edited by Xaser
Sprites for Emerald Amulet by Raven Software, edited by Captain Toenail
Sprites for Icon of the Raven by Raven Software, NeuralStunner, Neoworm
Sounds by Kevin Schilder, Chia Chin Lee, Drew Markham, Tommccann, Robinhood76, Humanoide9000, Grant_Evans, Partners In Rhyme, and Myself.
If I missed anything or got anything wrong and you know who did what LET ME KNOW.
A version for Doom will hopefully happen at some point. IS HERE!
Post revision history:
9/7/2021 - V3.0 - Current
6/4/2020 - V2.1
4/1/2020 - V2.0
1/8/2020 - V1.2
11/24/2019 - V1.1
10/7/2019 - V1.0